
Richard Kurdiovsky


Richard Kurdiovsky is a research associate in the research unit History of Art and has been interim head of this research unit since December 2023.

Brief Biography

Studied History of Art, History, Classical Archaeology, and Slavonic Studies in Vienna, freelancer for the Architecture Collection at the Albertina Museum in Vienna (1997–2004), researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2005, received his doctorate on Carl Hasenauer and Gottfried Semper in 2005. Has taught inter alia at the University of Vienna. Research foci: the Vienna Hofburg in the nineteenth century, Central European architecture from the Baroque to the twentieth century, urban culture in the Habsburg Empire.

Research Interests

Period: the late eighteenth to the first half of the twentieth century
Area: Central Europe
Topics: the architectural history of Central Europe during the long nineteenth century, urban culture in the Habsburg Empire

Selected Publications

  • (together with Tat’ána Petrasová and Rossella Fabiani) The Life and Work of Pietro Nobile, 23–41,
    Teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 105–127
    Architect for the Austrian State, 129–155
    (together with Tat’ána Petrasová) Individual Architect for Individual Customers, 157–185
    In: Tat’ána Petrasová (ed.) with contributions by Rossella Fabiani and Richard Kurdiovsky: Pietro Nobile 1776 – 1854. Neoclassicism between Technique and Beauty, Berlin-Boston 2021
  • Das Äußere Burgtor. Planungs-, Bau- und Nutzungsgeschichte vor der Errichtung des Heldendenkmals, in: Heidemarie Uhl / Richard Hofschmied / Dieter A. Binder (Hg.), Gedächtnisort der Republik. Das Österreichische Heldendenkmal im Äußeren Burgtor der Wiener Hofburg. Geschichte – Kontroversen – Perspektiven, Wien 2021, 15-72.
  • (hg. gemeinsam mit Stefan Schmidl) Das Wiener Konzerthaus 1913–2013 im typologischen, stilistischen, ikonographischen und performativen Kontext Mitteleuropas, Wien 2020.
  • The Spatial and Architectural Presence of Heirs to the Throne: The Apartments of the Habsburg Crown Princes in the Viennese Hofburg in the Long 19th Century, in: Frank Lorenz Müller / Heidi Mehrkens (Hg.), Sons and Heirs. Monarchical Succession and the Political Culture of 19th-Century Europe, Houndmills-New York 2015, 109–126.
  • Das Künstlerhaus von der Gründung bis 1945, in: Peter Bogner / Richard Kurdiovsky / Johannes Stoll (Hg.), Das Wiener Künstlerhaus. Kunst und Institution, Wien 2015.


Life and Work, 23–41
Teacher at the Academy, 105–127
Architect for the State, 129–155
Architect for Individual Customers, 157–185


Das Äußere Burgtor. Planungs-, Bau- und Nutzungsgeschichte 1817– 1916, S. 15-72


Das Wiener Konzerthaus 1913-2013