PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
- "Mechanical and Interfacial Integrity of Metal-Polymer Multilayer Systems"
(2017) - Depth resolved stress gradient and dislocation analyses in III-N multilayer structures
(2017) - "The Role of Interfaces in BCC Metal Plasticity Across Length-Scales and Temperatures"
(2017) - "Structural and Mechanical Gradients in Nanostructured Thin Films"
(2017) - "Damage Tolerant Design Concepts for the Application of High Strength Materials in Railways Switch Components"
(2017) - Application of the Configurational Forces Concept for the Design of Tough, Strong and Damage-tolerant Composites
(2017) - Structural Instabilities in Nanostructured Metals
(2017) - Thermo-mechanical Behaviour of Thick Copper Metallizations for Power Electronics
(2017) - Residual Stresses and Crack Growth in Microelectronic Thin Films
(2017) - Fatigue crack growth of noncrystalline and ultrafine-grained metals processed by severe plastic deformation
Conference Papers
Conference Papers
- Laser Ultrasonic Thin Film Characterization of Si-Cu-Al-Cu Multi-Layered StacksMaterials Today: Proceedings4, 7122-7127 (2017)
- Evolution of the microstructure in carbon nanotube reinforced Nickel matrix composites processed by high-pressure torsion , ARTN 012008 (2017)
- Finite element modeling of the residual stress evolution in forged and direct-aged alloy 718 turbine disks during manufacturing and its experimental validation , ARTN 070001 (2017)
- Pt nanoparticles modified Au dendritic nanostructures: Facile synthesis and enhanced electrocatalytic performance for methanol oxidationInt. J. Hydrog. Energy42, 22100-22107 (2017)
- Micro-Mechanical In Situ Measurements in Thin Film Systems Regarding the Determination of Residual Stress, Fracture Properties and Interface Toughness , 750-751 (2017)
- From an understanding of structural restoration mechanisms towards a selective processing of extreme nanolamellar structures (2017)
- Strength and ductility of heavily deformed pearlitic microstructures , ARTN 012003 (2017)
- Role of interfaces on microstructure refinement and mechanical properties of severe plastically deformed copper and copper-silver eutectic , ARTN 012021 (2017)
- Crack closure and retardation effects – experiments and modellingProcedia Structural Integrity4, 19-26 (2017)
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Microstructural influence on the cyclic electro-mechanical behaviour of ductile films on polymer substrates
Thin Solid Films, 644, 166-172 (2017) - Influence of solid solution strengthening on the local mechanical properties of single crystal and ultrafine-grained binary Cu–AlX solid solutions
Journal of Materials Research, 32, 4583-4591 (2017) - Strain dependence of diffusion in Zr-based bulk amorphous alloy
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 122, ARTN 245105 (2017) - Powder metallurgy of Al-based composites reinforced with Fe-based glassy particles: Effect of microstructural modification
Particulate Science and Technology, 1-6 (2017) - Combined TEM and XPS studies of metal - polymer interfaces for space applications
Surface and Coatings Technology, 332, 368-375 (2017) - Annealing effects on the film stress and adhesion of tungsten-titanium barrier layers
Surface and Coatings Technology, 332, 376-381 (2017) - Inkjet Printed Wiring Boards with Vertical Interconnect Access on Flexible, Fully Compostable Cellulose Substrates
Advanced Materials Technologies, 2017, ARTN 1700250 (2017) - Effect of Multiple Alloying Elements on the Glass-Forming Ability, Thermal Stability, and Crystallization Behavior of Zr-Based Alloys
Metallurgical and Materilas Transactions A (2017) - Interface and stability analysis of Tantalum- and Titanium nitride thin films onto Lithiumniobate
Appl. Surf. Sci., 425, 254-260 (2017) - Designing a multifunctional Ti-2Cu-4Ca porous biomaterial with favorable mechanical properties and high bioactivity
J. Alloy. Compd., 727, 338-345 (2017) - Influence of spherical particles and interfacial stress distribution on viscous flow behavior of Ti-Cu-Ni-Zr-Sn bulk metallic glass composites
Intermetallics, 91, 90-94 (2017) - High-throughput study of binary thin film tungsten alloys
Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mat., 69, 40-48 (2017) - Study of the structural defects on carbon nanotubes in metal matrix composites processed by severe plastic deformation
