- Acoustic Measurement Tool at Acoustics Research Institute (AMTatARI)
- Binaural Hearing and the Cochlear Phase Response (BiPhase)
- Binaural Loudness Scaling with Cochlear Implant Listeners (LoudSca)
- Cochlear Implants: Stimulation Sequences for Perception of Interaural Time Differences (StimSequ)
- Development and Evaluation of a Spatialization Strategy for Cochlear Implants (SpatStrat)
- Effect of Center Frequency on Sensitivity to Interaural Time Differences (ITD-CF)
- Effect of Spectral Peaks and Notches on Speech Understanding (ElecRangII)
- Effects of Interaural Time Differences in Electric Hearing (ITD-Sync)
- Effects of ITD in Ongoing, Onset, and Offset in Cochlear Implant Listeners (FsGd)
- Effects of Upper-Frequency Boundary and Spectral Warping on Speech Intelligibility (ElecRang)
- ITD MultEl
- ITD PsyPhy - Bilateral Cochlear Implants: Physiology and Psychophysics
- Localization of Sound Sources with Behind-the-Ear Microphones (Loca-BtE-CI)
- LocaMethods: Localization of Virtual Sound Sources
- LocaPhoto: Localization Model & Numeric Simulations
- Measurement of HRTFs for the Project CI-HRTF
- Number of Channels Required for Vertical Place Localization (Loca#Channels)
- Pandenoise: Noise map timeline of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Perception of Interaural Intensity Differences by Cochlear Implant Listeners (IID-CI)
- Perception of Interaural Time Differences (ITD)
- POTION: Perceptual Optimization of Audio Time-Frequency Representations and Coding.
- Recovery from Binaural Adaptation in Cochlear Implant Listeners (ITD Jitter CI)
- Recovery from Binaural Adaptation in Normal Hearing Listeners (ITD Jitter NH)
- Recovery from Binaural Adaptation in Sensorineural Hearing Impairment (ITD Jitter HI)
- Sensitivity to Spectral Peaks and Notches (SpecSens)
- softpinna: Non-Rigid Registration for the Calculation of HRTFs
- Spectral cues in auditory localization with cochlear implants
- Spectral Cues in Auditory Localization with Cochlear Implants (CI HRTF)
- SpExCue: Role of spectral cues in sound externalization - objective measures & modeling
- Start des FWF-Projekts "Time-Frequency Implementation of HRTFs"
- Time Frequency Virtual Acoustics (TF-VA)
- Amadee: Frame Theory for Sound Processing and Acoustic Holophon
- ANACRES: Analysis and Acoustics Research
- BanachFrameMul: Bessel and Frame Multipliers in Banach Spaces
- BesselMult: Basic Properties of Bessel and Frame Multipliers
- BestApprMult: Best Approximation of Matrices by Frame Multipliers
- BIOTOP: Adaptive Wavelet and Frame techniques for acoustic BEM. FWF Project I-1018-N25
- Detection and Classification of Mice USVs
- Discrete Gabor Analysis
- Double Preconditioning for Gabor Frames
- FATIMA: Frames and Time-Frequency Analysis in Machine Learning
- FLAME: Frames and Linear Operators for Acoustical Modeling and Parameter Estimation.
