Habilitation Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Theses
Doctoral Thesis
- Bach-Møller N., Exoplanet Atmospheres in High-Energy Radiative Environments, TU Graz and University of Copenhagen, 161 p., 2024.
- Balduin T., Dust Grain Charging in Protoplanetary Disks and the Potential Emergence of Lightning, TU Graz and University of Copenhagen, 119 p., 2024.
- Campos Estrada B. M., From Dusty Tails to Cloudy Skies. Exploring Exoplanetary Environments Through Self-Consistent Modelling, University of Copenhagen and Graz University of Technology, 200 p., 2024.
- Kanwar J., The Warm Chemistry in Planet-Forming Disks, University of Groningen and TU Graz, 172 p., 2024.
- Käufer T., Unlocking a Bayesian View on Protoplanetary Disks, University of Groningen and TU Graz, 220 p., 2024.
- Kiefer S., Cloud Formation in 3D Exoplanet Atmospheres, KU Leuven and TU Graz, 286 p., 2024.
Diploma - & Bachelor's Theses
Diploma Thesis
- Janz. T., Cloud Formation on Tidally Locked Exoplanets with a F-type Host Star, TU Graz, 2024.
- Leitner H., Cloud Formation on Tidally Locked Exoplanets with a G-type Host Star, TU Graz, 2024.
- Weichbold F., Mercury's Exospheric Composition Determined by Ion-Cyclotron Wave Analysis, Universität Graz, 76 p., 2024.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Diploma - & Bachelor's Thesis
Diploma Thesis
- Amateis I., Digging in the Dirt: Measuring Planetary Fundamental Parameters in the Presence of Stellar Activity. The Case of TOI-396, Università degli studi di Torino, 120 p., 2023.
- Blazovnik L., Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Fluxgate Sensors, Technische Universität Graz, 2023.
- Haberz D., Reduction of Reactions in the Cluster Formation of TiO_2, Technische Universität Graz, 35 p., 2023.
- Ley T., Characterization of Titanium Oxide Nanoclusters, Technische Universität Graz, 35 p., 2023.
- Nadrag L., Exploring Observable Consequences of Mixed-Material Clouds in the JWST Era, Technische Universität Graz, 31 p., 2023.
- Reisinger N., Occurrence of Electron Scale Current Sheet in Dipolarization Front and Signatures of Reconnection, Universität Graz, 98 p., 2023.
- Trummer N. M., Simulation and Classification of Space Debris Light Curves, Universität Graz, 100 p., 2023.
- Zivithal S., Experimental Characterisation of the Gas-Flow Properties of Dry Refractories in the Context of Cometary Physics, Universität Graz, 102 p., 2023.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
- Blasl K. A., In-situ spacecraft observations of surface waves at Earth's magnetopause during periods of southward interplanetary magnetic field, Universität Graz, 2020.
- Goldgruber R., Enabling TESS Follow-Up Observations from the Lustbühel Observatory, Universität Graz, 82 p., 2020.
- Krenn A., Energy-limited hydrodynamic escape : an investigation of the range of applicability, Technische Universität Graz, 69 p., 2020.
- Schweighart M., Gas Flow Through Porous Media With Regard to Comets and Asteroids, Universität Graz, 64 p., 2020.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
- Fischer D., Optimized Merging of Search-Coil and Fluxgate Data for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, Technische Universität Graz, 151 p., 2018.
- Juvan I., Multicolor Photometry of Transiting Extrasolar Planets, Universität Graz, 114 p., 2018.
- Mannel T., Cometary dust at the Micrometre Scale - Results of MIDAS, the Atomic Force Microscope aboard the Comet Orbiter Rosetta, Universität Graz, 125 p., 2018.
- Sudong X., Solar Wind Interaction with Induced Magnetosphere of Venus, University of Science and Technology of China, 96 p., 2018.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
- Ritter S., Simulation und Analyse von Laser Entfernungsmessungen zur dynamischen Bahnbestimmung für den Anwendungsfall Space Debris, Technische Universität Graz, 86 p., 2017.
- Romero Lopera J., Statistical analysis of flux ropes in the plasma sheet of the magnetotail, Technische Universität Graz, 130 p., 2017.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
- Alexandrova A., Magnetic Reconnection in the Earth’s Magnetotail: Temporal Evolution and Spatial Characteristics, Universität Graz, 120 p., 2016.
