VLACH field researchers need the "Mappa Campi", which has to be filled in during all field research projects:

Mappa Campi English 

Mappa Campi Italian

A large number of questionnaires are available for field research. Depending on the research objective, they can have an ethnological, linguistic, anthropological, historical or geographical focus. In qualitative research with narrative methods, questionnaires can also help to melt the ice between the researcher and the researched.

Here you will find a collection of questionnaires that have helped us with our projects.

The Lingua Descriptive Studies Questionnaire (Comrie & Smith 1977)

Questionnaire on shepherd terminology

Questionnaire for ethnolinguistic study of the Balkan Slavs

Questions about multilingualism at markets in Vienna

Questions about the identity of the Burgenland Croats

Questionnaire of the New Romanian Linguistic Atlas

We are always influencing our interlocutors (dialogue partners) with our questions and comments. It is therefore advisable to ask as few direct questions as possible. By listening attentively and only interjecting something occasionally, we make it clear that we attach great importance to natural everyday language. Here you will find a compilation of picture collages that can help to create a dialogue or a narrative.

Further reading on the creation of questionnaires and interview guides

Briggs, C. L. (1996): Interviewing. In Kontaktlinguistik. Ein internationales  Handbuch  zeitgenössischer  Forschung, eds. H. Goebl, P. H. Neide, Z. Starý & W. Wölck, 744-750. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.

Dresing, Thorsten (2012): Praxisbuch Interview & Transkription. Regelsysteme und Anleitungen für qualitative ForscherInnen. Marburg: audiotranskription.de.

Emerson, R. M. (2001): Contemporary Field Research: Perspectives and Formulations. Prospect Heights: Waveland Press.

Horst, H. A. (2016) Being in Fieldwork: Collaboration, Digital Media and Ethnographic Practice. In eFieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology in a Digital World, eds. R. Sanjek & S. Tratner. o.O.: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Ives, Edward D. (1995): The Tape-Recorded Interview: A Manual for Fieldworkers in Folklore and Oral History. Tennessee.

Lueger, Manfred (2000): Grundlagen qualitativer Feldforschung: Methodologie, Organisierung, Materialanalyse. Wien: WUV-Universitätsverlag.

Porst, Rolf (1996): Fragebogenerstellung. In Kontaktlinguistik. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung, eds. H. Goebl, P. H. Neide, Z. Starý & W. Wölck, 737-744. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.

Schmidt-Laubner, Brigitta (2007): Das qualitative Interview. In Methoden der Volkskunde, ed. S. L. Göttsch, Albrecht, 169-189. Berlin: Reimer.

Shaffir, W. & R. A. H. Stebbins (1991): Experiencing Fieldwork: An Inside View of Qualitative Research. London, Beverly Hills: Sage.

Yow, Valerie (1997): "Do I like Them Too Much?": Effects of the Oral History Interview on the Interviewer and Vice-Versa. The Oral History Review, 24, 55-79.

Ήμελλος, Στέφανος Δ.; Πολυμέρου-Καμηλάκη, Αικατερίνη (1983): Παραδοσιακός υλικός βίος του ελληνικού λαού (ερωτηματολόγιο). Αθήνα: Μπουλούκος, Λογοθέτης. Δημοσιεύματα του Κέντρου Ερέυνης της Ελληνικής Λαογραφίας αρ. 17, Μπουλούκος - Λογοθέτης.