Description: Ana-Maria Velciov narrates a fairy tale whose action and characters give a distinct and local color to the commonly known as "The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats" (Aarne–Thompson–Uther Index nr. 123). By combining the geography of the place she lives in (the wetlands of Banat) with the anthropomorphic goose, wolf and fox, she creates a playful interchange between reality and fantasy that remains strongly connected to both physical nature and the humans' common life experience: his struggle for survival, his way of solving and overcoming mistakes, his dealing with sly and evil approaches as part of the daily life.

Video with VLACH phonetic transcription


Cite as:Gə́skə-Fə́skə – Mother goose and the wolf; performer: Ana-Maria Velciov; camera/ interview: Thede Kahl, Andreea Pascaru; transcription: Petru Ciocani; Andreea Pascaru; translation: Petru Ciocani; editor: Valentina Roșu, retrieved from:, ID number: bana1308ROV0005a.

Video with Banat Bulgarian standardized orthography


Cite as: Gaska-Faska – Mother goose and the wolf; performer: Ana-Maria Velciov; camera/ interview: Thede Kahl, Andreea Pascaru; transcription: George Andreas Budur; translation: Petru Ciocani; editor: Ani Antonova, retrieved from:, ID number: bana1308ROV0005b.


Video with VLACH phonetic transcription

Video with Banat Bulgarian standardized orthography