Rhoby Andreas, Doz. Mag. Dr.

Head of the Department of Byzantine Research, Institute for Medieval Research

Team Leader Communities and Landscapes

Academia.edu, Publications and Curriculum Vitae


Grigoryan, Samvel L., Dr.



Curriculum Vitae

Hild Friedrich, Dr

Guest Researcher



Rapp Claudia, w.M., Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Principal Investigator of the Euchologia-Project, Director of the Institute for Medieval Research


Curriculum Vitae



Guest Researcher

Panagiota Diamatari, Mag, Erasmus+ Traineeship (08.01.2024-13.03.2024)

Halil Özel, Mag., Tübitak Fellow (18.10.2023-01.06.2024)

Emre Doğandor, Mag., Tübitak Fellow (03.10.2023-28.04.2024)

Miloš Cvetković, Dr., (01.10.2023-31.12.2023)

Alberto Ravani, Dr., (01.10.2023-30.09.2024)

Piruza Hayrapetyan, Mag., (31.08.2023-30.11.2023)

Douglas Whalin, Dr., (15.02.2023-31.12.2023)

Ass.-Prof. Pinar Serdar Dincer, Dr., (27.06.2022-27.06.2023)

Michael Featherstone, Dr. habil, (01.11.2022-30.11.2022)

Valeria Annunziata, BA, Erasmus+ Traineeship (02.10.2022-30.11.2022)

Prof. Rustam Shukurov, Dr., (10.06.2022-30.09.2023)

Vratislav Zervan, Dr., (01.04.2022-30.09.2022)

Giulia Paoletti, Dr. phil., Ernst Mach Grant (01.02.2022-31.05.2022)

Giulia Gollo, Mag., Erasmus+ Traineeship (01.03.2022-30.04.2022)

Claudia Nuovo, Mag., Erasmus+ Traineeship (01.03.2022-31.05.2022)

Federica Scognamiglio, Mag., Erasmus+ Traineeship (01.03.2022-30.06.2022)

Mgr. Zuzana Černáková, PhD., Ernst Mach Grant (03.10.2017-30.06.2018)

Prof. Przemysław Marciniak (01.09.2019-30.06.2020)

Srđan Pirivatrić, PhD. (19.02.2019-15.08.2019)