PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
- Deformation-induced supersaturation of immiscible binary systems
(2016) - Combcrack Generation in PVD Coated Hardmetal Milling Inserts
(2016) - Nanoscale Investigations of Performance-critical Regions in Non-homogeneous Metallic and Ceramic Thin Films
(2016) - Bruchverhalten von Fe - Si - Al Stählen
Conference Papers
Conference Papers
- Experimental evidence of a common local mode II growth mechanism of fatigue cracks loaded in modes II, III and II plus III in niobium and titanium
Int. J. Fatigue, 92, 470-477 (2016) - Investigation of Ni-B Alloys for Joining of TiB2 Ultra-High-Temperature Ceramic
J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 25, 3204-3210 (2016) - Tailoring the mechanical and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline materials by decomposition of metastable solid solutions
(2016) - Auger and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on lithiated HOPG
Surf. Interface Anal., 48, 501-504 (2016) - Determination of crack initiation and crack growth stress-life curves by fracture mechanics experiments and statistical analysis
, 3026-3039 (2016) - Fracture and Material Behavior of Thin Film Composites
(2016) - Recent advances in research in severe plastic deformation in Leoben
(2016) - Fabrication of Cu-Al-Ni-Mn Shape-Memory Parts by Selective Laser Melting
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Correlative microstructure and topography informed nanoindentation of copper filmsSurface & Coatings Technology, 404-413 (2016)
- Thermal shock resistance of magnesia spinel refractories-Investigation with the concept of configurational forcesJ. Eur. Ceram. Soc.36, 4301-4308 (2016)
- Negentropic stabilization of metastable beta-Ti in bulk metallic glass compositesScr. Mater.125, 19-23 (2016)
- Effect of high pressure solidification on tensile properties and strengthening mechanisms of Al-20SiJ. Alloy. Compd.688, 88-93 (2016)
- Strain-induced phase transformation of a thin Co film on flexible substratesActa Mater.121, 227-233 (2016)
- Advanced 3D failure characterization in multi-layered PCBsNDT E Int.84, 99-107 (2016)
- Ab initio search for cohesion-enhancing impurity elements at grain boundaries in molybdenum and tungstenModel. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.24, ARTN 085009 (2016)
- Compression behavior of inter-particle regions in high-strength Al84Ni7Gd6Co3 alloyMater. Lett.185, 25-28 (2016)
- Substitution effect on glass formation of NixCo60-xNb40 alloysMater. Lett.185, 541-544 (2016)
- Effect of Alloying Elements in Melt Spun Mg-alloys for Hydrogen StorageMater. Res.-Ibero-am. J. Mater.19, 20-26 (2016)
- Tensile Properties of Al-12Si Fabricated via Selective Laser Melting (SLM) at Different TemperaturesTechnologies38, 1-9 (2016)
- Combinatorial refinement of thin-film microstructure, properties and process conditions: iterative nanoscale search for self-assembled TiAlN nanolamellaeJOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY6 (2016)
- Improved fracture behavior and microstructural characterization of thin tungsten foilsNuclear Materials and Energy9, 181-188 (2016)
- High-resolution transmission electron microscopy investigation of diffusion in metallic glass multilayer filmsMaterials Today AdvancesElsevierScience Direct1, 100004 (2016)
- Effect of Particle Size on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Based Composite Reinforced with 10 Vol.% Mechanically Alloyed Mg-7.4%Al ParticlesTechnologies4, 1-8 (2016)
- Integrated experimental and computational approach for residual stress investigation near through-silicon viasJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS120, 1-9 (2016)
- Ab-initio search for cohesion-enhancing solute elements at grain boundaries in molybdenum and tungstenInt. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mat.60, 75-81 (2016)
- Interfacial segregation induced by severe plastic deformation in a Mg-Zn-Y alloyScr. Mater.124, 169-173 (2016)
- Advanced tungsten materials for plasma-facing components of DEMO and fusion power plantsFusion Eng. Des.109, 1046-1052 (2016)
