PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
- Untersuchung der Grenzflächeneigenschaften von Barrieremetallen auf dielektrischen Schichten
(2014) - Advanced Diffraction Techniques for Microstructure and Stress Characterisation at Multiple Scales
(2014) - Bestimmung von Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen in nanostrukturierten dünnen Schichten mit Hilfe lokaler Charakterisierungsmethoden
(2014) - Plasticity and fatigue of miniaturized Cu structures
(2014) - Schadenstoleranz und Festigkeitssteigerung von Antriebskomponenten
(2014) - Die Versagensmechanismen pressgehärteter Stähle im Dreipunkt-Biegeversuch
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, November 2006, None (2014) - Einfluss von Materialeigenschaften auf das Betriebsverhalten von Eisenbahnschienen
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, November 2006, None (2014)
Conference Papers
Conference Papers
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Influence of metastable retained austenite on macro and micromechanical properties of steel processed by the Q&P process
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 163-168 (2014) - Effect of a single soft interlayer on the crack driving force
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 21-41 (2014) - A combinatorial X-ray sub-micron diffraction study of microstructure, residual stress and phase stability in TiAlN coatings
Surface & Coatings Technology, 108-113 (2014) - On problems with the determination of the fracture resistance for materials with spatial variations of the Young’s modulus
International Journal of Fracture, 23-38 (2014) - Eine Legierung aus fünf Metallen
Die Presse, 1 (2014) - Leobener Forscher finden neue Kältelegierung
Steiermark ORF, 1 (2014) - Neue Legierung auch für Tieftemperatur
APA Science, 1 (2014) - Innovatives Legierungskonzept mit außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften
APA Science, 1 (2014) - Neue Legierung wird bei tiefen Temperaturen zäher statt spröder
Der Standard, 1 (2014) - Legierung mit einem hohen Potenzial
Kleine Zeitung, 1 (2014) - Microstructural evolution in immiscible alloys processed by High-Pressure Torsion
Materials Science and Engineering, 1-8 (2014) - Deformation behavior of Cu-compoties processed by HPT
Materials Science and Engineering, 1-9 (2014) - Transmission electron microscope investigations on Cu-Ag alloys produced by high-pressure torsion
Materials Science and Engineering, 1-9 (2014) - A new basis for the application of the J -integral for cyclically loaded cracks in elastic–plastic materials
International Journal of Fracture, 77-101 (2014) - Microcantilever bending experiments in NiAl – Evaluation, size effects, and crack tip plasticity
Journal of Materials Research, 2129-2140 (2014) - Experimental and Theoretical Confirmation of the Scaling Exponent 2 in Pyramidal Load Displacement Data for Depth Sensing Indentation
Scanning, 526-529 (2014) - A fracture-resistant high-entropy alloy for cryogenic applications
Science, 1153-1158 (2014) - 3D Morphology of Fracture Surfaces Created by Mixed-mode II+III Fatigue Loading in Metallic Materials
Procedia Engineering, 74-77 (2014) - Intrinsic and extrinsic size effects in the deformation of amorphous CuZr/nanocrystalline Cu nanolaminates
Acta Materialia, 94-106 (2014) - Superior oxidation resistance, mechanical properties and residual stresses of an Al-rich nanolamellar Ti<sub>0.05</sub>Al<sub>0.95</sub>N coating prepared by CVD
Surface & Coatings Technology, 1119-1127 (2014) - Direct evidence for grain boundary motion as the dominant restoration mechanism in the steady-state regime of extremely cold-rolled copper
Acta Materialia, 401-410 (2014) - Evolution of residual stress and damage in coated hard metal milling inserts over the complete tool life
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 80-85 (2014) - Tungsten (W) Laminate Pipes for Innovative High Temperature Energy Conversion Systems
Advanced Engineering Materials, 1-11 (2014) - Rail grade dependent damage behaviour – Characteristics and damage formation hypothesis
Wear, 44-50 (2014) - Critical assessment of the determination of residual stress profiles in thin films by means of the ion beam layer removal method
Thin Solid Films, 321-330 (2014) - New insights into single-grain mechanical behavior from temperature-dependent 3-D coherent X-ray diffraction
Acta Materialia, 46-55 (2014) - Core polarity of screw dislocations in Fe–Co alloys
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 334-341 (2014) - Influence of heat treatment on the microstructural evolution of Al–3 wt.% Cu during high-pressure torsion
