Laufende Projekte
- AABBA: Aural Assessment By means of Binaural Algorithms
- AUDIO GHOSTS: Perzeptive Illusionen in der Klangkunst
- AudiTact: Testing a Novel Cross-Modal Model of Tactile and Auditory Short-Term Memory
- Born2Hear: Development and Adaptation of Auditory Spatial Processing Across the Human Lifespan
- CherISH – Cochlear implants and spatial hearing
- ConLoc: Contextual Sound Localization
- LOTTA: Long-Time Temporal Envelope Pattern Analysis
- MARAM: Masking Release based on Amplitude Modulation
- Measurement of Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs)
- MissiSIPI: Towards Improving Selective Hearing in Cochlear Implant Listeners
- Mixed-Reality Lab
- MusiCI: Music Perception with Cochlear Implants
- NoMASP: Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization Methods for Acoustic Signal Processing
- QWeight - Plasticity in Binaural Cue Weights
- RELCOM: Recovery from Effortful Listening and Communication
- SELECT: Towards more Selective Stimulation with Cochlear Implants
- SOFA: Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics
- SONICOM: Transforming Auditory-Based Social Interaction and Communication in AR/VR
- Sound as Score
- ZK Dynamates: Dynamiken der auditiven Prädiktion in menschlichen und anderen Primaten
Abgeschlossene Projekte
- Acoustic Measurement Tool at Acoustics Research Institute (AMTatARI)
- Binaural Hearing and the Cochlear Phase Response (BiPhase)
- Binaural Loudness Scaling with Cochlear Implant Listeners (LoudSca)
- Cochlear Implants: Stimulation Sequences for Perception of Interaural Time Differences (StimSequ)
- Development and Evaluation of a Spatialization Strategy for Cochlear Implants (SpatStrat)
- Effect of Center Frequency on Sensitivity to Interaural Time Differences (ITD-CF)
- Effect of Spectral Peaks and Notches on Speech Understanding (ElecRangII)
- Effects of Interaural Time Differences in Electric Hearing (ITD-Sync)
- Effects of ITD in Ongoing, Onset, and Offset in Cochlear Implant Listeners (FsGd)
- Effects of Upper-Frequency Boundary and Spectral Warping on Speech Intelligibility (ElecRang)
- ITD MultEl
- ITD PsyPhy - Bilateral Cochlear Implants: Physiology and Psychophysics
- Localization of Sound Sources with Behind-the-Ear Microphones (Loca-BtE-CI)
- LocaMethods: Localization of Virtual Sound Sources
- LocaPhoto: Localization Model & Numeric Simulations
- Measurement of HRTFs for the Project CI-HRTF
- Number of Channels Required for Vertical Place Localization (Loca#Channels)
- Pandenoise: Noise map timeline of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Perception of Interaural Intensity Differences by Cochlear Implant Listeners (IID-CI)
- Perception of Interaural Time Differences (ITD)
- POTION: Perceptual Optimization of Audio Time-Frequency Representations and Coding.
- Recovery from Binaural Adaptation in Cochlear Implant Listeners (ITD Jitter CI)
- Recovery from Binaural Adaptation in Normal Hearing Listeners (ITD Jitter NH)
- Recovery from Binaural Adaptation in Sensorineural Hearing Impairment (ITD Jitter HI)
- Sensitivity to Spectral Peaks and Notches (SpecSens)
- softpinna: Non-Rigid Registration for the Calculation of HRTFs
- Spectral cues in auditory localization with cochlear implants
- Spectral Cues in Auditory Localization with Cochlear Implants (CI HRTF)
- SpExCue: Role of spectral cues in sound externalization - objective measures & modeling
- Start des FWF-Projekts "Time-Frequency Implementation of HRTFs"
- Time Frequency Virtual Acoustics (TF-VA)