Carbon, 125, 156-161 (2017) - A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the Al-Melamine reactive milling system: A mechanistic study towards AlN-based ceramics
J. Alloy. Compd., 729, 240-248 (2017) - Powder metallurgical processing of low modulus beta-type Ti-45Nb to bulk and macro-porous compacts
Powder Technol., 322, 393-401 (2017) - Phase evolution and carbon redistribution during continuous tempering of martensite studied with high resolution techniques
Mater. Des., 136, 214-222 (2017) - Optimization of the Hot Forging Processing Parameters for Powder Metallurgy Fe-Cu-C Connecting Rods Based on Finite Element Simulation
Metall. Mater. Trans. A-Phys. Metall. Mater. Sci., 48A, 6027-6037 (2017) - Cyclically induced grain growth within shear bands investigated in UFG Ni by cyclic high pressure torsion
J. Mater. Res., 32, 4317-4326 (2017) - Dependence of fracture strain on flaw size in rail switches—Experiments and theoretical modelling
Engineering Failure Analysis, 85, 50-61 (2017) - Structural modification through pressurized sub-Tg annealing of metallic glasses
Journal of Applied Physics, 122, ARTN 215106 (2017) - Fracture toughness and structural evolution in the TiAlN system upon annealing
Sci Rep, 7, ARTN 16476 (2017) - 30 nm X-ray focusing correlates oscillatory stress, texture and structural defect gradients across multilayered TiN-SiOx thin film
Acta Materialia, 862-873 (2017) - Bond length deviation in CuZr metallic glasses
Phys. Rev. B, 96, ARTN 174112, 1-8 (2017) - Tailoring the magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Cu-Co alloys prepared by high-pressure torsion and isothermal annealing
J. Alloy. Compd., 725, 744-749 (2017) - Influencing the crystallization of Fe80Nb10B10 metallic glass by ball milling
J. Alloy. Compd., 725, 227-236 (2017) - New Insights into Nanoindentation-Based Adhesion Testing
JOM, 69, 2237-2245 (2017) - Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes reinforced Al matrix composites
Mater. Charact., 133, 122-132 (2017) - Giant thermal expansion and alpha-precipitation pathways in Ti-alloys
Nat. Commun., 8, ARTN 1429 (2017) - Wetting behavior and reactivity between liquid Gd and ZrO2 substrate
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 53, 285-293 (2017) - Atomic-Level Processes of Shear Band Nucleation in Metallic Glasses
Physical Review Letters, 119, ARTN 195503 (2017) - Substrate-Influenced Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of Copper Metallizations: Limits of Stoney's Equation
Materials, 10, ARTN 1287 (2017) - Structural modifications in sub-T-g annealed CuZr-based metallic glass
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 707, 245-252 (2017) - Rapid and partial crystallization to design ductile CuZr-based bulk metallic glass composites
Materials and Design, 139, 132-140 (2017) - Dominating deformation mechanisms in ultrafine-grained chromium across length scales and temperatures
Acta Materialia, 140, 176-187 (2017) - Resolving alternating stress gradients and dislocation densities across Al x Ga 1-x N multilayer structures on Si(111)
Applied Physics Letters, 111, ARTN 162103 (2017) - Transparent magnetic semiconductor with embedded metallic glass nano-granules
Materials and Design, 132, 208-214 (2017) - Fracture Mechanism of Coronal Teenage Dentin
RUSSIAN METALLURGY, 879-883 (2017) - Die Elektronik dehnen, bis sie bricht
Die Presse (2017) - New beta-type Ti-Fe-Sn-Nb alloys with superior mechanical strength
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 705, 348-351 (2017) - Synthesis and evaluation of new radical photoinitiators bearing trialkoxysilyl groups for surface immobilization
Polymer, 129, 207-220 (2017) - Atomic origin for rejuvenation of a Zr-based metallic glass at cryogenic temperature
J. Alloy. Compd., 718, 254-259 (2017) - A correlative experimental and ab initio approach to improve the fracture behavior of Mo thin films by alloying with Cu
Appl. Phys. Lett., 111, ARTN 134101 (2017) - Wetting, reactivity, and phase formation at interfaces between Ni–Al melts and TiB2 ultrahigh temperature ceramic
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101, 911-918 (2017) - MnFePSi-Based Magnetocaloric Packed Bed Regenerators: Structural Details Probed by X-Ray Tomography
Chemical Engineering Science, 175, 84-90 (2017) - Friction welding of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V parts