- Grassitelli L., Instabilities in the Envelope of Stars, Universität Bonn, 96 p., 2016.
- Odert P., Activity of M-type Stars and its Influence on Planetary Atmospheres, Universität Graz, ??? p., 2016.
- Perschke C., Dispersionseigenschaften magnetischer Fluktuationen auf ionenkinetischen Skalen in der Sonnenwindturbulenz, TU Braunschweig, 96 p., 2016.
- Schmid D., Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts, Universität Graz, 110 p., 2016.
- Wang G. Q., Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in the Magnetotail, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 96 p., 2016.
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
- Juvan I., Exoplanet Transit Light Curve Study and Analysis Concerning Star-Planet Interactions and Exomoons, Universität Graz, 75 p., 2015.
- Pfannekuche M., Charakterisierung von Spektralprofilen in thermisch getriebenen Sternwinden, TU Braunschweig, 47 p., 2015.
- Purkhauser A., On the Use of Doppler Measurements for Dynamic Orbit Computation. Case Study: GRAIL, Technische Universität Graz, 58 p., 2015.
- Reimond S., Representation of the Gravity Field of Irregularly Shaped Bodies, Technische Universität Graz, 72 p., 2015.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
- Bourdin P. -A., Observationally driven 3D MHD model of the solar corona above a magnetically active region, Univ. Göttingen, 114 p. p., 2014.
- Kislyakova K. G., Modeling of the Interaction between Stellar Wind Plasma and the Upper Atmosphere of Exoplanets as a Tool for Evolution Studies, Univ. Graz, 103 p., 2014.
- Rollett T., Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections and Their Heliospheric Imprints, Univ. Graz, 103 p., 2014.
Diploma Thesis
- Schaffer A., Calibration Strategy for a Thermal Probe Applicable in Planetary Research, Univ. Graz, 103 p., 2014.
- Schantl P., Analysis of Turbulence in the Solar Wind, Univ. Graz, 103 p., 2014.
- Tiefenbacher P., Measurements of Thermal Properties with a Dual-Needle Probe for Planetary Applications, Univ. Graz, 103 p., 2014.
- Wolbang D., Seismo-electromagnetic parameter study of sub-ionospheric VLF radio links in Europe, Univ. Graz, 118 p., 2014.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
- Krauss S., Response of the Earth's Thermosphere during Extreme Solar Events. A Contribution of Satellite Observations to Atmospheric Evolution Studies, Technische Universität Graz, 119 p., 2013.
- Pollinger A., Development and Evaluation of a Control Unit for the Coupled Dark State Magnetometer, Technische Universität Graz, 98 p., 2013.
- Wu M. Y., Study of Earth Magnetospheric Plasma Waves, University of Science and Technology of China, Hef, 106 p., 2013.
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
- Chaghiashvili T., Flare-Related Dynamics of Active Regions, Ilia State University, Georgia, 29 p., 2013.
- Edl M., Magnetotail Current Sheet Crossings Observed by Cluster Four-Spacecraft Measurements, Universität Graz, 33 p., 2013.
- Klinger B., Lunar Gravity Field Recovery: GRAIL Simulations and Real Data Analysis, Technische Universität Graz, 102 p., 2013.
- Krebl B. L., Numerical Model of the Gas Flow and Temperature Development in an Ice Filled Crevasse on the Surface of a Comet's Nucleus, Universität Graz, 101 p., 2013.
- Philishvili E., Active Region Dynamics During Solar Flare, Ilia State University, Georgia, 50 p., 2013.
- Rief G., Numerical Calibration of the Cassini RPWS Antenna System, Universität Graz, 80 p., 2013.
- Teubenbacher R., Determination of Spin-Axis Offset of a Fluxgate Magnetometer Using Data from the Electron Drift Instrument Onboard the Cluster Satellite, Technische Universität Graz, 78 p., 2013.
- Topf F., Prototype of a Portal for Scientific Data Access Based on Scala, FH Campus 02 Graz, 133 p., 2013.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
- Pfleger M., 3D Modelling of Particle Populations in Planetary Exospheres, NAWI Graz, 123 p., 2012.
