Duration: Jan 2021 - Dec 2022

Co-operation partners:

  • Armin Kohlrausch, Human Technology Interaction, Eindhoven University
  • H. Tabuchi, Allgemeine Psychologie, Universität Innsbruck


Amplitude modulation (AM) of a masker is known to reduce its masking effect on a simultaneously presented target sound. This effect is particularly strong if the AM is coherent across frequencies of a wideband masker and the target is narrowband and spectrally centered on the masker. Thus, this so-called comodulation-masking-release effect means that the AM information in the masker’s frequency bands that are spectrally remote from the target facilitate target detection. Here, we hypothesized a similar effect in the time domain, assuming that adding a precursor or a postcursor stimulus whose modulation is coherent with the modulation of the simultaneous masker, facilitates target detection as compared to a precursor/postcursor that is not coherent.