Edition of the Foreign Office Documents of the Republic of Austria
Die Entwicklung der visuellen Künste zu „psychagogischen“ Medien der Gesellschaft Jesu
Franz Marek (1913–1979). From resistance fighter, via apparatchik to european reform communist
Income, Management and Economic Thinking (IMET) -> Continuing at the University of Klagenfurt
Mapping historical networks: Building the new Austrian Prosopographical | Biographical Information System (APIS) -> Continuing at the ÖAW-ACDH
Networks of Interest at the Westphalian Peace Congress (1643–1649)
Non-Territorial Autonomy as Minority Protection in Europe, 1850–2000 -> Continuing at the University of Vienna
Participatory action and migration biographies of Romani migrants in Vienna
Remigrations and Transformations in post-socialist European Regions
St. John of Nepomuk as a “patron saint” of the Habsburgs in the age of Baroque Catholicism
TRAVELOGUES: Perceptions of the Other 1500–1876 – A Computerized Analysis
Von der „monarchischen Union von Ständestaaten“ zum Kaiserthum Österreich? Projekte zur Staatsreform in der Habsburgermonarchie zwischen 1800 und 1820