PhD Thesis
Conference Papers
Conference Papers
- Strong and stable nanostructured Ni by light alloying
HN Faester W. Huang X., ed. Nanometals - Status and Perspective, 399-406 (2012) - Nanocomposites and supersaturated solid solutions generated by SPD: the effect of initial strucutre and strain path
HN Faester W. Huang X., ed. Nanometals - Status and Perspective, 107-113 (2012) - Fatigue and cracking behaviour of austenitic CrNiMo and CrMnN steels in chloride containing environment at elevated temperature
European Structural Integrity Scociety (ESIS), ed., 1-11 (2012) - Simulation of crack propagation using hybrid Trefftz method based on a strip-yield crack-tip plasticity model for automotive crash applications
European Structural Integrity Scociety (ESIS), ed., 1-8 (2012) - Improvement of fatigue performance by residual stresses: a fracture mechanics approach
European Structural Integrity Scociety (ESIS), ed., 1-8 (2012) - A new SEM in-situ fatigue testing apparatus and its application for evaluation damage at higher load cycles
European Structural Integrity Scociety (ESIS), ed., 1-8 (2012) - Near-threshold Fatigue Crack Propagation under Mixed-mode II+III in ARMCO Iron
European Structural Integrity Scociety (ESIS), ed., 1-6 (2012) - Detection of broadband laser induced longitudinal ultrasonic pulses in ultrafine grain nickel by pancake coil
1433 AIP Conference Proceedings, ed., 733-736 (2012)
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Microstructure and vacancy-type defects of high-pressure torsion deformed Al-3 wt%Cu alloy
Journal of Applied Physics, 103506-1-7 (2012) - Microstructure and thermostability of a W–Cu nanocomposite produced via high-pressure torsion
Philosophical Magazine, 4151-4166 (2012) - Application of small-scale testing for investigation of ion-beam-irradiated materials
Journal of Materials Research, 2724-2736 (2012) - TiO2(100)/Al2O3(0001) interface: A first-principles study supported by experiment
Physical Review B, 205309-1-13 (2012) - Cyclic Deformation Behavior of a 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel Processed by High Pressure Torsion
Advanced Engineering Materials, 948-954 (2012) - Strength, Hardening, and Failure Observed by In Situ TEM Tensile Testing
Advanced Engineering Materials, 960-967 (2012) - Technical Note Verification of a continuum mechanical explanation of plasticity-induced crack closure under plain strain conditions by means of finite element analysis
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 762-765 (2012) - Influence of residual stresses and grain size on the spinodal decomposition of metastable Ti1−xAlxN coatings
Surface & Coatings Technology, 190-196 (2012) - X-ray nanodiffraction reveals strain and microstructure evolution in nanocrystalline thin films
Scripta Materialia, 748-751 (2012) - A novel approach for determining fracture toughness of hard coatings on the micrometer scale
Scripta Materialia, 708-711 (2012) - Issues to consider using nano indentation on shallow ion beam irradiated materials
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 136-139 (2012) - Sample Preparation by Metallography and Focused Ion Beam for Nanomechanical Testing
Practical Metallography, 343-355 (2012) - Novel temperature dependent tensile test of freestanding copper thin film structures
Review of Scientific Instruments, 1-10 (2012) - On the limits of the interfacial yield model for fragmentation testing of brittle films on polymer substrates
Philosophical Magazine, 3363-3380 (2012) - Yield stress influenced by the ratio of wire diameter to grain size – a competition between the effects of specimen microstructure and dimension in micro-sized polycrystalline copper wires
Philosophical Magazine, 3243-3256 (2012) - Robust mechanical performance of chromium-coated polyethylene terephthalate over a broad range of conditions
Philosophical Magazine, 3346-3362 (2012) - Investigation of reversible plasticity in a micron-sized, single crystalline copper bending beam by X-ray μLaue diffraction
Philosophical Magazine, 3231-3242 (2012) - EDITORIAL: Nanomechanical testing in materials research and development III
Philosophical Magazine, 3125-3127 (2012) - All-cellulose composites prepared from flax and lyocell fibres compared to epoxy–matrix composites
Composites Science and Technology, 1304-1309 (2012) - In Situ Study of γ-TiAl Lamellae Formation in Supersaturated α<sub>2</sub>-Ti<sub>3</sub>Al Grains
Advanced Engineering Materials, 299-303 (2012) - Characterization of the fracture toughness of micro-sized tungsten single crystal notched specimens
Philosophical Magazine, 1803-1825 (2012) - Influence of interrupted quenching on artificial aging of Al-Mg-Si alloys
Acta Materialia, 4496-4505 (2012) - Thermal behavior of Nickel deformed to ultra-high strain by high pressure torsion
Materials Sciene Forum, 387-392 (2012) - Frequency Dependence of the Coercivity of Soft Magnetic Materials
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1473-1476 (2012) - Yield and plastic flow of soft metals in small volumes loaded in tension and flexure
Philosophical Magazine, 3199-3215 (2012) - Advanced nanomechanics in the TEM: effects of thermal annealing on FIB prepared Cu samples
Philosophical Magazine, 3269-3289 (2012) - Local symmetry breaking of a thin crystal structure of β-Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> as revealed by spherical aberration corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images
Journal of Electron Microscopy, 145-157 (2012) - Quantum mechanically guided design of Co43Fe20Ta5.5X31.5 (X = B, Si, P, S) metallic glasses
