Konrad Petrovszky is group leader at the research unit Balkan Studies.
Konrad Petrovszky studied history, philosophy, Slavic studies and political sciences at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and the Free University of Berlin, where he received his PhD in the history of Southeast Europe. His research was supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the fund for the promotion of young scholars granted by the state of Berlin and the Schroubek Fund 'Östliches Europa'. He has cooperated on scientific research and documentation projects (e.g. 'Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945. Erinnerung und Geschichte', by the German Federal Foundation ‘Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft’) and held fellowships at the New Europe College in Bucharest and the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IFK) in Vienna. Besides his research activity, he worked for many years as freelance editor and translator. Between 2013 and 2017, he was assistant professor (Universitätsassistent postdoc), Institute for Eastern European Studies, University of Vienna; between 2024 and 2018 associated researcher of the special research program “Visions of Community. Comparative Approaches to Ethnicity, Religion and Empire in Christianity, Islam and Buddhism (400–1600 CE)“; since 2019 member of the management committee of the COST-Action 18129 "Islamic Legacy: Narratives East, West, South, North of the Mediterranean (1350-1750)".
Period: 15th to 19th centuries.
Area: Southeast Europe and the Danube region, Ottoman Empire
Topics: culture and religion (orthodoxy in the Balkans, veneration of martyrs and saints), writing and media (forms and practices of historical writing, book culture), law and administration in the transition to modernity (corruption, legal traditions, territorial organisation)
Levantine Femininities in Hammer-Purgstall’s Travel Accounts and Memoirs, pp. 337-364
Potemkinsche Lettern zur Zeit der Französischen Revolution, S. 79-86
Language and Society in 18th Century South Eastern Europe