- Qin W. L., GRAIL lunar gravity field recovery based on short-arc analysis, Universität Stuttgart, 79 p., 2012.
- Schmid D., A statistical and event study of magnetotail dipolarization fronts, Technische Universität Graz, 82 p., 2012.
- Stangl A., Geoeffectiveness: A statistical approach, NAWI Graz, 76 p., 2012.
- Stifter M., Mechanical Analysis and Optimization of a New Type of Magnetic Field Sensor, FH Joanneum, 85 p., 2012.
- Wirnsberger H., GOCE Gravitationsfeldbestimmung: Analyse kinematischer Orbits mit Variationsgleichungen, Technische Universität Graz, 81 p., 2012.
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
- Hütter E. S., Development and Testing of Thermal Sensors for Planetary Applications, Universität Graz, 120 p., 2011.
- Iqbal F., Investigations and Design Solutions of a High Repetition Rate Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) System, Technische Universität Graz, 73 p., 2011.
- Jaffer G., Study of an Austrian lightning nano-satellite (LiNSAT): Space and ground segments, Technische Universität Graz, 185 p., 2011.
- Leinweber H. K., In-flight Calibration of Space-borne Magnetometers, Technische Universität Graz, 120 p., 2011.
- Rubab N., Study of kinetic Alfvén wave instabilities in a Lorentzian multi-component plasma, Universität Graz, 135 p., 2011.
- Weingrill J., Extrasolar Planets Orbiting Active Stars, Universität Graz, 113 p., 2011.
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
- Coding of Laser Pulse Transmission Time for SLR-Stations, Technische Universität Graz, 111 p., 2011.
- Positions- und Richtungsbestimmung von Flugzeug-Transpondern durch Messung von Laufzeit-Unterschieden, Technische Universität Graz, 69 p., 2011.
- Domanovic B., Earth magnetic flux tube investigation using Cluster data, Universität Graz, 76 p., 2011.
- Faßwald J., Laboratory Experiments Concerning the Suction of Dust Particles Under Vacuum Conditions, Universität Graz, 80 p., 2011.
- Fichtinger B., Using Extreme Solar Events as Proxy for the Active Young Sun: Implications for Planetary Atmosphere Evolution, Universität Graz, 76 p., 2011.
- Stiegler A., Mars Permittivity Probe Calibration and Instrument Performance Validation, Technische Universität Graz, 96 p., 2011.
- Zörweg P., Multi-spacecraft data analysis of Jovian radio emission, Universität Graz, 67 p., 2011.
Bis 2010
Doctoral Thesis
Doctoral Thesis
- Amerstorfer U., The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in magnetohydrodynamics with finite Larmor radius effects and applications to Venus, Universität Graz, 107 p., 2007.
- Cristea E., Calibration of satellite radar altimeters and height transfer using a dedicated transponder, Technische Universität Graz, 144 p., 2006.
- Kaufmann E., Experimental investigation of the solid state greenhouse effect in planetary ices, KFU Graz, 107 p., 2005.
- Kazeminejad B., Methodology Development for the Reconstruction of the ESA Huygens Probe Entry and Descent Trajectory, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, 160 p., 2005.
- Kiehas S., Transport of reconnected magnetic flux and magnetic energy due to magnetotail reconnection, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 160 p., 2008.
- Kolb C., Mars surface materials, KFU Graz, 215 p., 2005.
- Kucharski D., Spin parameters determination of LAGEOS-1 from laser observations, Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, 106 p., 2008.
- Leitner M., Evolution of interplanetary magnetic clouds: conclusions from a force-free magnetic field model, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 129 p., 2008.
- Macher W., Transfer matrix description of multiport antennas and its application to the Mars Express/MARSIS radar, TU Graz, 206 p., 2005.
- Möstl C., Multi-spacecraft modeling of magnetic clouds, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 134 p., 2009.
- Oswald T., Antennas in plasma: Numerical calculation, Institut für Physik, Universität Graz, 164 p., 2010.
- Taubenschuss U., Ideal MHD simulation of magnetic clouds in the solar wind, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 111 p., 2009.
- Treffer M., Cryovolcanic processes in the solar system, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 120 p., 2008.
