2nd AI summer school of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Welcome to the website of the 2nd AI summer school of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), which was held on September 13-17, 2021 in Vienna. Here you can find some general information about the event, as well as the recordings and materials for the courses given at the summer school.
Please note that recordings and material may only be accessible with a password. If you believe that you should have access, but you do not, please contact Nicki Holighaus (nicki.holighaus(at)oeaw.ac.at).
Website created [June 28, 2021], last update [December 2, 2021]
General Information
The ÖAW AI summer school 2021 was comprised of five courses across five days, four of which were complemented by practical sessions during which the participants could apply the concepts and methods covered in the course.
Although we received more than 60 registrations in less than 1 week, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we could only admit 30 participants. To maximize the impact of the summer school, we made sure that each of the 15+ ÖAW institutes with at least one registered researcher was represented at the summer school. In response to the demand, which significantly exceeded our capacities, we recorded the given lectures and provide all material that was used for the lectures and practical sessions.
The lecturer team was recruited at the ÖAW Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) and the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI), as well as externally at the University of Vienna, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Swiss Data Science Center in Zurich.
The summer school kindly ensured availability of the Theatersaal in Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Wien on September 13-17, 2021, where the summer school was held.
Thanks and Acknowledgment
We are immensely grateful to our wonderful team of lecturers, whose tireless commitment was crucial to the success of the summer school. The course team was recruited at the ÖAW Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) and the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI), as well as externally at the University of Vienna, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Swiss Data Science Center in Zurich.
We further thank all the ARI voluteers that helped with registration and other organizational tasks and the ARI IT team for assistance with the summer school website. Daniel Haider deserves special mention for not only serving as lecturer, but for being responsible for the recording equipment as well.
A special thank you to the Event Management of the ÖAW, in particular Monika Haider and Johannes Bernert-Lintner, who provided tremendous support during the planning, preparation, and execution of the summer school.
Generous support by the ÖAW, as well as the Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) and the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI), and the FWF project MERLIN (I 3067-N30) made it possible to offer the AI summer school at no cost to the participants.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone that registered for the summer school for their interest and all participants for largely sticking to the strict Covid-19 regulations in place the the event and for making the summer school the success we believe it was. We hope to see you again at a future event, as participant or co-organizer.
Although we received more than 60 registrations in less than 1 week, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we could only admit 30 participants. To maximize the impact of the summer school, we made sure that each of the 15+ ÖAW institutes with at least one registered researcher was represented at the summer school. In response to the demand, which significantly exceeded our capacities, we recorded the given lectures and provide all material that was used for the lectures and practical sessions.
The lecturer team was recruited at the ÖAW Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) and the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI), as well as externally at the University of Vienna, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Swiss Data Science Center in Zurich.
The summer school kindly ensured availability of the Theatersaal in Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Wien on September 13-17, 2021, where the summer school was held.
Outlook and getting involved
Due to popular demand, we have adjusted our original plans to allow for an AI summer school annually, instead of biannually. We are already in the planning phase for the ÖAW AI Summer School 2022.
For the organizational workload to be mid-term sustainable, we welcome everyone who would like to get involved in the organization in ÖAW AI events. Please contact Nicki Holighaus (nicki.holighaus(at)oeaw.ac.at) or Wolfgang Waltenberger (wolfgang.waltenberger(at)oeaw.ac.at) if you are interested in contributing in any way.
Programme and Schedule
Programme and Schedule
Course 1 (Wagner / Haider): Introduction to deep learning and differentiable programming in Python - This first session of the summer school provides a general introduction to machine learning with neural networks: A historical retrospective, a sketch of modern applications and the basics of their architecture and training procedure. The Python skills that are necessary to set up a simple machine learning project are reviewed. In the exercise session, participants are familiarized with the workflow and will design their first model for classification in PyTorch. Starting from an introductory level, this course levels the fundaments of all participants.
- slides: day1_introduction to DL.pdf
- tutorial: day1_AISummerSchool2021-exercises.zip , day1-material_instructions.pdf
- video: AISS21_Day1.mp4
Course 2 (Harár): Planning, execution and dissemination of a machine learning project - During the life cycle of our machine learning research projects, we interact with source code, data, and models almost daily. Therefore, it is wise to make use of various tools and tricks of the community that save a lot of time during the development (versioning), can be decisive during the peer review (reproducibility), and are invaluable for making an impact (presentation). Moreover, the community is constantly coming up with tools useful even before the beginning (to find ideas) or after a seeming end of the project (publicity). Together, in this hands-on session, we will use those tools while developing a specific ML project. After the session, you should be able to use the tools in projects of your own.
- slides: day2-a-tool-a-day.pdf
- tutorial: day2_AISummerSchool2021-tutorial.zip
- video: AISS21_Day2.mp4
Course 3 (Perraudin): Optimization in Deep Neural Networks: Basics, Methods and Challenges- Training a deep neural network corresponds to solve a minimization optimization problem. In this lecture, we will review the building blocks used to construct algorithms for this task (such as stochastic gradient descent, momentum and adaptive learning rate). Doing so, we can understand the challenges of deep network optimization. Finally, this course will also include specific techniques to overcome these challenges (such as batch norm, regularization, dropout, early stopping, data augmentation, architecture invariance and parameter sharing). This lesson will equip students with the intuition and tools to face the most common optimization challenges and design choices in Deep Learning.