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 704, 66-71 (2017) - Effect of the cooling rate on the mechanical properties of Ti-Ni-Cu-Zr-based crystal/glassy alloys
Materials Science & Engineering A, 704, 147-153 (2017) - Effect of temperature on the fatigue-crack growth behavior of the high-entropy alloy CrMnFeCoNi
Intermetallics, 88, 65-72 (2017) - Processing of Ti-5553 with improved mechanical properties via an in-situ heat treatment combining selective laser melting and substrate plate heating
Mater. Des., 130, 83-89 (2017) - Development of advanced high heat flux and plasma-facing materials
Nucl. Fusion, 57, ARTN 092007 (2017) - Dislocation densities and alternating strain fields in CrN/AlN nanolayers
Thin Solid Films, 638, 189-200 (2017) - Effect of Al2O3 Nanoparticles as Reinforcement on the Tensile Behavior of Al-12Si Composites
Metals, 7, 1-11 (2017) - A Polymer Route to the Design of Thermally Stable Metal Matrix Composites: Materials Selection and In-situ Processing
Research and Reports on Metals, 1:3, ARTN 1000108 (2017) - Remarkable transitions of yield behavior and Lüders deformation in pure Cu by changing grain sizes
Scripta Materialia, 142, 88-91 (2017) - Crack path identification in a nanostructured pearlitic steel using atom probe tomography
Scripta Materialia, 142, 66-69 (2017) - Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Cu alloys fabricated by selective laser melting of powder mixtures
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 735, 2263-2266 (2017) - Femtosecond laser machining for characterization of local mechanical properties of biomaterials: a case study on wood
Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater., 18, 574-583 (2017) - Dislocation Movement Induced by Molecular Relaxations in Isotactic Polypropylene
Macromolecules, 50, 6362-6368 (2017) - On nanostructured molybdenum-copper composites produced by high-pressure torsion
J. Mater. Sci., 52, 9872-9883 (2017) - Micropatterning kinetics of different glass-forming systems investigated by thermoplastic net-shaping
Scr. Mater., 137, 127-131 (2017) - Generation of extreme grain aspect ratios in severely deformed tantalum at elevated temperatures
Scr. Mater., 137, 60-63 (2017) - Tungsten fibre-reinforced composites for advanced plasma facing components
NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY, 12, 1308-1313 (2017) - Deformation behavior of Re alloyed Mo thin films on flexible substrates: In situ fragmentation analysis supported by first-principles calculations
Sci Rep, 7, ARTN 7374 (2017) - Reordering a deformation disordered intermetallic compound by antiphase boundary movement
J. Alloy. Compd., 713, 148-155 (2017) - Impact of severe plastic deformation on microstructure and fracture toughness evolution of a duplex-steel
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 703, 173-179 (2017) - Hardening of shear band in metallic glass
Sci Rep, 7, ARTN 7076 (2017) - Verformungsinduzierte Übersätigung in unmischbaren Materialsystemen während der Hochdrucktorsionsverformung
Zeitschrift der Montanuniversität Leoben, 4-5 (2017) - An in-situ synchrotron study on microplastic flow of electrodeposited nanocrystalline nickel
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 701, 101-110 (2017) - From powders to bulk metallic glass composites
Sci Rep, 7, ARTN 6651 (2017) - Tensile, fracture, and fatigue crack growth properties of a 3D printed maraging steel through selective laser melting
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 725, 355-364 (2017) - In-situ tracking the structural and chemical evolution of nanostructured CuCr alloys
Acta Mater., 138, 42-51 (2017) - The effect of severe grain refinement on the damage tolerance of a superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy
J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 71, 337-348 (2017) - Reciprocating sliding wear behavior of high-strength nanocrystalline Al84Ni7Gd6Co3 alloys
Wear, 382, 78-84 (2017) - Microstructure and abrasive wear behavior of a novel FeCrMoVC laser cladding alloy for high-performance tool steels
Wear, 382, 107-112 (2017) - Effect of Co additions on the phase formation, thermal stability, and mechanical properties of rapidly solidified Ti-Cu-based alloys
