PhD Thesis
PhD Thesis
- Study on the interface structure of transition metal nitride thin films by advanced electron microscopy
(2021) - In-situ-Untersuchungen von Wasserstoff-Material-Wechselwirkungen
(2021) - Nanoscaled magnetic materials with tunable properties
(2021) - Cross-sectional Characterisation of Thin Films for the Knowledge-based Design of Hard Coatings
Conference Papers
Conference Papers
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Selective Laser Melting of TiC-Fe via Laser Pulse Shaping: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
3D Print. Addit. Manuf., 4, 57-63 (2021) - Iron-rich talc as air-stable platform for magnetic two-dimensional materials
NPJ 2D MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS, 5, ARTN 94 (2021) - Grain boundary segregation in Ni-base alloys: A combined atom probe tomography and first principles study
Acta Mater., 221, ARTN 117354 (2021) - Mechanism of cementite decomposition in 100Cr6 bearing steels during high pressure torsion
Acta Mater., 201, 79-93 (2021) - Effect of cold rolling on the pressure coefficient of glass transition temperature in bulk metallic glasses
Thermochim. Acta, 706, ARTN 179071 (2021) - Investigating the Structure, Microstructure, and Texture in Selective Laser-Melted Sterling Silver 925
Metall. Mater. Trans. A-Phys. Metall. Mater. Sci., 52, 5329-5341 (2021) - Rapid solidification and metastable phase formation during surface modifications of composite Al-Cr cathodes exposed to cathodic arc plasma
J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 94, 147-163 (2021) - Strain-hardening properties of the high-entropy alloy MoNbTaTiVZr processed by high-pressure torsion
Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., 21, ARTN 01065-5 (2021) - Synergistic Effect of Ni and Co Alloying on Corrosion Behavior of Fe(Ni,Co)P13C7 Metallic Glasses in 1M NaCl Solution
Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 16, ARTN 211256 (2021) - In Vitro Corrosion Behavior of Selective Laser Melted Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta
J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 30, 7967-7978 (2021) - Porosity and thickness effect of Pd-Cu-Si metallic glasses on electrocatalytic hydrogen production and storage
Mater. Des., 210, ARTN 110099 (2021) - Microstructure and mechanical properties of NiTi-SS bimetallic structures built using Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Mater. Lett., 303, ARTN 130499 (2021) - Direct observation of nanocrystal-induced enhancement of tensile ductility in a metallic glass composite
Mater. Des., 209, ARTN 109970 (2021) - Dissimilar welding of high-entropy alloy to Inconel 718 superalloy for structural applications
J. Mater. Res., 2021, ARTN 352 (2021) - Influence of high pressure torsion on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of AZ80/SiC magnesium matrix composites
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 826, ARTN 141916 (2021) - SHAPING A COMMUNITY: THE IMPACT OF THE MATERIALS PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING DIVISION
JOM, 2021, ARTN 04931-4 (2021) - Ti6Al7Nb-based TiB-reinforced composites by selective laser melting
J. Mater. Res., 36, 3691-3700 (2021) - Investigation on microstructure and texture evolution of Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-1Mo alloy during hot deformation
MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 8, ARTN 096520 (2021) - Assessment of grain boundary cohesion of technically pure and boron micro-doped molybdenum via meso-scale three-point-bending experiments
Mater. Des., 207, ARTN 109848 (2021) - Enhancement of Interfacial Hydrogen Interactions with Nanoporous Gold-Containing Metallic Glass
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 42613-42623 (2021) - Nanocrystalline FeCr alloys synthesised by severe plastic deformation-A potential material for exchange bias and enhanced magnetostriction
J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 534, ARTN 168017 (2021) - Improved fracture resistance of Cu/Mo bilayers with thickness tailoring
Scr. Mater., 202, ARTN 113994 (2021) - Cryo-Casting for Controlled Decomposition of Cu-Zr-Al Bulk Metallic Glass into Nanomaterials: Implications for Design Optimization
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, 4, 7771-7780 (2021) - Mechanochemical Synthesis of Rosin-Modified Montmorillonite: A Breakthrough Approach to the Next Generation of OMMT/Rubber Nanocomposites
NANOMATERIALS, 11, ARTN 1974 (2021) - Biomorphic porous Ti6Al4V gyroid scaffolds for bone implant applications fabricated by selective laser melting
PROGRESS IN ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, 6, 455-469 (2021) - First-principles calculations to investigate pressure effect on mechanical and thermal properties of ZrAl2
