A mathematical background is very important and useful for all physical and engineering sciences. The connection between applied and mathematical research often leads to progress in both directions, due to natural synergy effects. The Acoustic Research Institute considers the investigation of the mathematical background of its numerous research projects, most prominently the signal processing aspects, as an important part of acoustic research.

The fundamental mathematical backbone in the analysis of acoustic signals are time-frequency representations. Our main focus is thus their thorough theoretical investigation. This includes the development and understanding of abstract mathematical results, as well as their implications through discretization and quantization for real world signals and thereby facilitate the way to applications.

The cooperation of the cluster Mathematics with the other clusters of the Institute has been proven to be very fruitful for all partners and will be further strengthened. While the other clusters benefit from our methodologies to solve their relevant problems, well-based in theory, the mathematicians can solve questions relevant for applications while exploring new and interesting theoretical directions. This dialog increases the understanding of other fields enormously.

Completed projects