Description: Incantation in Timok Romanian of Luka. Marija Stepanović recites an incantation against the evil eye. A prayer is recited for this spell in order to entreat the Blessed Virgin Mary to help Ana, the girl to whom the spell is addressed, and charm the evil power away from her. Greater forces are called in to help and Ana is cured of her enchantment. After the other people and animals have taken over the spell, Ana reverts to being as pure as the day her mother delivered her.

Cite as: Ǵescînćic ǵe uók' răĭ – Incantation against the evil eye; performer: Marija Stepanović, camera/ interview: Thede Kahl, Andreea Pascaru, transcription: Thede Kahl, Andreea Pascaru, Sabrina Tomić, translation: Andreea Pascaru, Sabrina Tomić, editor: Sabrina Tomić, retrieved from, ID number: timo1262RSV0001a.



Description: Marija Stepanović recites a love spell. A prayer is addressed to the Blessed Virgin Mary in order to help the main character, a girl called Ana, to stay healthy and find true love. During the spell, Ana's body is beautifully adorned, and due to her glow, she starts to resemble the rhythm of nature, being compared to a full moon the world couldn’t live without. However, there are some inadvertent consequences and all the young men who get to know Ana do not just fall madly in love with her, but can only find their peace in her presence. In the end, higher forces are invoked to help and bring back harmony to Ana's life.

Cite as:  Ǵescînć́ic ǵe dragostă – Love incantation; performer: Marija Stepanović, camera/ interview: Thede Kahl, Andreea Pascaru, transcription: Thede Kahl, Sabrina Tomić, translation: Andreea Pascaru, Sabrina Tomić, editors: Sabrina Tomić, retrieved from, ID number: timo1262RSV0002a.