At the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI), all Praedocs meet bimonthly for a jour fixe to discuss topics that are particularly relevant for young researchers. The focus lies on research-related and administrative questions that cannot be covered by the respective supervisors and for which the “swarm intelligence” of the Praedocs offers fast and unbureaucratic help. We further consider ourselves to be the first contact point of Praedocs who are just starting out at ARI to not only strengthen the team spirit but also facilitate the integration of new employees. Questions of all sorts can be asked via praedocs.ISF(at) .

The Austrian Academy of Sciences is not a degree-granting institution. Hence, ARI Praedocs are enrolled in degree programs at different universities, depending on their field of research.

Last updated on: 04.07.2023

Research projects and doctoral theses in progress:

Abbasi, Reyhaneh: "Developing a bioacoustic tool for mouse ultrasonic vocalizations" ARI supervisor: Peter Balazs, University of Vienna supervisor: Moritz Grosse-Wentrup 

Augsten, Marie-Luise: "Audio-taktiles Kurzzeitgedächtnis", University of Vienna supervisor: Ulrich Ansorge, ARI supervisor: Bernhard Laback

Bytchenkoff, Dimitri : "Application of localized frames to represent bounded linear operators as sparse matrices", Doctoral Program in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences in the field of Mathematics at the University of Vienna, ARI supervisor: Peter Balazs

Escudero, Luis Alberto: "Multiple Sampling and Interpolation in Weighted Fock Spaces of Entire Functions", ARI supervisor: José Luis Romero

Greif, Tobias: "Dynamates: Dynamic Auditory Predictions in Human and Non-Human Primates", ARI supervisor: Robert Baumgartner

Haider, Daniel: “Invertible Modeling in a Deep Learning Setting Using Frame Theory”, Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences in the field of Mathematics at the University of Vienna, ARI supervisor: Peter Balazs

Ignatiadis, Karolina: "Born2Hear: Development and Adaptation of Auditory Spatial Processing Across the Human Lifespan", ARI supervisor: Robert Baumgartner, University of Vienna supervisor: Moritz Grosse-Wentrup

Köhldorfer, Lukas: "Localized, Fusion and Tensors of Frames for Operator Representations." Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences in the field of Mathematics at the University of Vienna, ARI supervisor: Peter Balazs, University of Vienna supervisor: Karlheinz Gröchenig

Lamando, Arvin: "C*-Bundles, Imprimitivity Bimodules, Module Frames, and their Applications to Gabor Analysis" ARI Supervisor: Peter Balazs

Leykum, Hannah : "Irony production and perception of people with normal hearing and CI wearers", ARI supervisor: Eva Reinisch , University of Vienna supervisor: Daniel Büring  (former ARI supervisor: Sylvia Moosmüller † )

Lindenbeck, Martin: "Towards Improving Selective Hearing in Cochlear-Implant Listeners", Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences in the field of Psychology at the University of Vienna, ARI supervisor: Bernhard Laback, University of Vienna supervisor: Ulrich Ansorge

Luttenberger, Jan: "SFB German in Austria. Variation – Contact – Perception”, ARI supervisor: Michael Pucher

Perfler, Felix: "Evaluation and Application of a Parametric Pinna Model", ARI-supervisor: Piotr Madjak, supervisor at Kunstuniversität Graz: Alois Sontacci

Pollack, Katharina: "Non-Rigid Registration for the Calculation of Head-Related Transfer Functions", ARI supervisor: Piotr Majdak, KUG supervisor: Robert Höldrich

Reese Klubach, Helen: "Phonetic Influences on Spoken Word Recognition", ARI supervisor: Eva Reinisch

Shafkulovska, Irina: "Topics in sampling and time-frequency analysis", University of Vienna supervisors: Karlheinz Gröchenig and Markus Faulhuber, ARI supervisor: Peter Balazs

Soni, Prateek: "Localization and identification of moving noise sources", ARI supervisor: Holger Waubke

Wagner, Bernhard: "Consonance and dissonance", ARI supervisor: Marisa Hoeschele

Representatives of the praedocs

The praedocs are represented by two speakers.

The current representatives are Lukas Köhldorfer and Tobias Greif.

Former representatives: Katharina Pollack and Jan Luttenberger (2022)

Past Theses

Weihs, N. (2022) "Taal en perceptie: over akoestische reductie en de herkenning van spreektaal tijdens fonologische variatie: een vergelijking van het Vlaams en het Nederlands" (Sprache und Wahrnehmung: Von akustischer Reduktion und Erkennung von gesprochener Sprache während phonologischer Variation. Ein Vergleich des Niederländischen und Flämischen), Bachelor's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Eva Reinisch.