J. Mater. Res., 32, 2578-2584 (2017) - Stability of shear banding process in bulk metallic glasses and composites
J. Mater. Res., 32, 2560-2569 (2017) - Insights into the deformation behavior of the CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy revealed by elevated temperature nanoindentation
J. Mater. Res., 32, 2658-2667 (2017) - Development and application of a heated in-situ SEM micro-testing device
Measurement, 110, 356-366 (2017) - Characterization of Al/Crystallized Al-Based Metallic Glass Composites Produced by Repeated Roll Bonding Process
Metals and Materials International, 23, 823-830 (2017) - Cryogenic-temperature-induced structural transformation of a metallic glass
MATERIALS RESEARCH LETTERS, 5, 284-291 (2017) - In situ TEM observation of FCC Ti formation at elevated temperatures
Scripta Materialia, 140, 9-12 (2017) - Ti-Fe-Sn-Nb hypoeutectic alloys with superb yield strength and significant strain-hardening
Scripta Materialia, 135, 59–62 (2017) - High resolution residual stress gradient characterization in W/TiN-stack on Si(100): Correlating in-plane stress and grain size distributions in W sublayer
Mater. Des., 132, 72-78 (2017) - β-type Ti-based bulk metallic glass composites with tailored structural metastability
J. Alloy. Compd., 708, 972-981 (2017) - Additive Manufacturing Processes: Selective Laser Melting, Electron Beam Melting and Binder JettingSelection Guidelines
Materials, 10, ARTN 672 (2017) - Experimental and calculation challenges of crack propagation in notches - From initiation to end of lifetime
Int. J. Fatigue, 103, 395-404 (2017) - Approximate stress intensity factor solutions for semi-elliptical cracks with large a/W and c/B under tension and bending
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 92, 167-177 (2017) - Corrosion properties of high-strength nanocrystalline Al84Ni7Gd6Co3 alloy produced by hot pressing of metallic glass
J. Alloy. Compd., 707, 63-67 (2017) - Effect of replacing Nb with (Mo and Zr) on glass forming ability, magnetic and mechanical properties of FeCoBSiNb bulk metallic glass
J. Alloy. Compd., 707, 78-81 (2017) - Selective laser melting of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu: Heat treatment, microstructure and mechanical properties
J. Alloy. Compd., 707, 287-290 (2017) - Formation of metastable cellular microstructures in selective laser melted alloys
J. Alloy. Compd., 707, 27-34 (2017) - Deformation Behavior of Powder Metallurgy Connecting Rod Preform During Hot Forging Based on Hot Compression and Finite Element Method Simulation
Metall. Mater. Trans. A-Phys. Metall. Mater. Sci., 48A, 2971-2978 (2017) - Mechanism of formation of fibrous eutectic Si and thermal conductivity of SiCp/Al-20Si composites solidified under high pressure
J. Alloy. Compd., 709, 329-336 (2017) - Crack driving force in twisted plywood structures
Acta Biomater., 55, 349-359 (2017) - Film thickness dependent microstructural changes of thick copper metallizations upon thermal fatigue
J. Mater. Res., 32, 2022-2034 (2017) - The bi-layered precipitate phase zeta in the Al-Ag alloy system
Acta Mater., 132, 525-537 (2017) - Simultaneous enhancement of strength and fatigue crack growth behavior of nanocrystalline steels by annealing
Scr. Mater., 139, 39-43 (2017) - Is the energy density a reliable parameter for materials synthesis by selective laser melting?
MATERIALS RESEARCH LETTERS, 5, 386-390 (2017) - Investigation of structure and thermal properties in composite materials based on metallic glasses with small addition of polytetrafluoroethylene
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 707, 264-268 (2017) - Nucleation and thermal stability of an icosahedral nanophase during the early crystallization stage in Zr-Co-Cu-Al metallic glasses
Acta Materialia, 132, 298-306 (2017) - Thickness dependence of the electro-mechanical response of sputter deposited Mo thin films on polyimide: Insights from in situ synchrotron diffraction tensile tests
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 697, 17-23 (2017) - Effect of Si content on the microstructure and properties of Al-Si alloys fabricated using hot extrusion
Journal of Materials Research, 32, 2210-2217 (2017) - Correlative characterization on microstructure evolution of Ni-based K403 alloy during thermal exposure
Acta Mater., 131, 169-186 (2017) - Dynamic nanoindentation testing: is there an influence on a material’s hardness?
