
The Study of Paul’s Letters in Fulda around 800: The fragment St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 1395, pp. 440-441’, Virtual Conference “From Fragment to Whole. Interpreting Medieval Manuscript Fragments”, Centre for Medieval Studies, Bristol (UK), 16.09.2021.

‘The Holy Bible and its Anonymous Explanations: on the Spread of this Combination in the Carolingian Era’, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 06.07.2021.

‘Margins at the Centre: Inhalte und Ziele eines neuen Forschungsprojekts’,  Forum Millennium, Wien, 07.05.2021 (

‘In the margin: forms and uses of biblical annotations from the East Frankish Realm’, Fourth (virtual) Meeting of the Project “L’experience exégétique au Moyen Âge et durant la première modernité” – “La materialité des commentaires”, Paris, 27.03.2021.

Blog entries

“The importance of being marginal” in the Historical Identity Research Blog (15 May 2021):


‘A Carolingian ‘Reform of Education’? The Reception of Alcuin’s Pedagogy’, co-authored with Giorgia Vocino, in: Carine van Rhijn/Ingrid Rembold/Arthur Westwell (eds.), “Rethinking Carolingian Correctio”, (Manchester: Manchester University Press) (forthcoming; submitted: 21.6.2021).

‘Commented editions of the Bible in Carolingian Europe and Otfrid’s approach to the Book of Isaiah’, in: Anna Dorofeeva/Michael Kelly (eds.), “Practices of Knowledge Selection in Early Medieval Manuscripts”, (Gracchi Books) (forthcoming; accepted: 20.06.2021).

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Margins at the Centre

Project Leader:
Cinzia Grifoni

Funding period:
4 Jahre (1.1.2021-31.12.2024)