The Rigaku SmartLab is a state-of-the art general-purpose XRD system equipped with a high-precision 5-circle goniometer, i.e. featuring an in-plane arm for measurements without the need for sample tilting. It is equipped with a sealed Cu-anode X-ray tube, a parabolic multilayer-mirror for parallel-beam measurements, and a full range of detectors:
- (0D) SC-70 scintillation counter with automatic beam attenuator
- (1D) D/teX Ultra high-efficiency Si-strip detector for fast scanning
- (2D) HyPix-3000 hybrid pixel detector with a 300 mm² active area and 100 µm² pixels
These are complemented by an optional range of Ge (2x220, 2x400) and graphite incident-beam and diffracted-beam monochromators, as well as a 0.4 mm point-focus poly-capillary supplemented by collimators, various sample stages with tilt and translation axes and an Anton Paar DHS1100 domed heating stage for measurements up to 1100 °C. Applications include all kinds of crystalline solid samples (bulk, powder and thin film) and cover a wide variety of techniques:
- Phase identification (area-average and mapping)
- Crystal quality assessment (area-average and mapping)
- Preferred orientation/texture analysis
- Residual stress measurement by sin²ψ method or substrate curvature assessment