In Southeastern Europe, the emergence of the Neolithic (c. 6000 cal BC) is associated with the development of two main Neolithic horizons, which have been identified based on two different ceramic styles: the Impressed Ware in the coastal areas (Adriatic) and the Starčevo–Körös–Criș complex in the continental Balkans.

This project aims to explore social interactions between two Neolithic groups, Starčevo and Impressed Ware, by focusing on the study of lithic remains. Two chipped-stone assemblages will be studied combining typo-technologgical and raw material approaches: Svinjarička Čuka, located in southern Serbia, attributed to Starčevo culture and dated c. 6000-5500 cal BC and Konjevrate, situated in Dalmatian hinterland, Croatia, attributed to Impressed Ware culture and dated c. 5800-5500 cal BC.

The objective is to reconstruct the techno-economic strategies employed in lithic procurement and production by two distinct farming groups, with the aim of assessing regional variability, and question possible phylogenetic links between two Neolithic groups, Starčevo of the central Balkans and Impressed Ware of the eastern Adriatic.

Principal investigator


18/08/23 to 18/02/24


E. Podrug (Šibenik City Museum, Croatia)


The Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Joint Excellence in Science and Humanities program