The excavations at Ephesos, with their great quantity of stratified ceramic finds and the exceptional level of research and publication, offer the ideal basis for diachronic studies on typology and chronology, as well as for a functional analysis of a variety of types of pottery.
The subject of a dissertation is a type-specific investigation of the thin-walled pottery with a focus on the late Hellenistic-Augustan period until the end of the 1st century A.D. During this period, Roman influence in the Greek east strengthened, as is manifested as well in the increased appearance of this pottery in the find-spectrum of Ephesos, with a diverse repertoire of forms.
Characteristic for the type is a wall thickness of less than 1 mm up to a maximum of 6 mm; the vessels are turned as discs or in mould, and could be fired both under oxidising or reducing firing conditions in the kiln. In the repertoire of forms, beakers of various designs dominate, in addition to bowls, and more rarely, jugs, little pots and bottles. They attest to the use of the pottery as tableware, above all as drinking utensils at table.
Combined archaeological and archaeometric analyses of the so-called Pompeian red wares not only attest to the import of prototypes of this pottery from Campania in the 1st century B.C. and 1st century A.D., but also allow the identification of imitations and derivatives of western Asia Minor manufacture. Due to the divergent clay composition and surfaces of the cooking platters, varying physical properties can be reconstructed for the Campanian and western Asia Minor ceramics. These had a direct influence on the cooking activities and practices carried out with them.
A white ground, and a red coat applied over this, are characteristic for the so-called Red-on-White (ROW) lamps, lending the lamps a radiant orange- to reddish-brown appearance. The ROW lamps became the most common means of lighting after the Tiberian period and more or less abruptly replaced the previously prevalent, locally produced, mould-formed ›Ephesos lamps‹. The goals of the study are the definition and characterisation of the ROW lamps, which were widespread up until the 3rd century, by means of technological features and the creation of a chronology and typology, taking into account motifs and stamps.
Fine ware
Pompeian red wares and derivatives
since January 2016