Materials Research Letters, 5, 486-493 (2017) - Single-shot full strain tensor determination with microbeam X-ray Laue diffraction and a two- dimensional energy-dispersive detector
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50, 901-908 (2017) - Probing the dynamics of complexed local anesthetics via neutron scattering spectroscopy and DFT calculations
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 524, 397-406 (2017) - Structural, elastic and electronic properties of CoZr in B2 and B33 structures under high pressure
J. Alloy. Compd., 705, 445-455 (2017) - Dichlorosilane-derived nano-silicon inside hollow carbon spheres as a high-performance anode for Li-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem. A, 5, 9262-9271 (2017) - Mechanochemical synthesis of nanostructured metal nitrides, carbonitrides and carbon nitride: a combined theoretical and experimental study
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 12414-12424 (2017) - Revealing the Microstructural evolution in Cu-Cr nanocrystalline alloys during high pressure torsion
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 695, 350-359 (2017) - Temperature dependent structural evolution in nickel/carbon nanotube composites processed by high-pressure torsion
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 194, ARTN 012019 (2017) - Microstructure and texture evolution during severe plastic deformation of CrMnFeCoNi high-entropy alloy
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 194, ARTN 012028 (2017) - Selective laser melting of ultra-high-strength TRIP steel: processing, microstructure, and properties
J. Mater. Sci., 52, 4944-4956 (2017) - On the phase evolution and dissolution process in Cu-Cr alloys deformed by high pressure torsion
Scr. Mater., 133, 41-44 (2017) - Designing a novel functional-structural NiTi/hydroxyapatite composite with enhanced mechanical properties and high bioactivity
Intermetallics, 84, 35-41 (2017) - Monotonic and cyclic mechanical reliability of metallization lines on polymer substrates
J. Mater. Res., 32, 1760-1769 (2017) - A versatile atomic force microscope integrated with a scanning electron microscope
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 88, ARTN 053704 (2017) - Optimizing disk registration algorithms for nanobeam electron diffraction strain mapping
Ultramicroscopy, 176, 170-176 (2017) - Electrochemical and biocompatibility examinations of high-pressure torsion processed titanium and Ti–13Nb–13Zr alloy
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B Applied Biomaterials, 1-11 (2017) - Explicit relationship between electrical and topological degradation of polymer-supported metal films subjected to mechanical loading
Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, ARTN 191904 (2017) - Direct Observation of Current-Induced Motion of a 3D Vortex Domain Wall in Cylindrical Nanowires
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9, 16741–16744 (2017) - The use of femtosecond laser ablation as a novel tool for rapid micro-mechanical sample preparation
MATERIALS & DESIGN, 121, 109-118 (2017) - Deformation-Induced Supersaturation in Immiscible Material Systems during High-Pressure Torsion
Advanced Engineering Materials, 19, ARTN 1600675, 1-19 (2017) - Thin film adhesion of flexible electronics influenced by interlayers
Advanced Engineering Materials, 19, 1-7 (2017) - Fracture of severely plastically deformed Ta and Nb
Int. J. Refract. Met. Hard Mat., 64, 143-150 (2017) - Fatigue crack closure: a review of the physical phenomena
Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct., 40, 471-495 (2017) - Micro-patterning by thermoplastic forming of Ni-free Ti-based bulk metallic glasses
MATERIALS & DESIGN, 120, 204-211 (2017) - High cycle fatigue testing of thermosonic ball bonds
Microelectron. Reliab., 70, 91-98 (2017) - Microstructural Effects on the Toughness of a High Co-Ni Steel
Adv. Eng. Mater., 19, UNSP 1600633 (2017) - Extraction of Flow Behavior and Hall-Petch Parameters Using a Nanoindentation Multiple Sharp Tip Approach
Adv. Eng. Mater., 19, UNSP 1600669 (2017) - Phase Decomposition of a Single-Phase AlTiVNb High-Entropy Alloy after Severe Plastic Deformation and Annealing
Adv. Eng. Mater., 19, UNSP 1600674 (2017) - Complementary High Spatial Resolution Methods in Materials Science and Engineering
Adv. Eng. Mater., 19, UNSP 1600671 (2017) - Mechanical behavior of selective laser melted 316L stainless steel
Materials Science & Engineering A, 696, 113-121 (2017) - Magnon Mode Selective Spin Transport in Compensated Ferrimagnets
