PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
- Structural and Mechanical Property Investigation of Metallic Glasses
(2023)RIS ENW BIB - Impactverhalten und Schadenstoleranz ausgewahlter ƒÁ-TiAl Legierungen
(2023)RIS ENW BIB - Advancing Mechanical Property Characterisation for Metallic Foils Using Experiments, Simulations, and Machine Learning
(2023)RIS ENW BIB - Cross-Sectional Characterization of Functionally Graded Materials
(2023)RIS ENW BIB - Improving the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses through Structure and Stress Engineering: A Molecular Dynamics Simulations Study
Conference Papers
Conference Papers
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Influence of Mo micro-particles on crack formation, microstructure, and mechanical behaviour of laser powder bed fusion fabricated CuZrAl bulk metallic glass compositesVIRTUAL PHYS PROTOTY18, ARTN e2224307 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- From microscopic to atomistic scale: Temperature effect on yttria distribution in mechanically alloyed FeCrMnNiCo powder particlesJ ALLOY COMPD968, ARTN 171850 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Refractory high entropy metal sublattice nitride thin films as diffusion barriers in Cu metallizationsSURF COAT TECH473, ARTN 130016 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Atomic structure, thermal stability and isothermal crystallization kinetics of novel Co-based metallic glasses with excellent soft magnetic propertiesJ ALLOY COMPD963, ARTN 171271 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Chemical capacitance measurements reveal the impact of oxygen vacancies on the charge curve of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4−d thin filmsJournal of Materials Chemistry A3.0, 1-17 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Tailoring the microstructure and mechanical properties of superaustenitic stainless steel by cold rolling and recrystallization annealingARCH CIV MECH ENG23, ARTN 247 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Synthesis of hard magnetic & alpha;-MnBi phase by high pressure torsion and field assisted annealingJ MAGN MAGN MATER584, ARTN 171082 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Design of high-strength martensitic steels by novel mixed-metal nanoprecipitates for high toughness and suppressed hydrogen embrittlementMATER DESIGN234, ARTN 112323 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Mapping strain across Co80Ta7B13 / Co62Ta6B32 glassy interfacesMATER DESIGN234, ARTN 112327 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Investigation of the tribological behavior of the additively manufactured TiC-based cermets by scratch testingJ ALLOY COMPD959, ARTN 170496 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Tailoring the microstructure and mechanical properties of (CrMnFeCoNi)100-xCx high-entropy alloys: Machine learning, experimental validation, and mathematical modelingCURR OPIN SOLID ST M27, ARTN 101105 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- STZ-Vortex model: The key to understand STZ percolation and shear banding in metallic glassesJ ALLOY COMPD960, ARTN 170585 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Design of Laves phase-reinforced compositionally complex alloySCI REP-UK13, ARTN 16874 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Al-doped ZnO-coated LiCoO2 thin-film electrode: Understanding the impact of a coating layer on the degradation mechanismJ POWER SOURCES580, ARTN 233451 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Creep-dominated fatigue of freestanding gold thin films studied by bulge testingMAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT887, ARTN 145759 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Unveiling the strengthening mechanisms of as-cast micro-alloyed CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloysJ ALLOY COMPD957, ARTN 170443 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Feedstock preparation, microstructures and mechanical properties for laser-based additive manufacturing of steel matrix compositesINT MATER REV (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Tunable rejuvenation behavior of a metallic glass by residual stress modulationJ MATER RES TECHNOL26, 8263-8271 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Nanoscale printed tunable specimen geometry enables high-throughput miniaturized fracture testingMaterials & Design, 112329 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- J-integral testing on micro-scale cantilever beam specimensEngineering Fracture Mechanics (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 bulk metallic glass as oral implant materialMATER DESIGN233, ARTN 112256 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of 6Cr13 martensitic stainless steel subjected to cold rolling and heat treatmentsMATER CHARACT203, ARTN 113070 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Assessment of different processing strategies to fabricate bulk Mg-Fe nanocompositesJournal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems4, 100034 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Ordered growth of hexagonal and monoclinic phases of MoTe<sub>2</sub> on a sapphire substrateCRYSTENGCOMM/, 1-8 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Precipitation and Transformation of Carbides during Tempering of 7Cr14 Martensitic Stainless SteelSTEEL RES INT, ARTN 2300248 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- A new design rule for high entropy alloy diffusion barriers in Cu metallizationJ ALLOY COMPD953, ARTN 170166 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Synergistic enhancement of hydrogen interactions in palladium-silicon-gold metallic glass with multilayered grapheneJ MATER CHEM A (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- In situ fragmentation of Al/Al2O3 multilayers on flexible substrates in biaxial tensionMATER DESIGN232, ARTN 112081 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Impact of microstructure on the performance of WRe10 conversion layers for stationary and rotating anodesINT J REFRACT MET H114, ARTN 106244 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Precious metal amorphous AgAuSi: Alloy design by swapping gold for silverMATER DESIGN232, ARTN 112099 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Tailoring microstructures and mechanical properties of lightweight refractory Ti22Sc22Zr22Nb17V17 multi-phase high-entropy alloys by hot