
Position Vacancy in the Acoustics Research Institute

Position Vacancy in the Acoustics Research Institute

Senior Research Fellow, acting Group Leader of 'Mathematics and Signal Processing in Acoustics'

The Acoustics Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is seeking a full time research position for the acting group leader of the working group 'Mathematics and Signal Processing in Acoustics' starting in September 2013.

The Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) is an interdisciplinary research institution of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary for frontier research in acoustics. The Acoustics Research Institute undertakes top-level research in psychoacoustics  and experimental audiology; acoustics phonetics; computational acoustics; and mathematics and signal processing. The close interaction between the working groups at the institute allow innovative research approaches based on the synergy effects of multidisciplinary research as well as concepts that stimulate the individual research fields. ARI employs approximately 30 academic, technical and administrative staff.

We are now looking for a Senior Research Fellow who will join and lead the 'Mathematics and Signal Processing in Acoustics' under the guidance of Dr. Peter Balazs. He will also work closely together with the other working groups of the institute in a multi-disciplinary research context.

The successful candidate will lead the research in application-oriented mathematics in acoustics in collaboration with Dr. Balazs (the current director). He will organize the existing and future research projects and guide the resources in order to achieve research outputs. They will also be responsible for developing research proposals and seeking and securing funding in collaboration with colleagues. It is expected that the successful candidate can fund its own position after three years.

This is a research position, no teaching duties are involved.

Applicants are required to be able to show:

  • a PhD or equivalent in a relevant scientific discipline.

  • experience in a least three of the topics and openness to the others

  • frame theory

  • operator theory

  • Gabor and wavelet theory

  • time-frequency signal processing

  • numerics of integral equations

  • phonetics

  • psychoacoustics

  • acoustical measurement theoryexcellent publication record in some of the above mentioned topics.

  • experience in leading research projects including initiating, sustaining and pursuing a research plan.

  • a track record of successful grant capture.

  • the desire to travel and work in an international cooperative research environment.


  • a habilitation or  equivalent in a relevant scientific discipline.
  • experience in as many of the topics as possible.
  • a multi-disciplinary publication record in the involved fields

This full time post is available from 1 September 2013 and will be offered for a year. (In exceptional cases a later start is possible.) Given a successful cooperation with the group and the institut it will be prolonged by two years (until 31 August 2016). After an excellent fit to the institute, the working group and the institute, as well as a sucessfull grant proposal the contract will be prolonged for another three years (until 31 August 2019). It is the explicit plan to build up a long-term team for the 'Mathematics and Signal processing in Acoustics' group. The Austrian Academy of Sciences is currently implementing a tenure-track career plan in the near future. It is very possible that these positions can be considered to be within this plan, once this option exists.

The salary will be EUR 43,213.80 a year at minimum according to the collective agreement of the Austrian Academy of Sciences with willingness to a higher payment depending on the experience and qualification of the candidate.

Applicants should submit a letter of application (expressing their particular fitting to this position and interest in the position), their curriculum vitae, a list of 5-10 most important publications (with short summaries), a full publication list and three recommendation letters with contact data until the 31th of July 2013 to:

Acoustics Research Institute
Wohllebengasse 12-14, 1st floor
1040 Vienna


The Austrian Academy of Sciences is an equal-opportunity employer, women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

We will invite the top-ranked candidate, after an initial ranking for a presentation in August 2013.