Nano Letters, 17, 3334-3340 (2017) - Electro-mechanical performance of thin gold films on polyimide
MRS ADVANCES, 1, 773-778 (2017) - Superlattice-induced oscillations of interplanar distances and strain effects in the CrN/AlN system
Phys. Rev. B, 95, ARTN 155305 (2017) - Peculiarity of self-assembled cubic nanolamellae in the TiN/AlN system: Epitaxial self-stabilization by element deficiency/excess
Acta Materialia, 131, 391-399 (2017) - Hierarchical surface patterning of Ni- and Be-free Ti- and Zr-based bulk metallic glasses by thermoplastic net-shaping
Materials Science and Engineering C, 73, 398-405 (2017) - Transient nucleation and microstructural design in flash-annealed bulk metallic glasses
Acta Mater., 127, 416-425 (2017) - Prediction of effective mode II fatigue crack growth threshold for metallic materials
Eng. Fract. Mech., 174, 117-126 (2017) - Influence of the Ag concentration on the medium-range order in a CuZrAlAg bulk metallic glass
Sci Rep, 7, ARTN 44903 (2017) - The driving force governing room temperature grain coarsening in thin gold films
Scripta Materialia, 130, 42-45 (2017) - Hysteretic behavior of soft magnetic elastomer composites
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 426, 60-63 (2017) - Extracting flow curves from nano-sized metal layers in thin film systems
Schripta Materialia, 130, 143-147 (2017) - Thermal stability and latent heat of Nb-rich martensitic Ti-Nb alloys
J. Alloy. Compd., 697, 300-309 (2017) - Microstructure and thermal expansion behavior of Al-50Si synthesized by selective laser melting
J. Alloy. Compd., 699, 548-553 (2017) - Fatigue crack growth anisotropy in ultrafine-grained iron
Acta Mater., 126, 154-165 (2017) - Defining the tensile properties of Al-12Si parts produced by selective laser melting
Acta Mater., 126, 25-35 (2017) - Impact of d-band filling on the dislocation properties of bcc transition metals: The case of tantalum-tungsten alloys investigated by density- functional theory
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 95, ARTN 094114 (2017) - Nanoindentation and wear properties of Ti and Ti-TiB composite materials produced by selective laser melting
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 688, 20-26 (2017) - Selective interface toughness measurements of layered thin films
AIP Advances, 7, ARTN 035307 (2017) - Ab-initio and experimental study of phase stability of Ti-Nb alloys
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 696, 481-489 (2017) - Rapid fabrication of function-structure-integrated NiTi alloys: Towards a combination of excellent superelasticity and favorable bioactivity
Intermetallics, 82, 1-13 (2017) - Structure of glassy Cu47.5Zr47.5Ag5 investigated with neutron diffraction with isotopic substitution, X-ray diffraction, EXAFS and reverse Monte Carlo simulation
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 459, 99-102 (2017) - Effect of annealing on the size dependent deformation behavior of thin cobalt films on flexible substrates
Thin Solid Films, 624, 34-40 (2017) - Deformation mechanisms during severe plastic deformation of a Cu-Ag composite
J. Alloy. Compd., 695, 2285-2294 (2017) - Additive Manufacturing: Reproducibility of Metallic Parts
TECHNOLOGIES, 5, ARTN 8 (2017) - Biocompatible 3D printed magnetic micro needles
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 3, ARTN 025005 (2017) - On room-temperature quasi-elastic mechanical behaviour of bulk metallic glasses
Acta Materialia, 129, 343-351 (2017) - In Situ X-Ray Synchrotron Profile Analysis During High Pressure Torsion of Ti
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2017, Magnesium Technology 2017, 645-651 (2017) - Strength distribution and fracture analyses of LiNbO3and LiTaO3single crystals under biaxial loading
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 37, 4397-4406 (2017) - Structural instabilities during cyclic loading of ultrafine-grained copper studied with micro bending experiments
Acta Materialia, 125, 351-358 (2017) - A novel setup for wafer curvature measurement at very high heating rates
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 88, ARTN 024709 (2017) - Structural anisotropy in equal-channel angular extruded nickel revealed by dilatometric study of excess volume
Int. J. Mater. Res., 108, 81-88 (2017) - Local melting to design strong and plastically deformable bulk metallic glass composites
Sci Rep, 7, ARTN 42518 (2017) - Nanoindentation testing as a powerful screening tool for assessing phase stability of nanocrystalline high-entropy alloys
