
1. Greig, J. (2021). The First Principle in Late Neoplatonism: A Study of the One’s Causality in Proclus and Damascius. Philosophia Antiqua. Leiden: Brill,
Revised version of the PhD dissertation; book published Nov. 2020.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed)

2. Greig, J. (2021) [in press]. “Proclus’ Reception in Maximus the Confessor, Mediated through John Philoponus and Pseudo-Dionysius: A Case Study of Ambiguum 7”. In Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 3, edited by Dragos Calma. Leiden: Brill. (Submitted May 17, 2019, accepted Jun. 25, 2020.)

3. Greig, J. (2021) [in press]. “The Aporetic Method of Aristotle’s Metaphysics B in Damascius’ De Principiis”. History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis 24. (Submitted Jan. 31, 2021, accepted May 3, 2021.)

4. Greig, J. (2021). “Reason, Revelation, and Sceptical Argumentation in 12th- to 14th-Century Byzantium”, Theoria 87,

5. Greig, J. (2020). “Proclus on the Two Causal Models for the One’s Production of Being: Reconciling the Relation of the Henads and the Limit/Unlimited”, International Journal of Platonic Tradition 14 (1): 23–48,

6. Greig, J. (2017). “Proclus’ Doctrine of Participation in Maximus the Confessor’s Centuries of Theology I.48–50”. In Studia Patristica LXXV, edited by Markus Vinzent, 137–148. Leuven: Peeters,

Book Reviews

7. Greig, J. (2021) [in press]. “Review of N. Spanu (2020), Proclus and the Chaldean Oracles, London and
New York: Routledge”, Plêkos 23.

8. Greig, J. (2021) [in press]. “Review of M. Vlad, Damascius et l’ineffable: récit de l’impossible discours, Paris:
Vrin, 2019”, Rhizomata 9(1).

9. Greig, J., and John Whitty (2020). “Review of J. Zachhuber, The Rise of Christian Theology and the End of
Ancient Metaphysics
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020)”, Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 72(3–
4): 320–323.

10. Greig, J. (2020). “Review of D. O’Meara, Cosmology and Politics in Plato’s Late Works, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2017”, Review of Metaphysics 74(2).


Publications in Progress

Journal Articles

1. “Neoplatonic Participation and Its Transformation in Thomas Aquinas and Nicholas of Methone”.
Article in preparation for submission to British Journal for the History of Philosophy by Oct. 2021.

2. “Damascius on Plato and the Parmenides’ First Hypothesis”. Article in preparation for submission to
Ancient Philosophy, expected by early 2022.

3. “Proclus on Sensible Substance”. Journal article in preparation for submission, expected mid-2022.

Book Chapters

4. “Soul and Deification in Proclus, Nicholas of Methone, and the Palamite Controversy”. Submitted June
1, 2021; under review for second volume on soul/body in Byzantine thought, to be published in series,
Theandrites: Byzantine Philosophy and Christian Platonism (Franciscan University Press), edited by
Frederick Lauritzen and Sarah Klitenic Wear. Expected publication mid-2022.

5. “Nicholas of Methone on Divine Ideas: Between Proclus and the Early Byzantines”. Manuscript in
preparation for peer-reviewed volume on Nicholas (see next item). To be submitted Aug. 2021.

Edited Volumes

6. Nicholas of Methone: Between Neoplatonism and the Byzantine Tradition. Collected proceedings from
conference held Apr. 12–13, 2021 (see below), on the 12th-cent. Byzantine thinker, Nicholas of Methone,
and his dispute with Proclus and pagan philosophy, as well as his theological context. Peer-reviewed
volume edited with Dragos Calma and Joshua Robinson; contracted to be published in Brill’s series,
History of Metaphysics, expected publication late 2022/2023.

Book Reviews

7. Review of Plato’s ›Theaetetus‹ Revisited, edited by B. Bossi, T.M. Robinson, Berlin: De Gruyter, for Bryn
Mawr Classical Review
, to be submitted late Aug. 2021.