- slides: day3-1_optimization.pdf , day3-2_equivariance-losses.pdf
- tutorial: day3-AISummerSchool2021-tutorial.zip , day3-material_instructions.pdf
- video: AISS21_Day3.mp4
Course 4 (Grosse-Wentrup): A Causal Perspective on Interpretable Machine Learning and explainable AI - Machine learning and AI models are increasingly deployed in high-stakes environments, e.g., in medical decision support or loan approval, where ethical and legal considerations require models to be interpretable. Prof. Grosse-Wentrup will review current methods for interpretable machine learning and explainable AI, discuss challenges in designing such methods, and then argue that we can resolve some of these issues by adopting a causal perspective on the problem. In particular, he outlines how to reason about causal relations in general and then show how a causal perspective enables us to distinguish between interpreting the model and using the model to interpret the data-generating process.
- slides: day4-iml-inference.pdf , day4_causality_and_ai_oeaw_ss21.pdf
- tutorial: day4_AISummerSchool2021-tutorial.zip
- video: AISS21_Day4.mp4
Outlook (Perraudin):
- slides: day5-outlook.pdf
- video: AISS21_Day5.mp4
Note: All slides, tutorials and videos can also be downloaded from here.
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. -Ing. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup is head of the research group Neuroinformatics at the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Vienna and board member of the university’s research network Data Science @ Uni Vienna. [https://ni.cs.univie.ac.at/team/person/107192/]
Ing. Pavol Harár, Ph.D. is a machine learning researcher at the research network Data Science @ Uni Vienna at the University of Vienna and Senior Researcher at the Brain Diseases Analysis Laboratory, a international, multidisciplinary research group with a focus on brain diseases. [https://pavol.harar.eu/]
Dr. Nathanaël Perraudin is a Senior Data Scientist at the Swiss Data Science Center in Zurich, a Cooperation of ETH Zurich and the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. [https://perraudin.info/]
Dipl.-Ing. Felix Wagner is a PhD Student at the Institute of High Energy Physics (HEPHY) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) and member of the CRESST and COSINUS dark matter search collaborations.
Daniel Haider MSc is a PhD student in Mathematics at the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW) and member of the groups “Mathematics and Signal Processing in Acoustics” and “Machine Learning in Acoustics”.
September 13-17, 2021
Beginning | End | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
| 10.30
| Welcome (10m) + Course 1 – I (Wagner/Haider) | Course 2 – I (Harár)
| Course 3 – I (Perraudin)
| Course 4 – I (Grosse-Wentrup)
| Outlook – I (Perraudin)
10.30 | 11.00 | Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break |
| 12.30
| Course 1 – II (Wagner/Haider)
| Course 2 – II (Harár)
| Course 3 – II (Perraudin)
| Course 4 – II (Grosse-Wentrup)
| Outlook – II (Perraudin) + Closing (10m) |
12.30 | 14.00 | Lunch break | Lunch break | Lunch break | Lunch break |
| 17.30
| Course 1 – III (Wagner/Haider)
| Course 2 – III (Harár)
| Course 3 – III (Perraudin)
| Course 4 – III (Grosse-Wentrup) |
Afternoon sessions include an ‘open’ coffee break, available from 15.00. The structure of the afternoon session may differ at the discretion of the responsible lecturer. |
Preparatory materials (external resources)
Preparatory materials (external resources)
The summer school participants were expected to possess a basic understanding of the Python programming language and the numpy package for scientific computing in Python.
If the following statements apply to you, you should be fine:
- I understand how basic data types, variables and loops are defined and used in Python (e.g., strings. numbers, Dictionaries, for-loops and lists).
- I know about Classes and Objects and how they are used in Python.
- I know about numpy and its purpose.
- I know how a matrix array is created using numpy, what it looks like, and how I can apply some basic manipulations (e.g., reshaping) and mathematical operations (e.g., addition, multiplication) to them.
- Furthermore, participants were expected to be familiar with the fundamental ideas behind machine learning and deep learning and familiar with the concept of a (deep) neural network.
If you can answer the following questions with ‘yes’, you should be fine:
- Do I know what machine learning is and could I explain its general idea to a colleague?
- Do I know what deep learning is and could I explain its general idea to a colleague?
- Do I understand what a neural network is and can I describe it, as well as explain the difference between a shallow and a deep neural network, to a colleague?
More familiarity with Python and/or machine learning might make some aspects of the summer school easier to follow, but should not be strictly necessary. You can find a wealth of resources about all these topics on the internet and some below. If you are unsure about your own prior knowledge, you will have a significantly better experience at the summer school if you invest some time (1-2 working days) into preparing yourself.
We provide a few exemplary links for preparatory material. These are separated into 3 categories: Mandatory prior knowledge, helpful prior knowledge and optional in-depth or advanced material. Obviously, you are invited to do your own research instead, if you prefer.
Mandatory prior knowledge:
- https://python.land (Chapters Introduction & Classes and Objects)
- https://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/absolute_beginners.html#welcome-to-numpy (Absolute basics for beginners)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKW8Ndu7Mjw (Basic understanding of machine learning)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aircAruvnKk (What is a Neural Network?)
Helpful prior knowledge (read/watch as much or as little as you like):
- https://pytorch.org/tutorials/ (PyTorch Tutorial)
- https://scikit-learn.org/stable/tutorial/index.html (Scikit-Learn Tutorial)
- https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/dsintro.html (Pandas Introduction – for data structures and data analysis tools)
- https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/seaborn-python-tutorial (Seaborn Tutorial – for Statistical Data Visualization)
In-depth and advanced material:
- Deep Learning (extensive) - http://d2l.ai/index.html