Diploma Thesis
Diploma Thesis
- Crailsheim H., Selection and testing of siutable electron sources for an electron drift instrument, Technische Universität Graz, 115 p., 2009.
- Döller R., On electromagnetic emissions as earthquake precursors: Investigation of electric field measurements onboard DEMETER micro-satellite, Institut für Physik, Universität Graz, 105 p., 2010.
- Dusleag A., Observing variable stars and transiting exoplanets with single photon counting, Technische Universität Graz, 70 p., 2009.
- Endler S., Theoretical aspects of the stellar influence on short-periodic exoplanets, Universität Graz, 94 p., 2005.
- Fessl M., Über eine mögliche Verletzung des schwachen Äquivalenzprinzips in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Universität Graz, 60 p., 2006.
- Fischer D., Design study of a low noise and radiation tolerant sigma-delta digital-to-analog converter for space application, Technische Universität Graz, 101 p., 2006.
- Hagen C., Development of a test bench for an ASIC based magnetometer, Technische Universität Graz, 109 p., 2009.
- Hasenleitner D., Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic blow-off: One dimensional considerations, Univ. Graz, 70 p., 2009.
- Heidorn D., Magnetic oscillations induced by bursty flows in the magnetotail, Universität Graz, 76 p., 2005.
- Herper J., Mercury´s environment under extreme solar conditions: an approach towards CME and SEP statistics, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 127 p., 2008.
- Horn M., On electromagnetic emissions occuring before earthquakes: Theoretical and experimental approaches, Universität Graz, 131 p., 2007.
- Hütter E., Determination of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Granular Materials under Atmospheric and Vacuum Conditions, Universität Graz, 103 p., 2007.
- Kiehas S., Time dependent Petschek-type magnetic reconnection for a moving x-line with applications to Earth's magnetotail, Universität Graz, 2005.
- Koechle B., Thermal conductivity of snow – Systematic comparison of measurement methods, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 59 p., 2009.
- Kogler C., Boundary detection in space plasmas within ESA's Cluster II Mission, Technische Universität Graz, 114 p., 2009.
- Maierhofer W., Wavelet analysis of stellar occultation data for the study of planetary atmospheres, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 87 p., 2008.
- Niedermayr A., Permittivity measurements of rocks and Martian soil analogue materials, Universität Graz, 117 p., 2007.
- Oswald T., Electromagnetic Waves in Space and the STEREO/SWAVES experiment, Karl Franzens Universität Graz, 101 p., 2005.
- Ottacher H., Entwicklung einer Programmier- und Testumgebung für den Mikrokontroller RTX2010 für HF-Weltraumexperimente, TU Graz, 60 p., 2005.
- Penz T., Habitable planets in the universe: An interdisciplinary approach regarding the origin and distribution of life, KFU Graz, 132 p., 2005.
- Pollinger A., Design of a communication and power supply system providing the spaceborne magnetometer front-end ASIC at remote locations, Technische Universität Graz, 71 p., 2007.
- Prattes G., Signal analysis of ground-based seismo-magnetic ULF events in the frame of the SEGMA and DEMETER projects, Technische Universität Graz, 125 p., 2007.
- Rosc J., Antennas in radio astronomy, Universität Graz, 100 p., 2005.
- Rott R., Reconnection events in the near-Earth magnetotail using Cluster data, Graz University of Technology, 88 p., 2010.
- Sampl M., Experimental and numerical antenna calibration in the Resonance mission, Institut für Physik, Universität Graz, 71 p., 2010.
- Schiffer B., Design of a sensor simulator for an active plasma probe, Technische Universität Graz, 68 p., 2009.
- Seiß M. and W. Pachler, Graz kHz SLR LIDAR, Institut für Geodäsie, Technischen Universität Gra, 67 p., 2010.
- Shala K., Code generator and correlator design for the space plasma instrument EDI, Technische Universität Graz, 77 p., 2007.
- Taubenschuss U., The Linear Prediction Theory applied to Cassini data, Universitätslehrgang Graz, 68 p., 2006.
- Zambelli W., Development of the micro-controller software for the magnetometer VEX-MAG aboard ESA´s Venus Express mission, Technische Universität Graz, 146 p., 2006.
- Zechner B., In situ resource utilization for the supply of hydrogen on Mars, Universität Graz, 127 p., 2009.