Attention: This page reflects the state of 2013. It is meant for documentary purposes and will not be updated any longer.
This project on Indian language theory examined important aspects of the Buddhist theory of exclusion (apoha theory), which was the core of the Buddhist language theory developed by the logico-epistemological school following Dignāga. The project's main focus was on the form the apoha theory took in the works of Jñānaśrīmitra (ca. 980–1040 CE) and of his disciple Ratnakīrti (ca. 1000–1050 CE). During the first phase of the project, Ratnakīrti's Apohasiddhi, a text establishing the main points of the apoha theory in this stage of its development, was critically edited and translated, and important influences on the work were collected and assessed. In the second phase, research focused on forms of the theory prevalent in ninth to tenth century Kashmir.
The project was a part of the FWF-sponsored National Research Network The cultural history of the Western Himalaya from the 8th century.