
Weave Project

HiT– Histories in Transition | The Case of Freising and Salzburg (9th–12th c.)

Weave Project

ABC – Ancient Book Craft | Das erweiterte ABC der Buchkunst

FWF Cluster of Excellence

EurAsia | EurAsian Transformations: Resources of the Past and Challenges of Diversity

ERC Starting Grant

RevIdEM – Reviving the Ascetic Ideal in the Eastern Mediterranean. Entangled Memories of Early Egyptian Monasticism in Medieval Syriac, Arabic, and Armenian Christianity (969-1375 CE)

SFB F9200 ManMAX

Managing Maximilian (1493-1519) – Persona, Politics, and Personnel through the Lens of Digital Prosopography

ERC Starting Grant

German Arithmetical Treatises in Manuscripts of the Late Middle Ages (1400-1522). A Study on Philology, History and Culture based on a Digital Edition of the Treatises

ERC Synergy Grant

HistoGenesIntegrating genetic, archaeological and historical perspectives on Eastern Central Europe,
400-900 AD


ÖAW-Clusterprojekt Hollandstraße
Global Eurasia – Comparison and Connectivity

Moving Byzantium


Interdisziplinäres Projekt Diplomatik • Kunstgeschichte • digital humanities / go!digital
Illuminierte Urkunden als Gesamtkunstwerk. Bildmedien in Rechtsdokumenten im Europäischen Mittelalter

Digital Humanities: Langzeitprojekte zum kulturellen Erbe 2014
Digitising Patterns of Power (DPP) - Peripherical Mountains in the Medieval World

After Empire: Using and not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World
Network Joint Research Programme Uses of the Past

MappingMEDievalCONflicts – a digital approach towards political dynamics in the pre-modern period


Manuscripa Mediaevalia Austriaca
Mittelalterliche Handschriften in österreichischen Bibliotheken 

Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Projekte der Wiener Diplomata-Abteilung am Institut für Mittelalterforschung

Regesta Imperii

Die Wiener Arbeitsgruppe Regesta Imperii am Institut für Mittelalterforschung

Tabula Imperii Byzantinii

TIB- Historische Geographie