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 342-350 (2014) - Microstructural evolution of a focused ion beam fabricated Mg nanopillar at high temperatures: Defect annihilation and sublimation
Scripta Materialia, 44-47 (2014) - Mono-textured nanocrystalline thin films with pronounced stress-gradients: On the role of grain boundaries in the stress evolution
Journal of Applied Physics, 203507-1-9 (2014) - Impurity effects on the nucleation and growth of primary Al3(Sc,Zr) phase in Al alloys
Journal of Materials Science, 5961-5977 (2014) - Structure and properties of a nanoscaled composition modulated metallic glass
Journal of Materials Science, 5640-5645 (2014) - New insights on the formation of supersaturated solid solutions in the Cu–Cr system deformed by high-pressure torsion
Acta Materialia, 301-313 (2014) - A novel laboratory test rig for probing the sensitivity of rail steels to RCF and wear – first experimental results
Wear, 101-108 (2014) - Megan Cordill Finds "Piece" in Quilting
JOM, 540-541 (2014) - Fracture and R-curve behavior of an intermetallic b-stabilized TiAl alloy with different nearly lamellar microstructures
Intermetallics, 1-9 (2014) - Differences in deformation behavior of bicrystalline Cu micropillars containing a twin boundary or a large-angle grain boundary
Acta Materialia, 240-250 (2014) - Enhanced toughness and stable crack propagation in a novel tungsten fibre-reinforced tungsten composite produced by chemical vapour infiltration
Physica Scripta, 1-7 (2014) - Electrical Resistance Decrease Due to Grain Coarsening Under Cyclic Deformation
JOM, 598-601 (2014) - Die Versagensmechanismen pressgehärteter und hochfester Stähle im Dreipunkt-Biegeversuch
BHM, 122-129 (2014) - Near-threshold behaviour of shear-mode fatigue cracks in metallic materials
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 232-254 (2014) - Growth mechanism of Al2Cu precipitates during in situ TEM heating of a HPT deformed Al–3wt.%Cu alloy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 43-50 (2014) - Grain boundary excess volume and defect annealing of copper after high-pressure torsion
Acta Materialia, 189-195 (2014) - The Strengthening Effect of Phase Boundaries in a Severely Plastically Deformed Ti-Al Composite Wire
Metals, 37-54 (2014) - Damage evolution during cyclic tension-tension loading of micron-sized Cu lines
Acta Materialia, 297-307 (2014) - Improvements of strength and fracture resistance by spatial material property variations
Acta Materialia, 279-294 (2014) - Macroscopic Fracture Behaviour of CrN Hard Coatings Evaluated by X-Ray Diffraction Coupled with Four-Point Bending
Materials Science Forum, 272-279 (2014) - Multicomponent materials from machining chips compacted by equal-channel angular pressing
Journal of Materials Science, 1193-1204 (2014) - Electrical Resistance of Metal Films on Polymer Substrates Under Tension
Experimental Techniques, 1-8 (2014) - Depth-resolved residual stress analysis with high-energy synchrotron X-rays using a conical slit cell
Materials Science Forum, 72-75 (2014) - Evolution of the ω<sub>o</sub> phase in a β-stabilized multi-phase TiAl alloy and its effect on hardness
Acta Materialia, 241-252 (2014) - Supersaturation in Ag–Ni alloy by two-step high-pressure torsion processing
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 9-17 (2014) - Recovery of electrical resistance in copper films on polyethylene terephthalate subjected to a tensile strain
Thin Solid Films, 141-145 (2014) - Modified NASGRO equation for physically short cracks
International Journal of Fatigue, 200-207 (2014) - A new view on J-integrals in elastic–plastic materials
International Journal of Fracture, 77-107 (2014) - Reversible cyclic deformation mechanism of gold nanowires by twinning–detwinning transition evidenced from in situ TEM
nature communications, 5:3033, 1-10 (2014)
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
- Strukturuntersuchungen an einer High-Entropy Legierung
(2014) - Development of micrometer-sized specimen production processes for nonconductive materials
(2014) - The influence of high current densities on intact and cracked thin gold films on flexible polyimide substrate
(2014) - Role of microstructure on the electro-mechanical behaviour of copper films on polyimide
(2014) - Production and characterization of particle-stabilized nanocrystalline Cu for high temperature applications
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, November 2006, None (2014) - Oxidstabilisierte nanokristalline Metalle
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, November 2006, None (2014)