XXI. Kongress der ICLA - International Comparative Literature Association, 21.-27. 7. 2016 in Wien, ACADEMY CORPORA AC-SESSION 

  • Die vielen Sprachen der Literaturwissenschaft

    The Many Languages of Comparative Literature

    La littérature comparée: multiples langues, multiples langages


    Von 21.-27. Juli findet in Wien an der Universität Wien der Welt-Kongress der Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaften statt, organisiert vom Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft unter Vorsitz von Hölter, Achim Hermann (Chair), Bachleitner, Norbert (vice-chair), Ivanovic, Christine (vice-chair).


    Forscher der ACADEMIAE CORPORA  der  Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften sind daran beteiligt mit einem eigenen Panel zum Thema:


    Computational Comparative Literature. Corpus-based Methodologies

    Montag 25. Juli 9-13 Uhr, HS 48, Chair: Christine Ivanovic

    9:00 AM - “THIS IS NOT WHAT I INTENDED.” The Last Days of Mankind by Karl Kraus in English as compared to its German Original “Ich habe es nicht gewollt.”Biber, Hanno (Austrian Academy of Sciences AC)

    9:30 AM - Thomas Bernhard - Lost in Translation Breiteneder, Evelyn (Austrian Academy of Sciences AC)

    10:00 AM - Surface Reading. Digital Approaches to Yoko Tawada's multi-lingual corpus Ivanovic, Christine (University of Vienna / AC)

    11:00 AM - The Corpus of Parallel Texts in Contrastive Studies Dobrovolskij, Dmitrij (Russian Academy of Sciences / AC)

    11:30 AM - Cultural Transfer from a Malaysian Perspective Sharandin, Artem (Russian Academy of Sciences / AC)

    12:00 PM - Constellations of Karl Kraus. A Visualization of Toponyms in 'Die Fackel' Barbaresi, Adrien (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences / AC)


    Informationen dazu bei: Dr. Hanno Biber < Hanno.Biber(at)oeaw.ac.at >




    The comparison of literary texts from different cultural spheres and in different languages was at the origin of comparative literature. Even after comparatist paradigms have changed and developed, and after comparative criticism has expanded considerably, the crossing of borders between languages is still essential to the discipline.

    For the first time, the theme of a congress organized by the International Comparative Literature Association will be "language" – language in all its meanings and embedded in various contexts: as a "national" idiom, the basis of literary texts: as source-language and target-language in literary translation: as the set of languages forming "world literature" in its literary manifestation (and as the canon of languages that "world literature" is actually concentrating on).





