Head of Cluster Mathematics
Head of Frame Theory and its Implementation
Machine Learning

Tel. +43 1 51581-2510
Email: peter.balazs(at)

Scientific IDs:
Scopus Author ID: 8211873600
ResearcherID: E-3020-2010

Academic background

Peter Balazs studied mathematics and physics at the University of Vienna. In 2001, he graduated with honors in mathematics and an M.Sc. thesis on "Polynomials over Groups" ("Polynome über Gruppen"). He successfully defended his PhD thesis and graduated (with distinction) in June 2005. His PhD thesis is titled, "Regular and Irregular Gabor Multiplier with Application to Psychoacoustic Masking," and can be downloaded here.

Peter Balazs has been part of the Institute since 1999. His PhD thesis was written at NuHaG, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna. The cooperation formed during his thesis also resulted in him becoming a fellow of the HASSIP EU network. He joined the LATP, CMI and LMA, CNRS Marseille from November 2003 - April 2004 and in March, May and June of 2006. He also worked with the FYMA, UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve in August 2005.

In 2011 he has won the START prize, the national equivalent of the ERC starting grant in Austria, and therefore the most prestiguos award for youg scientists in Austria. In the same year he wrote his habilitation thesis "New Concepts in Frame Theory Motivated by Acoustical Applications".

In 2012 he was appointed as director of ARI.


Peter Balazs is interested in Time Frequency Analysis, Gabor Analysis, Numerics, Frame Theory, Signal Processing, Acoustics and Psychoacoustics.