Glottocode: mold1248; ISO 639/3: mol
Moldovan (moldovenește) is a variety of Romanian spoken in northeastern Romania, the Repblic of Moldova and small areas of Ukraine (Chernivtsi and Odessa Oblast).
In Moldova, the term Moldovan (or Moldavian in Sovjet times) can also be used as synonymous with Romanian language. There is no particular linguistic break at the Prut River, the border between Romania and Moldova, the two countries share the same literary standard. In Moldova, until 1918, varieties of the Romanian Cyrillic alphabet were used. Today, the standard alphabet is equivalent to the Romanian alphabet, based on the Latin alphabet.
At this point, during 2021 there will be published: (a) a selection of field recordings by Răzvan Roșu on musical instruments in rural Moldovan music (b) interviews concerning the use Moldovan in South Bessarabia by Ioana Aminian and Thede Kahl.
Settlements represented in our collection
- Antofi, Marian (2003): Evoluția consoanelor africate în subdialectul moldovenesc. Ovidius University Annals of Philology 14/15-21, 15-21.
- Bochmann, Klaus; Dumbrava, Vasile (2000): Limba română vorbită în Moldova istorică. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
- Bochmann, Klaus (2004.): Das Moldauische. Vom langsamen Sterben einer neuen Sprache. In: Bochmann, Klaus: Gesprochenes Rumänisch in der Ukraine. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
- Bojoga, Eugenia: Limba română – „între paranteze”? Despre statutul actual al limbii române în Republica Moldova. Editura ARC.
- Ciscel, Matthew (2006): A Separate Moldovan Language? The Sociolinguistics of Moldova's Limba de Stat. Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 34, 575-597.
- Condrea, Irina (2007): Studii de sociolingvistica. Chișinău CEP USM.
- Gabinskij, Mark A. (2002): Moldawisch. In: Okuka, Miloš (ed.): Lexikon der Sprachen des europäischen Ostens. Wien, Klagenfurt: Wieser, 133-143.
- Kahl, Thede; Lozovanu, Dorin (2010): Ethnisches Bewusstsein in der Republik Moldau im Jahr 2004. Ethnic consciousness in the Republic of Moldova in 2004. Berlin et al.: Borntraeger.
- Kahl, Thede; Nechiti, Ioana (2016): "Minderheitensprachen und Kulturkontakt im Budschak. Eindrücke einer Feldforschung in Südbessarabien (Ukraine)." In: Romanische Kleinsprachen heute, edited by Wolfgang Dahmen, Günter Holtus, Johannes Kramer, Michael Metzeltin, Wolfgang Schweickard and Otto Winkelmann, 3-32. Tübingen: Narr (Narr Francke Attempto Verlag).
- Kahl, Thede (ed., 2016): Von Hora, Doina und Lautaren. Einblicke in die rumänische Musik und Musikwissenschaft. Forum: Rumänien 33. Berlin: Frank & Timme.
- Penișoară, Ion (2002-2003): Unele aspecte dialectale în entopica dobrogeană. Dacoromania 7-8: 193-196.