Über diese Seite stehen ausgewählte Publikationen von Ernst Steinkellner (Direktor des IKGA, 1998–2007) zur Verfügung.
- Ernst Steinkellner, 2005
Pramāṇasamuccaya, Chapter 1 (see also the corrigenda in the revision of 2014)
Ernst Steinkellner's hypothetical reconstruction of Dignāga's Sanskrit text is available in digital format only. Since its publication on this website in 2005 several corrections have become necessary, which are listed in the last revision, published in January 2014.
- 2022, Further and Last Corrigenda and Addenda of Ernst Steinkellner, 2016. Dharmakīrti's Hetubindu. Critically edited on the basis of preparatory work by Helmut Krasser with a translation of the Gilgit fragment by Klaus Wille. (STTAR 19). Beijing, Vienna: China Tibetology Publishing House and Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2016.
- 2018, Further and Last Corrigenda and Addenda of Ernst Steinkellner, 2007. Dharmakīrti’s Pramāṇaviniścaya: Chapters 1 and 2, Critically edited. (STTAR 2). Wien, Beijing: VÖAW, China Tibetology Publishing House.
- 2016, Corrigenda of Ernst Steinkellner, 2016. Dharmakīrti’s Hetubindu. Critically edited. (STTAR 19). Wien, Beijing: VÖAW, China Tibetology Publishing House.
- 2016, Corrigenda of Steinkellner, Krasser and Lasic 2005. Jinendrabuddhi’s Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā, Chapters 1 and 2 (STTAR 1), and 2013 (STTAR 15).
- 2013, Corrigenda of Ernst Steinkellner, 2007. Dharmakīrti’s Pramāṇaviniścaya: Chapters 1 and 2, Critically edited. (STTAR 2). Wien, Beijing: VÖAW, China Tibetology Publishing House, 2007.
- Ernst Steinkellner, 2022b
A Splash of the Logical Reason : Dharmakīrti's Hetubindu Translated. (BKGA 108.) Vienna: VÖAW, 2022 (order online or download [open access]). - Ernst Steinkellner, 2022a
Dharmakīrti’s Investigation of Relation (Sambandhaparīkṣā) with Devendrabudddhi’s Commentary (Sambandhaparīkṣāvṛtti). A trial translation. - Ernst Steinkellner and Cynthia Peck-Kubaczek, 2019
Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra. A translation. Extracted from: Schmidt-Leukel, Perry, with a new translation by Ernst Steinkellner and Cynthia Peck-Kubaczek, Buddha Mind – Christ Mind. A Christian Commentary on the Bodhicaryāvatāra. Leuven et al.: Peeters, XXIII + 553 pp.
Aufsätze, Open Access
- 2021, Analyse einer Sammelhandschrift von Werken Dharmakīrtis. In: Vincent Eltschinger, Birgit Kellner, Ethan Mills, Isabelle Ratié (eds.), A Road Less Traveled : Felicitation Volume in Honor of John Taber. (WSTB 100.) Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, 2021.
- 2020, Closing a Gap in the Interpretation of Dharmakīrti's Logic. In: Birgit Kellner et al. (eds.), Reverberations of Dharmakīrti's Philosophy: Proceedings of the Fifth Dharmakīrti Conference Heidelberg, August 26 to 30, 2014. Wien 2020, pp. 429–440.
- 2016, Sanskrit manuscripts on palm-leaves, paper and birch-bark in the TAR: What now? Keynote speech at the 6th Beijing International Seminar on Tibetan Studies, August 2, 2016, together with the Chinese translation by Luo Hong of a less shortened version. The complete paper will be published in the Proceedings of the seminar’s panel “Sanskrit Manuscripts and Tibet” edited by Birgit Kellner and Jowita Kramer.
- 2015, On Dharmakīrti's Proposal to Solve the Induction Problem. In: Gregor Paul (ed.), Logic in Buddhist Scholasticism: From Philosophical, Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute 2015, pp. 169–185.
- 2014, Miszellen zur erkenntnistheoretisch-logischen Schule des Buddhismus XI: The Manuscript of Dharmakīrti's Vādanyāya. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens (WZKS) 55/2013–2014, pp. 183–189.
- 2014, Lha lun dPal rdor’s “Soul Stone” at Yer pa—in Full View. In: Benjamin Bogin/ Andrew Quintman (eds.), Himalayan Passages: Tibetan and Newar Studies in Honor of Hubert Decleer. Boston: Wisdom Publications 2014, 143–144, plates 13–16.
- 2012, Sensory perception, body, and mind in Indian Buddhist philosophy In: Friedrich G. Barth, Patrizia Giampieri-Deutsch, Hans-Dieter Klein (eds), Sensory Perception. Mind and Matter. Wien: Springer-Verlag 2012, pp. 357–368.
