Head of Cluster Mathematics
Head of Frame Theory and its Implementation
Machine Learning
Tel. +43 1 51581-2510
Email: peter.balazs(at)
Scientific IDs:
Scopus Author ID: 8211873600
ResearcherID: E-3020-2010
Academic background
Peter Balazs studied mathematics and physics at the University of Vienna. In 2001, he graduated with honors in mathematics and an M.Sc. thesis on "Polynomials over Groups" ("Polynome über Gruppen"). He successfully defended his PhD thesis and graduated (with distinction) in June 2005. His PhD thesis is titled, "Regular and Irregular Gabor Multiplier with Application to Psychoacoustic Masking," and can be downloaded here.
Peter Balazs has been part of the Institute since 1999. His PhD thesis was written at NuHaG, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna. The cooperation formed during his thesis also resulted in him becoming a fellow of the HASSIP EU network. He joined the LATP, CMI and LMA, CNRS Marseille from November 2003 - April 2004 and in March, May and June of 2006. He also worked with the FYMA, UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve in August 2005.
In 2011 he has won the START prize, the national equivalent of the ERC starting grant in Austria, and therefore the most prestiguos award for youg scientists in Austria. In the same year he wrote his habilitation thesis "New Concepts in Frame Theory Motivated by Acoustical Applications".
In 2012 he was appointed as director of ARI.
Peter Balazs is interested in Time Frequency Analysis, Gabor Analysis, Numerics, Frame Theory, Signal Processing, Acoustics and Psychoacoustics.
- Haider D.; Lostanlen V.; Ehler M.; Balazs P. (2024) Instabilities in Convnets for Raw Audio. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Bd. 31, S. 1084-1088.
- Nenov R.; Nguyen D.-K.; Balazs P.; Boţ R. I. (2024) Accelerated Griffin-Lim Algorithm: A Fast and Provably Converging Numerical Method for Phase Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Bd. 72, S. 190-202.
- Abreu L.D.; Balazs P.; Holighaus N.; Luef F.; Speckbacher M. (2024) Time-frequency analysis on flat tori and Gabor frames in finite dimensions. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Bd. 69, S. 101622.
- Balazs P.; Freeman D.; Popescu R.; Speckbacher M. (2024) Quantitative bounds for unconditional pairs of frames. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Bd. 531/1/2, S. 127874.
- Balazs P.; Bastianoni F.; Cordero E.; Feichtinger H. G.; Schweighofer N. (2024) Comparisons between Fourier and STFT multipliers: the smoothing effect of the Short-time Fourier Transform. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Bd. 529, S. 127579.
- Balazs P.; Shamsabadi M.; Arefijamaal A.A.; Chardon G. (2024) Representation of operators using fusion frames. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Bd. 68, S. 101596.
- Köhldorfer L.; Balazs P.; Casazza P.; Heineken S.; Hollomey C.; Morillas P.; et al. (2023) A Survey of Fusion Frames in Hilbert Spaces. In: Sampling, Approximation, and Signal Analysis. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis.. Birkhäuser, Cham S. 245-328.
- Lostanlen V.; Haider D.; Han H.; Lagrange M.; Balazs P.; Ehler M. (2023) Fitting Auditory Filterbanks with Multiresolution Neural Networks. 2023 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics. IEEE, New Paltz, USA.
- Haider D.; Ehler M.; Balazs P. (2023) Convex Geometry of ReLU-Layers, Injectivity on the Ball and Local Reconstruction. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning. Honolulu.
- Casey S. D.; Balazs P. (2023) Sampling and Frame Expansions for UWB Signals. 14th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications. Yale.
- Bytchenkoff D.; Speckbacher M.; Balazs P. (2023) Outer Kernel Theorem for Co-orbit Spaces of Localised Frames. 14th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications. Yale.
- Nenov R.; Nguyen D. -K.; Balazs P. (2023) Faster Than Fast: Accelerating the Griffin-Lim Algorithm. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Rhodos S. 1-5.
- Feichtinger H.G.; Balazs P.; Haider D. (2023) Double Preconditioning for Gabor Frame Operators: Algebraic, Functional Analytic and Numerical Aspects. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Bd. 66, S. 101-137.