MATERIALS & DESIGN, 115, 479-485 (2017) - Transmission electron microscopical study of teenage crown dentin on the nanometer scale
Mater. Sci. Eng. C-Mater. Biol. Appl., 71, 994-998 (2017) - Effect of growth conditions on interface stability and thermophysical properties of sputtered Cu films on Si with and without WTi barrier layers
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 35, ARTN 022201 (2017) - Co/Au multisegmented nanowires: a 3D array of magnetostatically coupled nanopillars
Nanotechnology, 28, ARTN 095709 (7pp) (2017) - Microtexture Analysis of Restoration Mechanisms during High Pressure Torsion of Pure Nickel
Materials Science & Engineering A, 684, 101-109 (2017) - Self-Terminating Confinement Approach for Large-Area Uniform Monolayer Graphene Directly over Si/SiOX by Chemical Vapor Deposition
ACS Nano, 11, 1946-1956 (2017) - The influence of microstructure on the cyclic deformation and damage of copper and an oxide dispersion strengthened steel studied via in-situ micro-beam bending
Materials Science and Engineering A, 687, 313-322 (2017) - Effect of thermomechanical processing on the mechanical biofunctionality of a low modulus Ti-40Nb alloy
J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 65, 137-150 (2017) - Composition optimization of low modulus and high-strength TiNb-based alloys for biomedical applications
J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater., 65, 866-871 (2017) - Influence of testing orientation on mechanical properties of Ti45Nb deformed by high pressure torsion
MATERIALS & DESIGN, 114, 40-46 (2017) - Nanostructured coatings for tooling applications
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 62, 219-224 (2017) - Micro-to-nano-scale deformation mechanism of a Ti-based dendritic-ultrafine eutectic alloy exhibiting large tensile ductility
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 682, 673-678 (2017) - Introduction
Journal of Materials Research, 32, 1-1 (2017) - Deformation mechanisms to ameliorate the mechanical properties of novel TRIP/TWIP Co-Cr-Mo-(Cu) ultrafine eutectic alloys
Sci Rep, 7, ARTN 39959 (2017) - Accelerated thermo-mechanical fatigue of copper metallizations studied by pulsed laser heating
Microelectronic Engineering, 167, 110-118 (2017) - Buckle induced delamination techniques to measure the adhesion of metal dielectric interfaces
Microelectron. Eng., 167, 63-68 (2017) - Influence of extreme thermal cycling on metal-polymer interfaces
Microelectron. Eng., 167, 17-22 (2017) - Formation of nanostructured metallic glass thin films upon sputtering
Heliyon, 3, ARTN 00228 (2017) - Intrinsic behaviour of mode II and mode III long fatigue cracks in zirconium and the Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Solid State Phenomena, 258, 265-268 (2017) - Microstructure, mechanical behavior, and wear properties of FeCrMoVC steel prepared by selective laser melting and casting
Scr. Mater., 126, 41-44 (2017) - Grain boundary design of thin films: Using tilted brittle interfaces for multiple crack deflection toughening
Acta Mater., 122, 130-137 (2017) - Improving strength and toughness of materials by utilizing spatial variations of the yield stress
Acta Mater., 122, 207-219 (2017) - Lifetime vs. rate capability: Understanding the role of FEC and VC in high-energy Li-ion batteries with nano-silicon anodes
Energy Storage Materials, 6, 26-35 (2017) - Granulation of Bulk Metallic Glass Forming Alloys as a Feedstock for Thermoplastic Forming and their Compaction into Bulk Samples
Materials Science Forum, 879, 589-594 (2017)
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
- Charakterisierung von neuen Schichtwerkstoffen auf Silizium mittels Nanoindentierung
(2017) - Thermisch aktivierte Verformungsmechanismen untersucht mittels Druckversuchen an ultrafeingekörnten raumzentrierten Vanadium
(2017) - Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of a Nanocrystalline Austenitic Steel
(2017) - The influence of deformation and proton-irradiation on the mechanical behavior in naonocrystalline stainless steels
(2017) - Automated Image Processing for Residual Stress Measurements of Thin Films using MATLAB
- Phase Identification and Size Evaluation of Mechanically Alloyed Cu-Mg-Ni Powders
In: Nanostructured Materials - Fabrication to Applications, Intech (2017, Ch.3) - High pressure torsion
In: Rosochowski A., ed. Severe Plastic Deformation Technology, Whittles Publishing (2017, Chapter 4) - In Situ μLaue: Instrumental Setup for the Deformation of Micron Sized Samples
In: Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science: From Fundamentals to Applications:, Wiley (2017, 425-438)