One out of nine Clusters of Excellence in Austria that aims to establish a research and training infrastructure for the rich resources of the past created in 3000 years of Eurasian history, and to meet the challenges involved in understanding this history in all its diversity.
The Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies is offering…
One out of nine Clusters of Excellence in Austria that aims to establish a research and training infrastructure for the rich resources of the past created in 3000 years of Eurasian history, and to meet the challenges involved in understanding this history in all its diversity.
Those interested in pre-modern China have the opportunity to…
One out of nine Clusters of Excellence in Austria that aims to establish a research and training infrastructure for the rich resources of the past created in 3000 years of Eurasian history, and to meet the challenges involved in understanding this history in all its diversity.
Animal husbandry played an important role in PIE society and…
One out of nine Clusters of Excellence in Austria that aims to establish a research and training infrastructure for the rich resources of the past created in 3000 years of Eurasian history, and to meet the challenges involved in understanding this history in all its diversity.
One out of nine Clusters of Excellence in Austria that aims to establish a research and training infrastructure for the rich resources of the past created in 3000 years of Eurasian history, and to meet the challenges involved in understanding this history in all its diversity.
The cluster members will present their current research…
One out of nine Clusters of Excellence in Austria that aims to establish a research and training infrastructure for the rich resources of the past created in 3000 years of Eurasian history, and to meet the challenges involved in understanding this history in all its diversity.
Eastern Christian Art from Border Areas (Belarus, Ukraine,…
One out of nine Clusters of Excellence in Austria that aims to establish a research and training infrastructure for the rich resources of the past created in 3000 years of Eurasian history, and to meet the challenges involved in understanding this history in all its diversity.
One out of nine Clusters of Excellence in Austria that aims to establish a research and training infrastructure for the rich resources of the past created in 3000 years of Eurasian history, and to meet the challenges involved in understanding this history in all its diversity.
Those interested in pre-modern China have the opportunity to participate in reading groups for beginners and intermediates held by the Clusters Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Flaminia Pischedda.
Animal husbandry played an important role in PIE society and is often seen as a key factor in the spread of the IE daughter languages. Among the animals and their (secondary) products, horses, cattle,…
The cluster members will present their current research results in a poster session, aimed at facilitation exchange and discussion and generating interest among researchers. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend.
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