- Crossover between superconductivity and magnetism in SrRuO3 mesocrystal embedded YBa2Cu3O7-x heterostructuresNanoscale8, 18454-18460 (2016)
- Microstructure and thermal conductivity of hypereutectic Al-high Si produced by casting and spray depositionJ. Mater. Res.31, 2948-2955 (2016)
- High pressure die casting of Fe-based metallic glassSci Rep6, ARTN 35258 (2016)
- Compositional depth profiling of diamond-like carbon layers by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopyJ. Anal. At. Spectrom.31, 2207-2212 (2016)
- Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of New Generation Ti-45Nb Porous Alloys Implant DevTechnologies4, 1-12 (2016)
- Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of New Generation Ti-45Nb Porous Alloys Implant DevTechnologies4, 1-12 (2016)
- Correlation between structural heterogeneity and plastic deformation for phase separating FeCu metallic glassesSci Rep6, ARTN 34340 (2016)
- Strong and Stable Nanocomposites Prepared by High-Pressure Torsion of Cu-Coated Fe PowdersMETALS6, ARTN 228 (2016)
- Mechanochemical route to the synthesis of nanostructured Aluminium nitrideSci Rep6, ARTN 33375 (2016)
- Hierarchically nanostructured hollow carbon nanospheres for ultra-fast and long-life energy storageCarbon106, 306-313 (2016)
- Influence of Ag and Co additions on glass-forming ability, thermal and mechanical properties of Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glassesMater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process.673, 90-98 (2016)
- Effect of cerium addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-strength Fe85Cr4Mo8V2C1 cast steelMater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process.674, 366-374 (2016)
- Formation and phase evolution of liquid phase-separated metallic glasses with double glass transition, crystallization and meltingMATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS8, 64-71 (2016)
- Ultra-strong and damage tolerant metallic bulk materials: A lesson from nanostructured pearlitic steel wiresSci Rep6, ARTN 33228 (2016)
- Interface dominated mechanical properties of ultra-fine grained and nanoporous Au at elevated temperaturesActa Materialia121, 104-116 (2016)
- Alloying Behavior of Self-Assembled Noble Metal NanoparticlesChem.-Eur. J.22, 13446-+ (2016)
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of the near-beta titanium alloy Ti-5553 processed by selective laser meltingMATERIALS & DESIGN105, 75-80 (2016)
- Influence of ejection temperature on structure and glass transition behavior for Zr-based rapidly quenched disordered alloysActa Mater.116, 370-381 (2016)
- The effect of size on the strength of FCC metals at elevated temperatures: annealed copperPhilosophical Magazine, 3379-3395 (2016)
- Effect of Cu and Gd on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Co-B-Si-Nb Metallic GlassesSolid State Phenomena254, 60-64 (2016)
- Local and transient nanoscale strain mapping during in situ deformationAppl. Phys. Lett.109, ARTN 081906 (2016)
- Ideal shear banding in metallic glassPhilos. Mag.96, 3159-3176 (2016)
- Fracture toughness enhancement of brittle nanostructured materials by spatial heterogeneity: A micromechanical proof for CrN/Cr and TiN/SiOx multilayersMATERIALS & DESIGN104, 227-234 (2016)
- The effect of single overloads in tension and compression on the fatigue crack propagation behaviour of short cracksInt. J. Fatigue89, 77-86 (2016)
- Progress in understanding of intrinsic resistance to shear-mode fatigue crack growth in metallic materialsInt. J. Fatigue89, 36-42 (2016)
- Ductilisation of tungsten (W) through cold-rolling: R-curve behaviourInt. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mat.58, 22-33 (2016)
- Simultaneous enhancements of strength and toughness in an Al-12Si alloy synthesized using selective laser meltingActa Mater.115, 285-294 (2016)
- On the process of co-deformation and phase dissolution in a hard-soft immiscible Cu-Co alloy system during high-pressure torsion deformationActa Mater.115, 333-346 (2016)