Journal of Physics Condensed Mater, 175402(9pp) (2012) - Crystal orientation changes: A comparison between a crystal plasticity finite element study and experimental results
Acta Materialia, 2379-2386 (2012) - Kinetics and driving forces of abnormal grain growth in thin Cu films
Acta Materialia, 2397-2406 (2012) - Lateral gradients of phases, residual stress and hardness in a laser heated Ti0.52Al0.48N coating on hard metal
Surface & Coatings Technology, 4502-4510 (2012) - Extrinsic and intrinsic fracture behavior of high pressure torsion deformed nickel
Scripta Materialia, 507-510 (2012) - Evaluation of mechanical behavior of nano-grained 2024 Al alloy during high pressure torsion (HPT) process at various temperatures
Materials Science and Engineering A, 73-81 (2012) - Modeling microbending of thin films through discrete dislocation dynamics, continuum dislocation theory, and gradient plasticity
Journal of Materials Research, 612-618 (2012) - Direct Experimental Determination of Grain Boundary Excess Volume in Metals
Physical Review Letters, 055504-1-055504-5 (2012) - Numerical Simulation of Crack Growth in Polyethylene Composites by Means of the Cohesive Zone Model
Macromolecular Symposia, 311, 1-8 (2012) - A comprehensive study on the damage tolerance of ultrafine-grained copper
Materials Science and Engineering A, 89-96 (2012) - The structure and mechanical properties of spines from the cactus opuntia ficus-indica
BioResources, 1232-1237 (2012) - On configurational forces at boundaries in fracture mechanics
International Journal of Fracture, 174, 61-74 (2012) - Effect of grain size in compression deformation on the microstructural evolution of an austenitic stainless steel
Materials Science and Engineering A, 55-62 (2012) - A two-dimensional waveguide beam for X-ray nanodiffraction
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 85-92 (2012) - Crack growth rates and corrosion fatigue of austenitic stainless steels in high chloride solutions
Key Engineering Materials, 97-100 (2012) - Ultrafine grain structure evolution in AA6085 aluminium alloy processed by HPT at increased temperature
Materials Science Forum, 1864-1869 (2012) - Free volumes in bulk nanocrystalline metals studied by the complementary techniques of positron annihilation and dilatometry
Physica B, 2670-2675 (2012) - Elektronik für die Westentasche
Thema "Das Forschungsmagazin der ÖAW", 46-47 (2012) - Defects in Al-3 wt%Cu after high-pressure torsion studied by two-dimensional Doppler broadening spectroscopy
Physics Procedia, 10-15 (2012) - Schlüsseltechnologie der Zukunft
Thema "Das Forschungsmagazin der ÖAW", 38-39 (2012) - Vom High-Tech-Implantat bis zur Bio-Schraube
Thema "Das Forschungsmagazin der ÖAW", 44-45 (2012) - Ein Tiefseeschwamm zum Zähne-Ausbeißen
Thema "Das Forschungsmagazin der ÖAW", 42-43 (2012) - Bis ins kleinste Atom
Thema "Das Forschungsmagazin der ÖAW", 40-41 (2012) - Tuning the flow of light in seminconductor-based photonic crystals by magnetic fields
Photonic and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 60-68 (2012) - Observation of the critical thickness phenomenon in dislocation dynamics simulation of microbeam bending
Acta Materialia, 1603-1609 (2012) - Self-assembling (nano-)wrinkling topography formation in low-temperature vacuum deposition on soft polymer surfaces
Thin Solid Films, 2833-2840 (2012) - Semi-analytical approaches to assess the crack driving force in periodically heterogeneous elastic materials
International Journal of Fracture, 173, 57-70 (2012) - Dislocation-core symmetry and slip planes in tungsten alloys: A initio calculations and microcantilever bending experiments
Acta Materialia, 749-758 (2012) - Expected and unexpected plastic behavior at the micron scale: An in situ µLaue tensile study
Acta Materialia, 1252-1258 (2012) - The formation of supersaturated solid solutions in Fe-Cu alloys deformed by high-pressure torsion
Acta Materialia, 860-871 (2012) - Nanoindentation of polymers
Meccanica, 707-718 (2012)
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
- Lokale Verformungsanalyse an einem TRIP-Stahl
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, Dezember 2012, None (2012) - Bruchmechanische Untersuchungen an vier TNM Gefügen
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, Oktober 2012, None (2012) - Reversible Versetzungsbewegung in ein- und bikristallinen Kupfer-Mikrobiegebalken: Ein in situ µLaue Experiment
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, Oktober 2012, None (2012) - Lokale Verformungsanalyse an einkristallinen Cu- und Au-Mikrozugproben mit Hilfe von Bildkorrelationsverfahren und AFM-Messungen
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, Oktober 2012, None (2012) - Ermüdungseigenschaften und Mikrostrukturevolution von mikro- und nanokristallinen Mikrobiegeproben
Diplomarbeit, Montanuniversität Leoben, Oktober 2012, None (2012) - Charakterisierung von CrN-Filmen auf MgO-Substraten mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie
- On configurational forces at boundaries in fracture mechanics
In: A Micromechanics of Defects in Solids Pilar M. Eds., ed.Sevilla, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. (2012, 1-15) - Fracture Mechanics
In: E of C Wiley Nicolais L., ed.Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA (2012, 1126-1141) - Mechanische Eigenschaften in kleinen Dimensionen: neue Einblicke in das größenabhängige Verformungsverhalten von Metallen
(2012) - In-situ Electron Microscopy
Leoben, Charlottesville, Regensburg, Viley-VCH Verlag & Co. KGaA(2012,383)