Das Institutskolloquium findet an jedem ersten Dienstag des Monats von 10:00 bis 11:30 statt, im mittleren Bibliotheksbereich von IKGA und ISA in der ehemaligen Postsparkasse (4. Stock, Gebäudeteil B, Dominikanerbastei 16, 1010 Wien), und bis auf weiteres auch online als Live-Übertragung. Das Kolloquium dient als Plattform zur Diskussion laufender Forschung am Institut und aktueller Forschungsliteratur. Gäste sind willkommen. Um Materialien und/oder den Zoom-Link zugeschickt zu bekommen, schreiben Sie bitte eine E-Mail an michael.williams(at)oeaw.ac.at.
Ältere Themen
- 08.10.2019: Digital editions I
- 04.06.2019: Michael Williams, Rational theology in sixteenth century India: Vyāsatīrtha's Īśvaravāda in the Tarkatāṇḍava
- 07.05.2019: Round table: To emend or not to emend? Reflection on editorial practices and their rationale
- 02.04.2019: Shishir Saxena, Conflicting commands: Hermeneutic solutions in Mīmāṃsā
- 05.03.2019: Yasutaka Muroya, The Vādanyāyaṭīkā project. A preliminary report
- 05.02.2019: Stefan Köck, Between enthusiasm and retreat. German Japanologists in the "Third Reich"
- 08.01.2019: Serena Saccone, Systematizing and subverting the tradition. On an intellectual biography of Śubhagupta
- 04.12.2018: Round table: Entitled to a title? Practices of naming texts and referring to them in manuscript culture and digital humanities
- 06.11.2018: Sudipta Munsi, Mīmāṃsā on duty
- 09.10.2018: Reports on summer academic events
- 12.6.2018: Brigitte Pickl-Kolaczia, Religious reform in Mito under Tokugawa Mitsukuni and his successor Tsunaeda
- 8.5.2018: Round table on digital resources
- 10.4.2018: Marcus Schmücker, Veṅkaṭanātha’s Paramatabhaṅga. Composition, function and intertextual references of a doxography written in Maṇipravāḷa
- 6.3.2018: Cristina Pecchia: Philologists and publishers: On the first printed edition of the Carakasaṃhitā and its context
- 6.2.2018: Round table: Publication strategies and the sharing of resources
- 9.1.2018: Reinier Langelaar, An ethnic family tree in bloom: Tibet and its brothers
- 5.12.2017: Pascale Hugon, Exploring the bKa’ gdams gsung ’bum collection: State of the art and perspectives
- 7.11.2017: Nina Mirnig, Rudras on earth: The Śivadharmaśāstra and the creation of Śaiva communities in early medieval India
- 3.10.2017: Round table on "open philology"
- 4.7.2017: Andrew Ollett, The way of the poet-king: Poetics at the court of Amoghavarsha
- 6.6.2017: Alexander Graf, Tibetan grammar: Si tu Paṇchen and the Tibetan adoption of linguistic knowledge from India
- 2.5.2017: Pei-Lin Chiou, How is the entry into the non-conceptual awareness possible? – An outline of the PhD research project 'Kamalaśīla and His Bodhisattva Path: A Study based on Kamalaśīla's Avikalpapraveśadhāraṇīṭīkā'
- 4.4.2017: Stefan Köck, "They give up the Buddha but still visit temples in secret" – An outline of the project "Shintō-uke – Religious Control via Shintō-Shrines"
- 7.3.2017: Bernhard Scheid, Arhats in East Asian Buddhism
- 7.2.2017: Patrick McAllister, Prajñākaragupta on the criteria of valid cognitions
- 10.1.2017: Pascale Hugon, On Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge's philosophy of mind
- 8.11.2016: Marion Rastelli, On the reappearance of the Ekāyanaveda in South India
- 4.10.2016: Serena Saccone, Proving the omniscience of the Buddha: the Sarvajñasiddhikārikā of Śubhagupta, an 8th Century debate on scriptures and authority
- 6.9.2016: Marco Ferrante, Bhartṛhari’s legacy within the Pratyabhijñā
- 5.7.2016: Cristina Pecchia, Philologists at work: The case of the Carakasamhita
- 7.6.2016: Alessandro Graheli, Diskussion des rezenten Sammelbandes: "Classical Indian Thought and the English Language" (ed. Mohini Mullick and Madhuri S. Sondhi, 2015)
- 3.5.2016: Mathias Fermer: Text-processing -- Markup and its potential for historical research
- 5.4.2016: Birgit Kellner: Phenomenology, idealism, both or neither? Making sense of Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda arguments against external objects
- 1.3.2016: Reinier Langelaar: Descent & houses in Reb-Gong: Group formation & rules of recruitment among eastern Tibetan Tsho-ba
2.2.2016: Eröffnungsveranstaltung