- Frame Multiplier: Theory and Application in Acoustics (WWTF 2007)
- Frames in Finite Dimensional Spaces
- Frames, Reconstruction, and Applications
- FramMulAc: General Frame Multiplier Theory
- FTAA: Frame Theory and Asymptotic Analysis
- FUn: Frames and Unbounded Operators
- GabMulAc: Analytical and Numerical Properties of Gabor Mulitpliers
- HASSIP: Harmonic Analysis and Statistics for Signal and Image Processing
- HRTFMulAc: Improvement of Head-Related-Transfer-Function-Measurements
- INSIGHT: Infinite Dimensional Signal Processing Techniques for Acoustic Applications
- IrregGabMul: Basic Properties of Irregular Gabor Multipliers
- Irregular Frames of Translates
- IrrelevanceMask: Mathematical Foundation of the Irrelevance Model
- MakMulAc: Mathematical Modelling of Auditory Time-Frequency Masking Functions
- Mask Suite: Additivity of Auditory Masking Using Gaussian-Shaped Tones
- Matrix Representation of Operators Using Frames
- MERLIN: Modern methods for the restoration of lost information in digital signals
- MESMGabMul: Improving the Multiple Exponential Sweep Method (MESM) using Gabor Multipliers
- MulAcARI: Theory and Application of Multipliers in Acoustics
- MulAcWWTF: Frame Multipliers: Theory and Application in Acoustics
- Operators and Frames
- Pandenoise: Noise map timeline of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Perfect Reconstruction Overlap Add Method (PROLA)
- Pole-Zero Model Estimation for Speech Analysis
- POTION: Perceptual Optimization of Audio Time-Frequency Representations and Coding.
- Regular and Irregular Gabor Multiplier with Applications in Psychoacoustic Masking
- SoundsAbsMulAc: Advanced Method of Sound Absorption Measurements
- Start des FWF-Projekts "Time-Frequency Implementation of HRTFs"
- TFMask: Time Frequency Masking
- TFMaskEval: Time Frequency Masking: Gabor Multiplier Models and Evaluation
- TIFMOFUS: Time-Frequency Methods for Operators and Function Spaces
- WaveletMulAc: Analytical and Numerical Properties of Wavelet Multipliers
- WavletMul: Wavelet Multipliers and their Application to Reflection Measurements
- Weighted and Controlled Frames
- Acoustic Holography
- Annex 51
- BIOTOP: Adaptive Wavelet and Frame techniques for acoustic BEM. FWF Project I-1018-N25
- Boundary Element Method (BEM) Model of the Head
- Calm Tracks & Routes
- Correction of Failures in Cogwheels
- Development of a General C++ Class for Wavelet Analysis
- Documentation Wavelet Analysis and Transformations of the Cohen Class
- Extensions for HAMS: Burton-Miller, Fast Multipole Method (FMM)
- Measurements of test runs of the Austrian railways OEBB
- MPEG4-Features for Diadem
- Multilevel Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM)
- New Approaches in Ray-Tracing and Boundary Element Method
- Pandenoise: Noise map timeline of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Pole-Zero-Vokaltraktmodell
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the Estimation of the Acoustic Far-Field Level
- Randelementemethode im Zeitbereich
- RELSKG: Development of a computational method for noise barriers with a complex geometry
- Simulation von Röhren
- Spectral Transform of Sound Fields (STSF)
- SysBahnlärm
- Wavelet Approaches in the Fast Multipole Method
- Acoustic cues in production and perception of irony in normal-hearing and CI-listeners
- Acoustic Features for Speaker Models
- Adaptive Audio-Visuelle Sprachsynthese von Dialekten (AVDS)
- Automatic Speaker Identification
- Automatic Speaker Verification
- Die Stimme der jungen Wienerin
- Die österreichische Standardaussprache Wiens in Kontakt mit der deutschen Standardaussprache
- Forensic Speech and Audio Analysis
- Gestural coordination and speech rhythm
- Historische Daten als phonetisches Korpus
- Lateral Variants of Bosnian Migrants Living in Vienna
- Optimal Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) Initialization for Speaker Modeling
- Parkinson Speech
- Phonetics and Phonology of the Viennese Dialect
- Soziolekte in Wien - die mittelbairischen Varietäten
- Speaker Clustering
- The Vowels of Standard Austrian German
- Vowel and consonant quantity in Southern German varieties
- Vowel Systems in Comparison
- Vowel Tensity in Standard Austrian and Standard German
- Wiener Kinder mit anderer Muttersprache als Deutsch