Comput. Theor. Chem., 1202, ARTN 113304 (2021) - Influence of substructures on the selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V alloy as a function of laser re-melting
J. Manuf. Process., 68, 1387-1394 (2021) - Effect of Interlayer Delay on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Wall Structures
MATERIALS, 14, ARTN 4187 (2021) - Effective Methanol Oxidation with Platinum Nanoparticles-Decorated Poly(2-bromomethyl-2-methyl-3,4-propylenedioxythiophene)-Coated Glassy Carbon Electrode
J. Electrochem. Soc., 168, ARTN 086503 (2021) - Atomic diffusivities in amorphous and liquid Cu-Zr: Kirkendall effects and dependence on packing density
Acta Mater., 214, ARTN 116993 (2021) - Copper and its effects on microstructure and correlated tensile properties of super duplex stainless steels
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 821, ARTN 141544 (2021) - Mechanisms controlling fracture toughness of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L
Int. J. Fract., 2021, ARTN 574-3 (2021) - Selective Laser Melting of Al-7Si-0.5 Mg-0.5Cu: Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure Evolution, Mechanical Properties and Wear Resistance
Acta Metall. Sin.-Engl. Lett., 21, ARTN 01279 (2021) - Hardness and failure assessment of a hot extrusion punch during service
Eng. Fail. Anal., 125, ARTN 105382 (2021) - Texture dependent strain hardening in additively manufactured stainless steel 316L
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 820, ARTN 141483 (2021) - Influence of Gradient Residual Stress and Tip Shape on Stress Fields Inside Indented TiN Hard Coating
Adv. Eng. Mater., 2021, ARTN 2100130 (2021) - Powder Diffraction Data of Aluminum-Rich FCC-Ti1-xAlxN Prepared by CVD
COATINGS, 11, ARTN 683 (2021) - Mechanical spectroscopy of metal/polymer composite membranes for hydrogen separation
J. Alloy. Compd., 866, ARTN 159014 (2021) - Spark plasma sintering of Ti6Al4V metal matrix composites: Microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties
J. Alloy. Compd., 865, ARTN 158875 (2021) - On the behavior of rhenium under high-pressure torsion at room temperature
Mater. Lett., 292, ARTN 129634 (2021) - Origin of Electrocatalytic Activity in Amorphous Nickel-Metalloid Electrodeposits
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 23689-23701 (2021) - Properties of HPT-Processed Large Bulks of p-Type Skutterudite DD0.7Fe3CoSb12 with ZT > 1.3
ACS Appl. Energ. Mater., 4, 4831-4844 (2021) - Spark plasma sintering of molybdenum silicides synthesized from oxide precursors
Ceram. Int., 47, 13827-13836 (2021) - Electrospun polyacrylonitrile/2-(acryloyloxy)ethyl ferrocenecarboxylate polymer blend nanofibers
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 1, 1 (2021) - Additive Manufacturing of Aluminum-Based Metal Matrix Composites-A Review
Adv. Eng. Mater., 2021, ARTN 2100053 (2021) - Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Ti-6Al-4V induced by annealing treatment
J. Cent. South Univ., 28, 1068-1077 (2021) - Atomistic understanding of creep and relaxation mechanisms of Cu64Zr36 metallic glass at different temperatures and stress levels
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 559, ARTN 120676 (2021) - Origin of strain hardening in monolithic metallic glasses
Phys. Rev. B, 103, ARTN L140107 (2021) - Self-Reducing Silver Ink on Polyurethane Elastomers for the Manufacture of Thin and Highly Stretchable Electrical Circuits
Chem. Mat., 33, 2742-2755 (2021) - Influence of high-pressure torsion deformation on the corrosion behaviour of a bioresorbable Mg-based alloy studied by positron annihilation
Biomater. Sci., 2021, ARTN: 00166c (2021) - A universal criterion for the failure threshold in slowly sheared bulk metallic glasses
J. Appl. Phys., 129, ARTN 155109 (2021) - Annealing of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy at High Pressures: Evolution of Microstructure and the Corrosion Behavior
MATERIALS, 14, ARTN 2076 (2021) - The formation of TiO2/VO2 multilayer structure via directional cationic diffusion
Nanoscale, 13, 7783-7791 (2021) - Griffith's Legacy to Alloy Design and Beyond
JOM, 2021, ARTN 4667-1 (2021) - Influence of Microalloying Elements and Deformation Parameters on the Recrystallization and Precipitation Behavior of Two Low-Alloyed Steels
Steel Res. Int., 2021, ARTN 2100065 (2021) - Effect of Pressure and Temperature on Microstructure of Self-Assembled Gradient AlxTi1-xN Coatings
COATINGS, 11, ARTN 416 (2021) - Tailoring Extra-Strength of a TWIP Steel by Combination of Multi-Pass Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Warm Rolling
METALS, 11, ARTN 518 (2021) - Synthesis of bulk reactive Ni-Al composites using high pressure torsion