- Synthesis and Mechanical Characterisation of an Ultra-Fine Grained Ti-Mg CompositeMaterials9, 688 (2016)
- A comparative study on the isochronal and isothermal crystallization kinetics of Co46.45Fe25.55Ta8B20 soft magnetic metallic glass with high thermal stabilityJ. Alloy. Compd.675, 223-230 (2016)
- Interplay between sample size and grain size: Single crystalline vs. ultrafine-grained chromium micropillarsMaterials Science and Engineering: A674, 626-633 (2016)
- Structural evolution and strength change of a metallic glass at different temperaturesSci Rep6, ARTN 30876 (2016)
- Advanced characterisation of thermo-mechanical fatigue mechanisms of different copper film systems for wafer metallizationsThin Solid Films612, 153-164 (2016)
- Interplay of the Open Circuit Potential-Relaxation and the Dissolution Behavior of a Single H-2 Bubble Generated at a Pt MicroelectrodeJ. Phys. Chem. C120, 15137-15146 (2016)
- Layered-to-Tunnel Structure Transformation and Oxygen Redox Chemistry in LiRhO2 upon Li Extraction and InsertionInorg. Chem.55, 7079-7089 (2016)
- Brittle-to-Ductile Transition in Metallic Glass NanowiresNano Lett.16, 4467-4471 (2016)
- High-Performance Small-Amount Fe2O3-Doped (K,Na) NbO3-Based Lead-Free Piezoceramics with Irregular Phase EvolutionJ. Am. Ceram. Soc.99, 2341-2346 (2016)
- Direct measurement of vacancy relaxation by dilatometryAppl. Phys. Lett.109, ARTN 021906 (2016)
- High-Performance Small-Amount Fe2O3-Doped (K,Na)NbO3-Based Lead-Free Piezoceramics with Irregular Phase EvolutionJournal of the American Ceramic Society99, 2341-2346 (2016)
- Analysis of the thermal and temporal stability of Ta and Ti thin films onto SAW–substrate materials (LiNbO3 and LiTaO3) using AR-XPSSurface and Interface Analysis48, 570-574 (2016)
- Transformation-mediated plasticity in CuZr based metallic glass composites: A quantitative mechanistic understanding.Int. J. Plast.85, 34-51 (2016)
- The mechanics of tessellations - bioinspired strategies for fracture resistanceChem. Soc. Rev.45, 252-267 (2016)
- Electromigration in Gold Films on Flexible Polyimide Substrates as a Self-healing MechanismMATERIALS RESEARCH LETTERS4, 43-47 (2016)
- Ion milling-induced micrometer-sized heterogeneities and partial crystallization in a TiZrCuFeBe bulk metallic glassIntermetallics73, 5-11 (2016)
- Microstructure study of a severely plastically deformed Mg-Zn-Y alloy by application of low angle annular dark field diffraction contrast imagingSci. Technol. Adv. Mater.17, 115-127 (2016)
- Effect of Microstructure on the Electro-Mechanical Behaviour of Cu Films on PolyimideJOM68, 1640-1646 (2016)
- Enhanced polysulphide redox reaction using a RuO2 nanoparticle-decorated mesoporous carbon as functional separator coating for advanced lithium-sulphur batteriesChem. Commun.52, 8134-8137 (2016)
- High Area Capacity Lithium-Sulfur Full-cell Battery with Prelitiathed Silicon Nanowire-Carbon Anodes for Long Cycling StabilitySci Rep6, ARTN 27982 (2016)
- Synergistically Enhanced Polysulfide Chemisorption Using a Flexible Hybrid Separator with N and S Dual-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Coating for Advanced Lithium-Sulfur BatteriesACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces8, 14586-14595 (2016)
- Tailoring the Bain strain of martensitic transformations in Ti-Nb alloys by controlling the Nb contentInt. J. Plast.85, 190-202 (2016)
- The importance of fracture toughness in ultrafine and nanocrystalline bulk materialsMATERIALS RESEARCH LETTERS4, 127-136 (2016)
- Towards the Better: Intrinsic Property Amelioration in Bulk Metallic GlassesSci Rep6, ARTN 27271 (2016)
- Cross-sectional stress distribution in AlxGa1-xN heterostructure on Si(111) substrate characterized by ion beam layer removal method and precession electron diffractionMaterials and Design106, 476-481 (2016)
- Mapping of residual strains around a shear band in bulk metallic glass by nanobeam X-ray diffractionActa Mater.111, 187-193 (2016)
- Electrochemical deposition of hydroxyapatite on beta-Ti-40NbSurf. Coat. Technol.294, 186-193 (2016)
