Werner Telesko is head of the Habsburg Representation research group at the research unit History of Art.
Studied History of Art, History, and Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna; researcher at the Austrian Historical Institute in Rome (1988–1990) and Göttweig Abbey (1990–1993); researcher at the OeAW since 1993. Habilitation in 2000; director of the Institute of History of Art and Musicology (IKM) of the OeAW between 2013 and 2017; visiting professor at the École pratique des hautes études (Sorbonne) in Paris (spring 2009) and visiting scholar at the Centre for the History and Culture of Eastern in Leipzig (autumn 2013); has taught at the Universities of Vienna and Graz and the Catholic Private University Linz.
Period: the Early Modern period, the nineteenth century
Area: Central Europe, especially the Habsburg Empire
Topics: Habsburg representation, iconography in Baroque art, media history
Collectors, Collections and Collecting Cultures in Vienna and Central Europe
Herrscherrepräsentation und Geschichtskultur unter Maria Theresia (1740–1780)
Wiener Kunstgeschichte(n) zwischen Ost und West nach 1945
SALVEMED (information will follow shortly)
Barocke Baulust. Schlossneubauten und -umbauten im Einzugsbereich des Stiftes Admont
Sprache als „Instrument“ der Administration. Entwicklungen und Bruchlinien in der Habsburgermonarchie der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts
Zur Programmatik der maria-theresianischen Sommerresidenz und Das Statuenprogramm im Schlosspark