The Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) is a Matlab/Octave toolbox intended to serve as a common ground for auditory modelling.
The AMT has been initiated by Peter Søndergaard in 2013. It is now developed by Piotr Majdak with main programming by Clara Hollomey, long-term contributions by Robert Baumgartner and Alejandro Osses (ENS, Paris), and documentation support by Michael Mihocic. Further, the AMT contains contributions of many international research groups.
The AMT is a collection of models of the auditory system, administered and developed at the Acoustics Research Institute. It aims at enhancing our understanding of auditory processes by enabling the reproduction of scientific results and providing support with the implementation of novel auditory models.
The AMT is a community-driven project. It comprises over 60 models from various areas of auditory research, contributed and developed by scientists from all over the world. It is free and open source. More information can be found at
Recent developments:
- March 2023: The AMT 1.3.0 has been published. It features two new models as well as minor enhancements. The detailed changes are listed here.
- May 2022: The AMT has received an update to the AMT 1.2.0, to include a new model, updates of a few models, as well as many bug fixes and improvements. The detailed changes are enlisted here.
- May 2022: A paper about the Auditory Modeling Toolbox has been published: Majdak, P., Hollomey, C., Baumgartner, R. (2022) "AMT 1.x: A toolbox for reproducible research in auditory modeling," Acta Acustica 6:19, The paper accompanies the release of the AMT 1.1.
- December 2021: The AMT has received an update to the AMT 1.1, containing new models (mostly dealing with binaural speech intelligibility), updates of other models, as well as many bug fixes and improvements.