extrusion and annealingMATER CHARACT202, ARTN 113025 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- High density of stacking faults strengthened TaN/TiN multilayerACTA MATER255, ARTN 119027 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Self-ignition of amorphous alloys activated by exothermic crystallizationCOMBUST FLAME254, ARTN 112841 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Toxic element-free Ti-based metallic glass ribbons with precious metal additionsMATER TODAY ADV19, ARTN 100392 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Photoinduced edge-specific nanoparticle decoration of two-dimensional tungsten diselenide nanoribbonsCOMMUN CHEM6, ARTN 166 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Short-range order patterns in Mg66Zn29Ca5 metallic glass: Phase transformations and crystallization kineticsJ NON-CRYST SOLIDS613, ARTN 122390 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Effect of electrolyte composition on the surface characteristics of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings over Ti-40Nb alloySURF COAT TECH465, ARTN 129591 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Correlation of metal-to-insulator transition and strain state of VO2 thin films on TiO2 (110) substratesAPPL PHYS LETT123, ARTN 042103 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Parameters influencing the fracture of Mo films and their wider significanceMRS ADVANCES (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Ultra-Smooth Sputtered Nanocrystalline Ni Thin Films in Alkaline Media-From Intrinsic Activity to the Effects of Surface OxidationNANOMATERIALS13, ARTN 2085 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Characterization of Gas-Atomized Equiatomic AlCoCrFeNi Powder for Additive ManufacturingMETALL MATER TRANS A (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Precise determination of Young's modulus of amorphous CuZr/nanocrystalline Cu multilayer via nanoindentationJ MATER RES38, 3324-3335 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Measurement of residual stresses in surrogate coated nuclear fuel particles using ring-core focussed ion beam digital image correlationNuclear Materials and Energy, 101470 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Effect of wire-arc directed energy deposition on the microstructural formation and age-hardening response of the Mg-9Al-1Zn (AZ91) alloyJournal of Magnesium and Alloys, 1944-1958 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Defect Chemistry of Spinel Cathode Materials A Case Study of Epitaxial LiMn2O4 Thin FilmsCHEM MATER (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Severe plastic deformation close to the melting point enables Mg-Fe nanocomposites with exceptional strengthSCRIPTA MATER230, ARTN 115428 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Substantially enhanced homogeneous plastic flow in hierarchically nanodomained amorphous alloysNATURE COMMUNICATIONS14, ARTN 3670 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Soft Magnetic Properties and Electromagnetic Shielding Performance of Fe40Ni40B20 MicrofibersADV ELECTRON MATER (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Mechanical behavior of CuZrAl metallic glass scaffolds fabricated by selective laser meltingMATER LETT341, ARTN 134242 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Effect of boron doping on grain boundary cohesion in technically pure molybdenum investigated via meso-scale three-point-bending testsINT J REFRACT MET H113, ARTN 106173 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Solving the problem of solidification cracking during additive manufacturing of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloys through addition of Cr3C2 particles to enhance microstructure and propertiesMATER TODAY ADV18, ARTN 100371 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Crystal-Orientation-Dependent Oxygen Exchange Kinetics on Mixed Conducting Thin-Film Surfaces Investigated by In Situ StudiesACS APPL ENERG MATER6, 6712-6720 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Tailoring hierarchical microstructures to improve the strength and plasticity of a laser powder bed fusion additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V alloyADDIT MANUF71, ARTN 103603 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Recent Advances in Mechanisms of Fracture and FatigueIn: MDPI, ed. (2023)RIS ENW BIB
- On the stability of Ti(Mn,Al)2 C14 Laves phase in an intermetallic Ti–42Al–5Mn alloyIntermetallics, 107962 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Electron beam-induced brownmillerite-perovskite phase transition in La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-deltaAPPL PHYS LETT122, ARTN 211903 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Effects of void shape and location on the fracture and plastic deformation of Cu (crystalline) /Cu64Zr36 (amorphous) compositesJ MATER RES TECHNOL24 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Small-scale fracture mechanical investigations on grain boundary doped ultrafine-grained tungstenACTA MATER250, ARTN 118878 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Microstructural influences on fatigue threshold behavior and fracture toughness of an additively manufactured gamma-titanium aluminideINTERMETALLICS156, ARTN 107852 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Link between cracking mechanisms of trilayer films on flexible substrates and electro-mechanical reliability under biaxial loadingJ VAC SCI TECHNOL A41, ARTN 033403 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Deformation behavior of metallic lattice structures with symmetrical gradients of porosity manufactured by metal additive manufacturingVACUUM211, ARTN 111955 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Failure analysis of Al2O3-C-SiO2 slide gate plates during continuous casting based on numerical simulationJ MATER RES TECHNOL24, 6107-6117 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Time-Resolved Corrosion Behavior of Transition-Metal-Based High-Entropy Alloy in Saline and Phosphate Buffer SolutionsMETALS13, ARTN 951 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Anneal hardening in single phase nanostructured metalsMATER TRANS2023, 1-10 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Synergistic Strengthening Mechanisms of Dual-Phase (TiN plus AlN) Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites Prepared by Laser Powder Bed Fusion3D PRINT ADDIT