Mag. Dr.

Sabrina Steindl-Kopf

was a research associate in the Balkan Studies Research Unit.

Brief Biography

Sabrina Steindl-Kopf holds a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Vienna, 2017. She is lecturer at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna and at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. In her dissertation titled ‘Ambivalences Within – Anti-Politics and the Power of the Marginal in Belgrade’s Activism of the City’ she explored two urban movements in the Serbian capital Belgrade focusing on activists’ imaginaries of their lives in a postsocialist and post-war city as well as their presentations of self and ‘other’. The PhD project was supported by grants of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, the University of Vienna and the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin.

Research Interests

Period: 20th-21th centuries
Area: Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the Balkans (particularly Serbia), Slovakia
Topics: Antiziganism and the inclusion of Roma in Europe; postsocialist transformation with a focus on social movements and civil society; urban anthropology

Selected Publications

  • “From the principles of tolerance and equality to the reproduction of marginalisation – Discussing European Roma policies”, in Antigypsyism in the European Union hrg. Von Markus End und Ismael Cortés (Brussels) erscheint 2019.
  • „Urban Grassroots, Anti-politics and Modernity: Bike Activism in Belgrade”, in Grassroots in the City: Urban Movements and Grassroots Activism in Central and Eastern Europe hrg. Von Kerstin Jacobsson (Farnham 2015): 99-118.
  • „Auswege aus struktureller Gewalt und ‚Marginalität‘? EU-Projekte für junge Roma in Österreich und der Slowakei“, mit Elisabeth Gneisz, in Aufwachsen im Ausnahmezustand. Sozialanthropologische Beiträge über Adoleszenz in Unsicherheit und Gewalt hrg. von Maria Six-Hohenbalken, (Wien 2013): 47-74.
  • „Roma and Sinti: The ‘Other’ within Europe”, in A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe hrg. von Ulrich Kockel, Mairead Nic Craith und Jonas Frykman (Oxford: 2012): 310-321.
  • Auswege aus struktureller Gewalt und „Marginalität“? EU-Projekte für Roma in der Slowakei, in Gesellschaft für Antiziganismusforschung, in Bürger & Staat (2018) 1/2: 52-57.