Holböck, J. (2022) "Localized Frames and Applications", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Peter Balazs.

Klingel, M. (2022) “Reweighting of Binaural Cues: Generalizability and Applications in Cochlear Implant Listening”, Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback, Supervisor at the University of Vienna: Ulrich Ansorge.

Schmid, C. (2021) "Cross-Language Mappings at the Phonetic Level in Late Bilingual Bosnian-German Speakers Living In Vienna", Supervisor at ARI: Eva Reinisch, Supervisor at the University of Vienna: Daniel Büring (former supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller †).

Klingler, N. (2021) "Timing of Vowel and Consonant Sequences in two Varieties of Vienna", Supervisor at ARI: Eva Reinisch (former supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller †).

Köhldorfer, L. (2021) "Fusion Frames and Operators", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Peter Balazs.

Marafioti, A. (2021) "Exemplar-Based Audio Inpainting in Musical Signals", Dissertation at the KUG, Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics. Supervisor at ARI: Piotr Majdak, Supervisor at KUG: Robert Höldrich.

Jenny, C. (2019) "Untersuchung der Hörwahrnehmung in der virtuellen Realität - Einfluss der Individualisierbarkeit der binauralen Darbietung in audiovisuellen virtuellen Umgebungen", Dissertation at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Piotr Majdak, Supervisor at the University of Vienna: Christoph Reuter.

Haider, D. (2019): "Aspects of Time-Frequency Scattering and Towards Phase Scattering", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Peter Balazs.

Berezhinskaya, A. (2019): "Analyse and reproduction of the Laurel Yanny acoustic Illusion", Bachelor's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Wolfgang Kreuzer.

Aigner, A. (2019): "Anwenden eines unterbewussten absoluten Gehörs mit Hilfe von musikalisch einprägsamen Melodien", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Marisa Hoeschele.

Brand, J. (2018): "Modellierung des menschlichen Voikaltrakts", Bachelor's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Wolfgang Kreuzer.

Lozo, C. (2018): "Synthese und prosodischer Transfer zweier sübairischer Dialekte - Sprachsynthes als Beispiel für ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld der Linquisitk", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Michael Pucher.

Lindenbeck, M. (2018): "Temporal Pitch in Electric Hearing with Short-Interpulse-Interval Stimulation", Master's thesis at the Kunstuniversität Wien. Supervisors at ARI: Piotr Majdak, Bernhard Laback.

Speckbacher, M. (2017): "Reproducing Pairs and Flexible Time-Frequency Representations". PhD-thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Peter Balazs.

Ferber, M. (2017): "Pasiticity of Spatial Processing in Normal Hearing: Reweighting of Binaural Cues", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback.

Klingel, M. (2017): "Der Einfluss der Ähnlichkeit zwischen Hinweis- und Zielreiz in einem auditiven Hinweisreizparadigma", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback.

Ziegelwanger, H. (2017): "Numerical Calculation of Individual Head-Related Transfer Functions of Human Listeners", Dissertation at the KUG, Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics. Supervisors at ARI: Peter Balazs, Wolfgang Kreuzer, Piotr Majdak. Supervisors at KUG: Robert Höldrich, Gerhard Eckel.

Egger, K., (2016): "Binaural Timing Sensitivity in Multiple Electrode Stimulation", Supervisor at KUG: Robert Höldrich, Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback, Piotr Majdak.

Engelputzeder, N., (2016): "Linear time-variant Systems and Gabor Riesz bases", University of Vienna, Supervisor: Hans G. Feichtinger, Supervisor at ARI: Peter Balazs.

Baumgartner, R. (2015): "Modeling sound localization in sagittal planes for human listeners" Supervisor at KUG: Robert Höldrich, Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback, Piotr Majdak.

Bachmann, N. (2014): "Complete Bessel sequences", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Peter Balazs.

Mihocic, M. (2014): "ExpSuite: Open Source-Framework zur Durchführung psychoakustischer Experimente und akustischer Messungen", Master's thesis at the Fachhochschule Technikum Wien. Supervisor at ARI: Piotr Majdak.

Baumgartner, R. (2013): "Modeling vertical-plane sound localization with the application to subband-encoded head-related transfer functions", Masterarbeit, KUG, Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics. Supervisor at ARI: Piotr Majdak, Damian Marelli.

Djabbari, D. (2013): "Perspetives on Finnisch Nasal Place Assimilation", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller.

