ERC Starting Grant

RevIdEM – Reviving the Ascetic Ideal in the Eastern Mediterranean. Entangled Memories of Early Egyptian Monasticism in Medieval Syriac, Arabic, and Armenian Christianity (969-1375 CE)


Weave Project

HiT– Histories in Transition | The Case of Freising and Salzburg (9th–12th c.)

Weave Project

ABC – Ancient Book Craft | Das erweiterte ABC der Buchkunst

FWF Cluster of Excellence

EurAsia | EurAsian Transformations: Resources of the Past and Challenges of Diversity

FWF Cluster of Excellence

EurAsia | EurAsian Transformations: Resources of the Past and Challenges of Diversity

SFB F9200 ManMAX

Managing Maximilian (1493-1519) – Persona, Politics, and Personnel through the Lens of Digital Prosopography

ERC Synergy Grant


Integrating genetic, archaeological and historical perspectives on Eastern Central Europe, 400-900 AD


ERC Starting Grant

German Arithmetical Treatises in Manuscripts of the Late Middle Ages (1400-1522). A Study on Philology, History and Culture based on a Digital Edition of the Treatises

ÖAW-Clusterproject Hollandstraße
Global Eurasia – Comparison and Connectivity

Moving Byzantium


Interdisciplinary project diplomatics • art history • digital humanities / go! Digital
Illuminierte Urkunden als Gesamtkunstwerk. Image media in legal documents in the European Middle Ages

Digital Humanities: Langzeitprojekte zum kulturellen Erbe 2014

Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP) - Peripherical Mountains in the Medieval World

After Empire: Using and not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World
Network Joint Research Programme Uses of the Past

MappingMEDievalCONflicts – a digital approach towards political dynamics in the pre-modern period

ERC-Advanced Grant
Social cohesion, identity and religion in Europe, 400-1200 (SCIRE)
Anfang Dezember 2010 erhielt Walter Pohl den Advanced Grant des ERC (Beginn: 1.5. 2011).  

Wittgenstein Projekt
Ethnische Identitäten im Europa des Frühmittelalters (Ethnic Identities in Early Medieval Europe)

Longterm Projects

Illuminierte Handschriften, Inkunabeln und Urkunden der Österreichischen Bibliotheken
Illuminated manuscripts, incunabula and Carters of the Austrian libraries

Manuscripa Mediaevalia Austriaca

Medieval manuscripts in Austrian libraries


Monumenta Germaniae Historica
of the Wiener Diplomata-Abteilung at the Institute of Medieval Research

Regesta Imperii
The Vienna Working Group Regesta Imperii at the Institute of Medieval Research

Tabula Imperii Byzantinii

TIB- Historical Geography