Annotating in Word
Annotating in Word
Word files with the template for transcriptions:
Word files with templates for subtitle exports:
Annotating with ELAN
Annotating with ELAN
A large part of our materials from field research is stored and annotated with the annotation program ELAN (free download) and kept long-term at the Friedrich Schiller University. We use the following layer structure:
- P1 (1st Person performing: Surname Name)
- English translation or summary
- P2… (2nd Person performing: Surname Name)
- English translation or summary
- I1, I2, I3... (Interviewer: Surname Name)
- English translation or summary
- Technical observations
The file naming follows these examples:
- 2010_09_23 (1) Pécs - Gyöngyi - Noi dân Indio a (original file)
- 2010_09_23 (1) Pecs - Gyöngyi - Noi dân Indio a vinit.eaf (ELAN file)
In ELAN always use the font Times New Roman only.
Annotation with Subtitle Edit
Annotation with Subtitle Edit
For annotating the raw videos and producing subtitles the employees and collaborators may use the free software Subtitle Edit to produce srt subtitle files.
Click here for a tutorial this.