Hildenbrandt, T. (2013): "'Ach, ich und die /r/-Vokalisierung.' On the difference in the distribution of [x] and [ç] in Standard German and Standard Austrian German", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller.

Masiero, B. (2013): "Evaluation of design parameters in loudspeaker-based auralization systems", RWTH Aachen University. Supervisor: M. Vorländer, Co-supervisor at ARI: Piotr Majdak.

Ziegelwanger, H. (2012): "Modell zur effizienten Kodierung von Signallaufzeiten für die binaurale Wiedergabe virtueller Schallquellen", Master's thesis at the KUG, Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics. Supervisor at ARI: Piotr Majdak.

Goldgruber, B. (2011): "Einstellungen zu Dialekt und Standardsprache im Österreich. Eine empirische Untersuchung in Graz und Wien", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller.

Bayer, D. (2011): "Bilinear Time-Frequency Distributions and Pseudodifferential Operators", Dissertation at the University of Vienna, Supervisor at the University of Vienna: Karlheinz Gröchenig, Supervisor at ARI: Peter Balazs.

Rieckh, G. (2011): "Frames and Galerkin Boundary Element Method (BEM)", University of Vienna, Betreuer an der Universität Wien: Hans G. Feichtinger, Supervisor at ARI: Peter Balazs.

Enzinger, E. (2010): "Formant trajectories in forensic speaker recognition", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller: Sylvia Moosmüller.

Walder, T. (2010): "Schallquellenlokalisation mittels Frequenzbereich-Kompression der Außenohrübertragungsfunktionen", Master's thesis at the KUG, Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics. Supervisors at ARI: Bernhard Laback, Piotr Majda.

Necciari, T. (2010): "Etude du masquage sonore temps-fréquence et application à l'analyse-synthèse des sons [Study of the time-frequency masking and application to the analysis-synthesis of sounds]", Université de Provence, Marseille. Betreuer: R. Kronland-Martinet and S. Savel, Supervisors at ARI: Peter Balazs, Bernhard Laback.

Könsgen, A.-K. (2009): "Effects of binaural jitter on sensitivity to interaural time differences in hearing-impaired listeners", Master's thesis at the KUG, Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics. Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback.

Zimmermann, I. (2009): "Einfluss von Hüllkurvenparametern auf die Wahrnehmung interauraler Zeitdifferenzen bei Normalhörenden und Cochleaimplantat-Trägern", Bachelor's thesis at the University of Applied Sciences, Institut für Hörtechnik und Audiologie, Oldenburg. Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback.

Majdak, P. (2008): "Lateralization of sounds based on interaural time differences in cochlear-implant listeners", Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics, University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz, Supervisor: Robert Höldrich, Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback.

Smejkal, B. (2008): "Auditives Feedback und Sprechmusterveränderung bei postlingual ertaubten Erwachsenen nach Cochlea Implantation unter besonderer Beachtung der Vokale [e: - E], sowie [i: - I]", Master's thesis at the Medical University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller.

Zelger, I. (2008): "Auditives Feedback und Sprechmusterveränderung nach Cochlearimplantation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Plosive", Master's thesis at the Medical University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller.

Haider, A. (2008): "Auditory localization using HRTF", Bachelor's thesis at the FH Technikum Wien. Supervisor at ARI: Wolgang Kreuzer.

Toupin, G. (2007): "Development of software applications for psychoacoustic experiments", Master's thesis at Ecole Centrale Nantes, France. Supervisors at ARI: Peter Balazs, Bernhard Laback.

Wippel, F. (2007): "Monaurale und binaurale Lautheitsskalierung bei Cochleaimplantat-Trägern", Master's thesis at the TU Wien. Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback.

Newesely, T. (2006): "Die Auswirkungen der bilateralen subthalamischen Hirnstimulation bei Morbus Parkinson auf akustische Parameter und die subjektive Verständlichkeit des Sprechens", Master's thesis at the Medical University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Sylvia Moosmüller.

Mihocic, M. (2005): "Ortung akustischer Quellen mittels eines Vielkanal-Messsystems", Master's thesis at the Fachhochschule Technikum Wien. Supervisor at ARI: Holger Waubke.

Gschiel, M. (2004): "Implementierung eines Echtzeitsystems für audio-visuelle Stimulus Darbietung", Master's thesis at the Fachhochschule Technikum Wien. Supervisor at ARI: Werner Deutsch, Piotr Majdak.

Schmidt, K. (2003): "Binaurales Hören mit Cochleaimplantaten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Time-Intensity-Trading", Master's thesis at the University of Vienna. Supervisor at ARI: Bernhard Laback.