The Philips CM 12 TEM has a microprocessor-based control system, and can operate at various accelerating voltages (20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 kV), depending on the sample and technique used. The resulting image can be displayed, captured and saved via a digital camera onto a pc. The microscope has a cool beam gun which causes less damage to the specimen.

- Accelerating voltage: 120 kV
- Electron source: LaB6 emitter
- Twin objective lense
- Holder: single tilt or double tilt analytical holder (GATAN Model 646)
- CCD-Kamera (GATAN Model 794 MSC BioScan)
- EDXS: EDAX, Si-detector with ultrathin window for light element analysis, detectable elements from Z > 5