One of the priorities of the research unit, 'The Habsburg Monarchy’, is the conception and publication of a comprehensive history of the Monarchy between 1848 and 1918. The first volume in the series, dealing with 'economic development’, was published in 1973. In the meantime, the number of published volumes has risen to eleven. The series will comprise a total twelve volumes and a special volume, and is shortly to be completed.
The individual volumes are designed as thematically complete handbooks. The series aims to offer an interpretation and account that avoid a focus on the Empire’s centre, include the results of national historiography while at the same time overcoming national traditions and prejudice, take up new methodological approaches and content-related questions posed by international research and develop them for the study of the Habsburg Monarchy.
Vol. I: Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung (1973, 22005, 688 pages)
Vol. II: Verwaltung und Rechtswesen (1975, 22003, 810 pages)
Vol. III: Die Völker des Reiches (1980, 22003, Book 1: 792 pages, Book 2: 709 pages)
Vol. IV: Die Konfessionen (1985, 21995, 882 pages)
Vol. V: Die bewaffnete Macht (1987, 980 pages)
Vol. VI: Internationale Beziehungen (1989, Book 1: 840 pages, 1993, Book 2 704 pages)
Vol. VII: Verfassung und Parlamentarismus (2000, Book 1: 1342 pages, Book 2 1409 pages)
Vol. VIII: Politische Öffentlichkeit (2006, Book 1: 1514 pages, Book 2: 1409 pages)
Vol. IX: Soziale Strukturen (2010, Part 1./2 books: 1,822 pages, Part 2: thematic charts: 362 pages, 96 charts)
Bd. X: Das kulturelle Leben. Akteure – Tendenzen – Ausprägungen (2021, Teilband 1: Staat, Konfession und Identität. Teilband 2: Materielle und immaterielle Kultur: XVII+2074 Seiten)
Vol. XI: Die Habsburgermonarchie und der Erste Weltkrieg (2016, Book 1./2 parts: 1,522 pages, Book 2 [Weltkriegsstatistik] (2013, 425 pages)
Vol. XII: Bewältigte Vergangenheit? (2018, 543 pages)
Special Volume: Das Erbe der Habsburgermonarchie in den Nachfolgestaaten: Brüche und Kontinuitäten (forthcoming)