- Local microstructure evolution at shear bands in metallic glasses with nanoscale phase separationSci Rep6, ARTN 25832 (2016)
- Damage tolerance of railway axles - The issue of transferability revisitedInt. J. Fatigue86, 52-57 (2016)
- FIB-induced dislocations in Al submicron pillars: Annihilation by thermal annealing and effects on deformation behaviorActa Materialia110, 283-294 (2016)
- Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-based metal matrix composites reinforced with mechanically alloyed particlesJ. Mater. Res.31, 1229-1236 (2016)
- Thermal oxidation behavior of glass-forming Ti-Zr-(Nb)-Si alloysJ. Mater. Res.31, 1264-1274 (2016)
- Deformation in the γ-Mg17Al12 phase at 25–278 °CActa Materialia113, 221-229 (2016)
- Giant heterogeneous magnetostriction in Fe-Ga alloys: Effect of trace element dopingActa Mater.109, 177-186 (2016)
- The electro-mechanical behavior of sputter-deposited Mo thin films on flexible substratesThin Solid Films606, 45-50 (2016)
- Relationship between mechanical damage and electrical degradation in polymer-supported metal films subjected to cyclic loadingMater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process.662, 157-161 (2016)
- Orientation of FePt nanoparticles on top of a-SiO2/Si(001), MgO(001) and sapphire(0001): effect of thermal treatments and influence of substrate and particle sizeBeilstein J. Nanotechnol.7, 591-604 (2016)
- Orientation of FePt nanoparticles on top of a-SiO2/Si(001), MgO(001) and sapphire(0001): effect of thermal treatments and influence of substrate and particle sizeBeilstein J. Nanotechnol., 591–604 (2016)
- Glass-forming ability, thermal stability of B2 CuZr phase, and crystallization kinetics for rapidly solidified Cu-Zr-Zn alloysJ. Alloy. Compd.664, 99-108 (2016)
- High temperature mechanical properties of WC-Co hard metalsInt. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mat.56, 139-144 (2016)
- Laser surface remelting of a Cu-Al-Ni-Mn shape memory alloyMater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process.661, 61-67 (2016)
- Al-rich cubic Al0.8Ti0.2N coating with self-organized nano-lamellar microstructure: Thermal and mechanical propertiesSurf. Coat. Technol.271, 89-93 (2016)
- Real Hydrostatic Pressure in High-Pressure Torsion Measured by Bismuth Phase Transformations and FEM SimulationsMater. Trans.57, 533-538 (2016)
- Influence of processing parameters on the fabrication of a Cu-Al-Ni-Mn shape-memory alloy by selective laser meltingAdditive Manufacturing11, 23-31 (2016)
- Improving the glass-forming ability and plasticity of a TiCu-based bulk metallic glass composite by minor additions of SiJ. Alloy. Compd.663, 531-539 (2016)
- A study of the micro- and nanoscale deformation behavior of individual austenitic dendrites in a FeCrMoVC cast alloy using micro- and nanoindentation experimentsAppl. Phys. Lett.108, ARTN 143103 (2016)
- Reconfiguration of lithium sulphur batteries: "Enhancement of Li-S cell performance by employing a highly porous conductive separator coating"J. Power Sources309, 76-81 (2016)
- About the fatigue crack propagation threshold of metals as a design criterion - A reviewEng. Fract. Mech.153, 190-243 (2016)
- Structure-property relationships in nanoporous metallic glassesActa Mater.106, 199-207 (2016)
- Manipulation of free volumes in a metallic glass through Xe-ion irradiationActa Mater.106, 66-77 (2016)
- Anisotropic deformation characteristics of an ultrafine- and nanolamellar pearlitic steelActa Mater.106, 239-248 (2016)
- Low Young's modulus Ti-based porous bulk glassy alloy without cytotoxic elementsActa Biomaterialia36, 232-331 (2016)
- Anodically fabricated TiO2–SnO2 nanotubes and their application in lithium ion batteriesJournal of Materials Chemisty A4, 5542-5552 (2016)
- Ab initio calculations of grain boundaries in bcc metalsModel. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng.24, ARTN 035013 (2016)
- In-situ Quasi-Instantaneous e-beam Driven Catalyst-Free Formation Of Crystalline Aluminum Borate NanowiresSci Rep6, ARTN 22524 (2016)
