
The usual transformation in acoustics is the Fourier-Transformation. A fast and simple implementation is the windowed Fast Fourier Transformation. A disadvantage of the FFT is that all frequencies are equally spaced in the time frequency plane. A logarithmic spacing that allows keeps the relative resolution in the frequency plane constant is the Wavelet Transformation. This gives the possibility of a higher temporal resolution in the high frequency plane. Several types are implemented in STX and PAK.


A higher temporal resolution is possible, if quadratic transformations defined in the Cohen Class are used. The Windowed Pseudo Wigner Ville Distribution and a discrete version of the Choi-Williams Distribution are implemented in STX and PAK. Disadvantages of these transformations are the cross products that are reduced by smoothing in the different transformations of the Cohen class.


A handbook is written for or the practical use of the difficult transformations. The Handbook documents the possibilities and the limits of the transformations.