
Numerous implementations and algorithms for time frequency analysis can be found in literature or on the internet. Most of them are either not well documented or no longer maintained. P. Soendergaard started to develop the Linear Time Frequency Toolbox for MATLAB. It is the goal of this project to find typical applications of this toolbox in acoustic applications, as well as incorporate successful, not-yet-implemented algorithms in STx.


The linear time-frequency toolbox is a small open-source Matlab toolbox with functions for working with Gabor frames for finite sequences. It includes 1D Discrete Gabor Transform (sampled STFT) with inverse. It works with full-length windows and short windows. It computes the canonical dual and canonical tight windows.


These algorithms are used for acoustic applications, like formants, data compression, or de-noising. These implementations are compared to the ones in STx, and will be implemented in this software package if they improve its performance.


  • H. G. Feichtinger et al., NuHAG, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna
  • B. Torrèsani, Groupe de Traitement du Signal, Laboratoire d'Analyse Topologie et Probabilités, LATP/ CMI, Université de Provence, Marseille
  • P. Soendergaard, Department of Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark