Description: Zinametr Ülemj, laureate of international folklore festivals and state awards, demonstrates Khoton folk dances. The ikel (two stringed fiddle) accompaniment, performed by Zinametr, was recorded separately and later added to the video. The names of two dances can be approximately translated as ''The yound goldfinch'' and ''Her name is Juurai'', as their names in original language have different variants of spelling (Seden zalu/Seten zalu; Juurai gelden/Juurai geldenee), which in turn give them different meanings.
Cite as: Hotón ardýn bii biilgä́ – Khoton folk dances; performer: Zinametr Ülemj (dance & ikel arrangement), camera/ interview: Ioana Aminian, Thede Kahl, interview assistant/ transcription/ translation/ editor: Chingis Azydov, retrieved from, ID-number: oira1262MNV0001a.
Description: Tsagankhüü Shinen and her nephew Anar demonstrate Oirat Mongolian folk dance ''Aaɣtá bii biilgä́'' (Bowl dance). Ikel (two stringed fiddle) accompaniment is performed by Ganbold Saindai. The ''Bowl dance'' used to be performed at big celebrations and gatherings, as well as to show respect and entertain elder people. The performance was recorded at the house of Shinen Urgamal in Tarialan village.
Cite as: Aaɣtá bii biilgä́ – Bowl dance; performers: Tsagankhüü Shinen, Anar Myagmarjav, Ganbold Saindai (two stringed fiddle ikel), camera/ interview: Ioana Aminian, Thede Kahl, interview assistant/ transcription/ translation/ editor: Chingis Azydov, retrieved from, ID-number: oira1262MNV0005a.
Description: Leading Cultural Worker of Mongolia Shinen Urgamal introduces himself and, together with his granddaughter Baasankhüü Nergüi, performs Khoton folk dances ''Ih tatalga'' (Great melody) and ''Joroo mori'' (Pacer horse). The performance was recorded at the house of Shinen Urgamal in Tarialan village.
Cite as: Hotón jastný bii biilgä́ – Folk dances of Khoton people; performers: Shinen Urgamal, Baasankhüü Nergüi, Ganbold Saindai (two stringed fiddle ikel), camera/ interview: Ioana Aminian, Thede Kahl, interview assistant/ transcription/ translation/ editor: Chingis Azydov, retrieved from, ID-number: oira1262MNV0003a.