- Improvement of fatigue life by compliant and soft interlayersScr. Mater.113, 1-5 (2016)
- Wettability and work of adhesion of liquid sulfur on carbon materials for electrical energy storage applicationsCarbon98, 702-707 (2016)
- Electro-Mechanical Testing of Conductive Materials Used in Flexible ElectronicsFRONTIERS IN MATERIALS3, UNSP 11 (2016)
- Kinetic analysis of the non-isothermal crystallization process, magnetic and mechanical properties of FeCoBSiNb and FeCoBSiNbCu bulk metallic glassesJ. Appl. Phys.119, ARTN 073908 (2016)
- Review on manufacture by selective laser melting and properties of titanium based materials for biomedical applicationsMaterials Technology31, 66-76 (2016)
- Shear avalanches in plastic deformation of a metallic glass compositeInt. J. Plast.77, 141-155 (2016)
- Overload effect revisited - Investigation by use of configurational forcesInt. J. Fatigue83, 161-173 (2016)
- Preparation of cast-iron-based nanocrystalline alloy with Cu and Nb additionIntermetallics69, 54-61 (2016)
- Atomic structure and thermal behavior of (Co-0.65,Fe-0.35)(72)Ta8B20 metallic glass with excellent soft magnetic propertiesIntermetallics69, 21-27 (2016)
- Interfacial interactions between liquid Ti-Al alloys and TiB2 ceramicJ. Mater. Sci.51, 1779-1787 (2016)
- Exceptional damage-tolerance of a medium-entropy alloy CrCoNi at cryogenic temperaturesNat. Commun.7, ARTN 10602 (2016)
- Tungsten as a Chemically-Stable Electrode Material on Ga-Containing Piezoelectric Substrates Langasite and Catangasite for High-Temperature SAW DevicesMaterials9, UNSP 101 (2016)
- Ti/Al Multi-Layered Sheets: Accumulative Roll Bonding (Part A)METALS6, UNSP 30 (2016)
- Ti/Al Multi-Layered Sheets: Differential Speed Rolling (Part B)METALS6, UNSP 31 (2016)
- Microstructure and phase formation in Al-20Si-5Fe-3Cu-1Mg synthesized by selective laser meltingJ. Alloy. Compd.657, 430-435 (2016)
- Microstructure and metallic ion release of pure titanium and Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy processed by high pressure torsionMater. Des.91, 340-347 (2016)
- Reentrant spin-glass behavior and bipolar exchange-bias effect in "Sn" substituted cobalt-orthotitanateJ. Appl. Phys.119, ARTN 043901 (2016)
- Effect of substrate material on the growth and field emission characteristics of large-area carbon nanotube forestsJ. Appl. Phys.119, ARTN 044302 (2016)
- Miniaturized fracture experiments to determine the toughness of individual films in a multilayer systemExtreme Mechanics letters8, 235-244 (2016)
- The effect of bending loading conditions on the reliability of inkjet printed and evaporated silver metallization on polymer substratesMicroelectron. Reliab.56, 109-113 (2016)
- Improved cycling stability of lithium-sulfur batteries using a polypropylene-supported nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon hybrid separator as polysulfide adsorbentJ. Power Sources303, 317-324 (2016)
- Microstructural evolution and strength variability in microwiresMater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process.652, 239-249 (2016)
- High resolution determination of local residual stress gradients in single- and multilayer thin film systemsActa Materialia103, 616-623 (2016)
- Processing of Al-12Si-TNM composites by selective laser melting and evaluation of compressive and wear propertiesJ. Mater. Res.31, 55-65 (2016)
- Localized crystallization in shear bands of a metallic glassSci Rep6, ARTN 19358 (2016)
- Two-phase quasi-equilibrium in β-type Ti-based bulk metallic glass compositesScientific Reports6, 1-10 (2016)
- Microstructure and properties of FeCrMoVC tool steel produced by selective laser meltingMater. Des.89, 335-341 (2016)
- Deformation and fracture characteristics of ultrafine-grained vanadiumMater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process.650, 492-496 (2016)
- Structure and properties of sputter deposited crystalline and amorphous Cu-Ti filmsThin Solid Films598, 184-188 (2016)
- Cross-sectional structure-property relationship in a graded nanocrystalline Ti1−xAlxN thin filmActa Materialia102, 212-219 (2016)