MANUF (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- SPD deformation of pearlitic, bainitic and martensitic steelsMATER TRANS2023, 1-11 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Effect of pulse-current-based protocols on the lithium dendrite formation and evolution in all-solid-state batteriesNATURE COMMUNICATIONS14, ARTN 2432 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Fatigue crack growth behavior of a nanocrystalline low Young's modulus beta-type Ti-Nb alloyMAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT871, ARTN 144868 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Deformation-induced homogenization of the multi-phase senary high-entropy alloy MoNbTaTiVZr processed by high-pressure torsionMAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT871, ARTN 144923 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Magnetic Materials via High-Pressure Torsion of PowdersMATER TRANS64(7), 1537-1550 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Microstructure formation and mechanical performance of micro-nanoscale ceramic reinforced aluminum matrix composites manufactured by laser powder bed fusionJ ALLOY COMPD939, ARTN 168803 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Enhancement of hydrogen storage properties from amorphous Mg85Ni5Y10 alloyJ NON-CRYST SOLIDS605, ARTN 122167 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Lower hardness than strength: The auxetic composite microstructure of limpet toothActa Biomaterialia, 447-453 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Additive manufacturing of CMCs with bimodal microstructureJ ALLOY COMPD938, ARTN 168416 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Additively manufactured equiatomic CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy: Precipitation-induced heterogeneity by mechano-chemical couplingJ ALLOY COMPD938, ARTN 168514 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Styrene-butadiene-styrene-based stretchable electrospun nanofibers by carbon nanotube inclusionMOL SYST DES ENG2023, 1-10 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Molecular dynamics study of shock-induced deformation phenomena and spallation failure in Ni-based single crystal superalloysINT J PLASTICITY162, ARTN 103539 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Strong and ductile titanium via additive manufacturing under a reactive atmosphereMATER TODAY ADV17, ARTN 100347 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Describing mechanical damage evolution through in situ electrical resistance measurementsJ VAC SCI TECHNOL A41, ARTN 023408 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- In-situ transmission electron microscopy analysis of the degree of heterogeneities in a metallic glassINTERMETALLICS154, ARTN 107807 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Ferromagnetic order controlled by the magnetic interface of LaNiO3/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 superlatticesSCI REP-UK13, 1-10 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Deformation and fatigue behaviour of additively manufactured Scalmalloy® with bimodal microstructureInternational Journal of Fatigue, 107592 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Effect of scanning strategy on microstructure and texture evolution in a selective laser melted Al-33Cu eutectic alloyJ ALLOY COMPD936, ARTN 168098 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Deformation Induced Structure and Property Changes in a Nanostructured Multiphase CrMnFeCoNi High-Entropy AlloyNANOMATERIALS13, ARTN 924 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Effect of NiCoFeAlTi high entropy intermetallic reinforcement particle size on the microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy composites fabricated by selective laser meltingJ ALLOY COMPD947, ARTN 169417 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of functionally graded Fe-8Cr-xNi alloys fabricated by spark plasma sinteringMAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT866, ARTN 144648 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Elucidating the effects of cold rolling route on the mechanical properties of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steelMAT SCI ENG A-STRUCT865, ARTN 144616 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Special Issue "Novel Structural and Functional Material Properties Enabled by Nanocomposite Design "NANOMATERIALS13, ARTN 586 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Hierarchical microstructures and strengthening mechanisms of nano-TiC reinforced CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy composites prepared by laser powder bed fusionJ MATER SCI TECHNOL136, 245-259 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- A novel crack-free and refined 2195-Ti/CeB6 composites prepared by laser powder bed fusionMATER LETT333, ARTN 133572 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Peripherally and non-peripherally carboxylic acid substituted Cu(ii) phthalocyanine/reduced graphene oxide nanohybrids for hydrogen evolution reaction catalystsMOL SYST DES ENG (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Strength determination for rough substrate-coating interfaces with three-dimensional defect structureInternational Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 106149 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Can Severe Plastic Deformation Tune Nanocrystallization in Fe-Based Metallic Glasses?MATERIALS16, ARTN 1260 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Pd-based Metallic Glasses as Promising Materials for Hydrogen Energy ApplicationsJ ELECTROCHEM SOC170, ARTN 014503 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Exchange Bias Demonstrated in Bulk Nanocomposites Processed by High-Pressure TorsionNANOMATERIALS13, ARTN 344 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
- Surface Chemistry and Degradation Processes of Dense La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-delta Thin Film ElectrodesJ ELECTROCHEM SOC170, ARTN 014501 (2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
- Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of nanocomposite AlCrSiN thin films
(2023)DOI RIS ENW BIB - Characterization of magnetic Ni50NiO50 nanocomposites after post]processing heat treatment
(2023)RIS ENW BIB - Cathodic Hydrogen Charging of Equiatomic CrMnFeCoNi High Entropy Alloy
- Recent Advances in Mechanisms of Fracture and Fatigue
In: MDPI, ed. (2023)RIS ENW BIB