A Physical property measurement system (PPMS) is a versatile instrument and ideal for the broadest range of functional material characterization applications. The PPMS is an automated system for the measurement of material properties including specific heat, magnetic AC and DC susceptibility, as well as electrical and thermal transport properties (like Hall Effect, thermoelectric figure of merit in one single measurement and Seebeck Effect). Another component is a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), which provides the possibility of various measurement techniques such as magnetization vs. time or temperature. The base unit of the PPMS consists of a cryostat with a superconducting magnet coil. The different measurement options result from the use of different measurement inserts or sample holders. The PPMS will provide sample environments with fields up to ±9 T and a temperature range of 2 - 400 K. The material properties can be measured across the full range of temperature and field afforded by the PPMS. In addition to the above-described configuration, the measurement options can be further expanded in future, which makes the PPMS the most versatile system of its kind.