J. Alloy. Compd., 857, ARTN 157503 (2021) - Phase Formation, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg67Ag33 as Potential Biomaterial
METALS, 11, ARTN 461 (2021) - Functionalized highly electron-rich redox-active electropolymerized 3,4-propylenedioxythiophenes as precursors and targets for bioelectronics and supercapacitors
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 6, 214-233 (2021) - Correlation between internal states and creep resistance in metallic glass thin films
J. Appl. Phys., 129, ARTN 085302 (2021) - Improved electro-mechanical reliability of flexible systems with alloyed Mo-Ta adhesion layers
Thin Solid Films, 720, ARTN 138533 (2021) - Influence of cold rolling on the fatigue crack growth behavior of tungsten
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 805, ARTN 140791 (2021) - Selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V: Effect of laser re-melting
Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process., 805, ARTN 140558 (2021) - X-ray Diffraction Computed Nanotomography Applied to Solve the Structure of Hierarchically Phase-Separated Metallic Glass
ACS Nano, 15, 2386-2398 (2021) - Geometrical model for calculating the effect of surface morphology on total x-ray output of medical x-ray tubes
Med. Phys., 2021, ARTN 14649 (2021) - Optimization of Mechanical Properties and Damage Tolerance in Polymer-Mineral Multilayer Composites
MATERIALS, 14, ARTN 725 (2021) - Effect of alloying elements on hydrogen enhanced decohesion in bcc iron
Comput. Mater. Sci., 188, ARTN 110215 (2021) - Adhesion evaluation of thin films to dielectrics in multilayer stacks: A comparison of four-point bending and stressed overlayer technique
Mater. Des., 200, ARTN 109451 (2021) - The Impact Resistance of Highly Densified Metal Alloys Manufactured from Gas-Atomized Pre-Alloyed Powders
COATINGS, 11, ARTN 216 (2021) - The S-content-dependent lattice structure evolution and bandgap modulation in quaternary MgZnOS alloy films
J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 54, ARTN 065104 (2021) - Direct determination of the area function for nanoindentation experiments
J. Mater. Res., 37, ARTN: 43578 (2021) - High entropy alloy nanocomposites produced by high pressure torsion
Acta Mater., 208, ARTN 116714 (2021) - Stress intensity factor for w-shape tension specimens
Eng. Fract. Mech., 242, ARTN 107478 (2021) - Microstructural Effects on the Interfacial Adhesion of Nanometer-Thick Cu Films on Glass Substrates: Implications for Microelectronic Devices
ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, 4, 61-70 (2021) - Stress-strain behavior and microstructural evolution of ultra-high carbon Fe-C-Cr-V-Mo steel subjected to hot deformation
Mater. Charact., 171, ARTN 110746 (2021) - Composite of medium entropy alloys synthesized using spark plasma sintering
Scr. Mater., 191, 46-51 (2021) - Core-shell structured NiCo2O4@Ni(OH)(2) nanomaterials with high specific capacitance for hybrid capacitors
Ionics, ARTN 03817 (2021) - Influence of the nitrogen content on the structure and properties of MoNbTaVW high entropy alloy thin films
J. Alloy. Compd., 850, ARTN 156740 (2021) - Controlling the high temperature deformation behavior and thermal stability of ultra-fine-grained W by re alloying
J. Mater. Res., 1, ARTN: 43578 (2021)
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
- Einfluss des Sprengverfestigens auf die Entstehung Craze Cracks bei Hadfield Stählen (2021)
- Fabrication and functionalisation of hierarchical micro-/nano-patterned bulk metallic glasses (2021)
- Parameters affecting refinement of powder-based W-Cu composites during high pressure torsion (2021)
- Strukturelle, elektrische mechanische Eigenschaften von dünnen AgAuSi metallischen Gläsern auf Polymersubstraten (2021)
- Microstructural Influence on threshold behavior and fracture toughness of additively manufactured y-Titanium Aluminides (2021)
- Mikrostrukturelle und Mechanische Eigenschaften von Si-legierten AlCrN Beschichtungen: Möglichkeiten zu Korngrenzendesign durch Segregation von CrN (2021)
- Zusammenhang zwischen Prozessbedingungen, Mikrostruktur und mechanischen Eigenschaften bei magnetrongesputterten, equiatomaren CrMnFeCoNi-Legierungen (2021)
- Eine multiskalige Strukturuntersuchung von metallischen Glasverbundwerkstoffen mit fortschrittlichen elektronenmikroskopischen Methoden (2021)
- Magnetostrictive behavior of severe plastically deformed, nanocrystalline materials (2021)
- Applicability of Hertzian contact mechanics on aluminium thin films (2021)
- Characterization of new transparent coatings for optical solar refectors (2021)
- Analyse der Dehnungsdaten aus Nanobeugungsverfahren (2021)