Research Scientist
Biology Cluster
Head of Mammal Communication

Tel. +43 1 51581-2517
Email: Angela.Stoeger-Horwath(at)

Scientific ID:

Academic Background

Angela Stoeger studied zoology at the University of Vienna, and graduated in 2002. She did her PhD at the Department of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Vienna, and received her doctoral degree with distinction in December 2006. She received the Doc Award For her PhD thesis on vocal communication of African elephants.

She joined the Department of Cognitive Biology at the University of Vienna in 2010, where she led the Saimiri Lab. She was the PI of several FWF Stand Alone projects and established and leads the Mammal Communication Lab. She habilitated in behavioral and cognitive Biology in 2018.

Angela received several prestiguos awards for her work. The focus of excellence Award from the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna, the Elisabeth Lutz Award from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, The Loreal Stipendium for Women in Science, and the Science Award from the City of Vienna. In 2021, Angela Stöger was among the top 3 in the election of Austria’s Scientist of the Year. She is the author of the book “Von singenden Mäusen und quietschenden Elefanten” (Of singing mice and squeaking elephants), which was awarded Austria’s Science Book of the Year in 2022.

Angela joined the ARI as a visiting researcher in September 2022. Since 15th September 2023 she is research scientist at the ARI.

Angela Stöger´s publication "Elefanten: Ihre Weisheit, ihre Sprache und ihr soziales Miteinander" has been awarded "Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres" of the year 2024.
OeAW-News article in German "Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres: Zwei ÖAW-Forscherinnen ausgezeichnet" Link

Current Research

Angela Stoeger researches the communication of mammals. Currently, she is focussing on African and Asian elephants investigating their vocal learning ability.  Moreover, her research team also studies the behavior and the communication of cheetahs, lions, African wild dogs, meerkats, manatees and hyraxes.

Within the frame pf the doctoral program Cognition and Communication II, funded by the FWF the Austrian Science Fund, Angela Stoeger is supervising the PhD Student Vesta Eleuteri on multimodal communication in African elephants.