Current projects
- Annex 63
- BEM - Boundary Element Methods in Acoustics
- Beam Forming
- GLAS - Glasklare Lärmschutzwände - Auswirkung auf die Schallausbreitung
- LARS - LärmArme RumpelStreifen (low noise rumble strips)
- LION - Localization and Identification of moving noise sources
- LOFT: Localized, Fusion and Tensors of Frames
- Orthobem: Simulation of Vibrations in Tunnels
- PAAB - Psychoakustische Analyse Auffälliger Bogengeräusche
- RAARA - Residential Area Augmented Reality Acoustics
- RailVib - Railway vibrations from tunnels
- SONICOM: Transforming Auditory-Based Social Interaction an Communication in AR/VR
- Stochastic Transformation Methods (Acoustics and Vibration)
- Vibrations in soils and fluids with random properties
- WiABahn - Akustische Wirkung von gleisnahen Abschirmkanten und Bahnsteigdächern
Completed projects
- Acoustic Holography
- Annex 51
- BIOTOP: Adaptive Wavelet and Frame techniques for acoustic BEM. FWF Project I-1018-N25
- Boundary Element Method (BEM) Model of the Head
- Calm Tracks & Routes
- Correction of Failures in Cogwheels
- Development of a General C++ Class for Wavelet Analysis
- Documentation Wavelet Analysis and Transformations of the Cohen Class
- Extensions for HAMS: Burton-Miller, Fast Multipole Method (FMM)
- Measurements of test runs of the Austrian railways OEBB
- MPEG4-Features for Diadem
- Multilevel Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM)
- New Approaches in Ray-Tracing and Boundary Element Method
- Pandenoise: Noise map timeline of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Pole-Zero Model Estimation for Speech Analysis
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the Estimation of the Acoustic Far-Field Level
- BEM-formulation in the Time Domain
- RELSKG: Development of a computational method for noise barriers with a complex geometry
- Simulation of Tubes
- Spectral Transform of Sound Fields (STSF)
- SysBahnlärm
- Wavelet Approaches in the Fast Multipole Method