This lecture was meant to introduce some basic Buddhist concepts regarding the nature and function of the senses to a meeting of neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers. The only new contribution of interest for the historian of Indian philosophy is an explanation of the reason for the Buddhist tradition's strict opposition to the generally accepted idea that the senses of seeing and hearing function in contact with their objects (aprāpyaviṣayatā, p.361). In the context of some recent antagonistic discussions between scientists and theologians, the lesson that can be learned from the Buddhist philosopher Dharmakirti (7th cent. CE) as exemplified in the afterword may also be of some interest. - 2011, News from the manuscript department: Opening speech at the Fourth International Dharmakīrti Conference, Vienna 2005. In: Helmut Krasser, Horst Lasic, Eli Franco, Birgit Kellner (ed.), Religion and Logic in Buddhist Philosophical Analysis: Proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakirti Conference Vienna, August 23–27, 2005. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2011, pp. xvii–xxi.
- 2010, Preface to Frauwallner: The Philosophy of Buddhism. In: Erich Frauwallner, The Philosophy of Buddhism.Dehli: Motilal Banarsidass 2010, pp. viii–xxiv. (First German edition 1956, revised 1969, Tr. into English by Gelong Lodrö Sangpo.)
- 2010, Tib. Ma rdum pa: A Phantom Name. In: Shen Weirong (ed.), Historical and Philologiocal Studies of China's Western Regions, No. 3. Beijing: Institute for Historical and Philologiocal Studies of China's Western Regions, Renmin University, 2010, pp. 15–16.
- 2009, Strategies for modes of management and scholarly treatment of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the TAR. In: Ernst Steinkellner, Duan Qing, Helmut Krasser (ed.), Sanskrit manuscripts in China. Proceedings of a panel at the 2008 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies, October 13 to 17. Beijing: China Tibetology Publishing House 2009, pp. 279–292 [Chinese translation pp. 293–302.]
- 2009, Vorbemerkungen zu Jakob Stuchlik, Der arische Ansatz. Erich Frauwallner und der Nationalsozialismus.
Diese Vorbemerkungen sollten ursprünglich Jakob Stuchliks Band begleiten. Stuchlik war aber mit der Sicht Ernst Steinkellners nicht einverstanden. Dieser hat den Text daher zurückgezogen und teilt seine Ansichten nun in dieser Form mit. - 2009, Erkenntnistheorie im Buddhismus: Zur Erkenntnis des Denkens von anderen. In: Birgit Kellner / Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik (Hg.), Denkt Asien anders? Reflexionen zu Buddhismus und Konfuzianismus in Indien, Tibet, China und Japan. Göttingen: V&R unipress 2009, pp. 13–30.
- 2009, Ernst Steinkellner and Duan Qing, Sanskrit manuscripts in China. Introduction. In: Ernst Steinkellner, Duan Qing, Helmut Krasser (ed.), Sanskrit manuscripts in China. Proceedings of a panel at the 2008 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies, October 13 to 17. Beijing: China Tibetology Publishing House 2009, pp. 7–9.
- 2008, Further Remarks on the Compound avinābhāvaniyama in the Early Dharmakīrti. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens / Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies, Bd. LI/2007-08, pp. 193–205.
- 2008, What can we learn from philology? Some methodological remarks.
Keynote speech Beijing 2008 Conference of Tibetan Studies, October 14, 2008; Chinese translation, p.7. To be published eventually, if at all, in the Proceedings of this conference. - 2006, Hindu Doctrines of Creation and Their Buddhist Critiques. In: Perry Schmidt-Leukel (ed.), Buddhism, Christianity, and the Question of Creation: Karmic or Divine. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006, pp. 15–32.
- 2006, The Buddhist Tradition of Epistemology and Logic (tshad ma) and Its Significance for Tibetan Civilization. In: Andre Gingrich, Guntram Hazod (ed.), Der Rand und die Mitte. Wien: VOEAW, 2006, pp. 193–210.
- 2006, The Colophon of Dharmottara’s Pramāṇaviniścayaṭīkā*. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens / Vienna Journal of South Asian Studies, Bd. L/2006, pp. 199–205.
- 2005, 'Asati' in the Alagaddūpamasutta. In: M.A. Dhaky, J.B. Shah (ed.), Jambû-jyoti (Munivara Jambûvijaya Festschrift). Ahmedabad: Sharadaben Chimanbhai Educational Research Center, 2005?, pp. 85–88.
- 2003, A Tale of Leaves: On Sanskrit Manuskripts in Tibet, their Past and their Future.
Vortrag von Ernst Steinkellner am 21.11.2003 im Rahmen der Gonda Lectures der Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, erschienen 2004. Unser Dank für die Überlassung des Copyrights ergeht an die Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen.
- 2017, Review of Eli Franco and Miyako Notake, Dharmakīrti on the Duality of Objects. Pramāṇavārttikā III 1–63. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 40/2, pp. 428–430.
- 2017, Review of Shinya Moriyama, Omniscience and Religious Authority. A Study on Prajñākaragupta's Pramāṇavārttikālaṅkārabhāṣya ad Pramāṇavārttika II 8–10 and 29–33. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 40/1, pp. 213–215.