- Abreu L.D.; Balazs P.; Jakšić S. (2023) The affine ensemble: determinantal point processes associated with the ax + b group. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, Bd. 75/2, S. 469-483.
- Köhldorfer L.; Balazs P. (2023) On the relation of the frame-related operators of fusion frame systems. Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis (SASIDA), Bd. 21, S. 9.
- Tauböck G.; Rajbamshi S.; Balazs P. (2022) Random time-varying filtering with subsampling. Proceedings: A16, Numerical, Computational and Theoretical Acoustics, ICA 2022. Gyeongju, Korea S. 274-280.
- Wojdyllo P.; Balazs P. (2022) Ancient Greek theatre - impulse response simulation. Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium: The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres. Verona.
- Hollomey C.; Holighaus N.; Balazs P. (2022) Music signal analysis in the Large Time Frequency Analysis Toolbox. Proceedings: A07, Musical Acoustics, ICA 2022. Gyeongju S. 98-104.
- Balazs P.; Tauböck G.; Rajbamshi S.; Holighaus N. (2022) Audio Inpainting. Proceedings: A16, Numerical, Computational and Theoretical Acoustics, ICA 2022. Gyeongju S. 186-189.
- Novoselov A.; Balazs P.; Bokelmann G. (2022) SEDENOSS: SEparating and DENOising Seismic Signals With Dual - Path Recurrent Neural Network Architecture. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Bd. 127/3.
Additional information
Additional information
Professional societies and activities
He is a student IEEE member since 2002, a regular member since 2005, a senior member since 2012. He is also a member of the AES, ÖMG and EMS .
Hobbies etc.
His hobbies are: music (playing the drums), baseball, games (especially role-playing games), and using the computer. You can view Peter Balazs's personal homepage here.
Past Research
Peter Balazs was working on the START project 'Frames and Linear Operators for Acoustical Modeling and Parameter Estimation', which aimed at establishing frame theory as the mathematical backbone for acoustical modelling. For more details see here.
He was the leader of the WWTF project Frame Multiplier: Theory and Application in Acoustics from 2008 - 2011. This project aimed to establish new results in the mathematic theory of frame multipliers - to integrate them into efficient digital signal processing algorithms, and to make them available for use in "real world" acoustic applications. This international, multi-disciplinary and team-oriented project has allowed P. Balazs to form the group 'Mathematics and Acoustical Signal Processing’ at the Acoustics Research Institute, in cooperation with NuHaG Vienna (Hans G. Feichtinger), the group Laboratoire PRISM of the LMA / CRNS Marseille (Richard Kronland-Martinet) and the Signal Processing Group of the LATP, CNRS Marseilles (Bruno Torrésani) as well as the FYMA, UCL, Louvain-La-Neuve (Jean-Pierre Antoine).
Regular and irregular Gabor multiplier with application to psychoacoustic masking was a focus of Balazs, even after finishing his PhD. and has developed into other projects like MulAc. With the Laboratoire PRISM, the Acoustics Research Institute has successfully implemented a WTZ-funded exchange project on "Time-Frequency Representation and Perception" for 2006 and 2007.
Balazs has also worked as a software developer at our Institute. When starting at the Institute in 1999, he was working on implementations in S_TOOLS-STx Macro & C++, documentation, user interface development, database structure concepts, and more. After finishing his studies, he has been delving deeper into the mathematical and theoretical background of signal processing.
His other projects include investigating the phase in acoustics, helping with the mathematical background in other projects, and some programming. He has also worked (and co-managed) in the project, "Vibrations in soils and liquids - Transform method for layers with random properties", a project of Dr. Ing. habil. Waubke funded by the FWF. Since June 2005 P. Balazs has been a permanent staff member of the Acoustics Research Institute.
His interests include discrete Gabor analysis and Gabor theory in the finite discrete setting, which is an area of high interest for any application. In 2006 he publshed a numerically efficient way to find an approximate dual window (a window that gives perfect reconstruction). He is using a special structure of Gabor analysis and synthesis via "Double Preconditioning for Gabor Frames".