MC3 is a powerful Python Bayesian-statistics tool to perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares optimization and Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) posterior-distribution sampling. MC3 runs from the Shell prompt or through the Python interpreter, supports non-informative or Gaussian priors, and provides correlated-noise estimation with the Time-averaging or the Wavelet-based Likelihood methods.
Find the full MC3 documentation at See Cubillos et al. (2016) for further details.
This code derives the correction to the stellar activity parameters S and logR' caused by absorption from the interstellar medium.
The code is available in both IDL and Python here. See Fossati et al., submitted for further details.
The Bayesian Atmospheric Radiative Transfer project (BART) consists of three independent modules to compute radiative transfer, thermochemical equilibrium abundances (TEA), and a Bayesian MCMC sampler (MC3). The BART code can compute forward-modeling exoplanet emission and transmission spectra including line-by-line, cross-section, alkali, Rayleigh, and cloud opacities. BART also works in a retrieval configuration to constrain the temperature and composition of exoplanet atmospheres upon comparing the theoretical spectra with observed eclipse or transit data.
BART is available at under a Reproducible Research license. See Cubillos (2016) and Blecic (2016) for further details.
The Repack Python package (Cubillos 2017) compresses line-by-line transition opacity databases from Exomol, HITEMP, and Kurucz TiO, enabling faster radiative-transfer computations without loss of information. To do so, Repack preserves the full LBL information of only the strong lines that dominate the spectrum, and compressed the opacity from the weak lines into a continuum opacity. The compressed dataset reproduces ~99% of the original opacity, taking into considertion the temperature dependence of the opacity.
BThe Repack code is available at