Mag. Dr.


Stefan Strauß is a social and computer scientist researching at the nexus between IT and society, particularly on governance of socio-technical systems, privacy, security and surveillance, digital identity and privacy impact assessment. Current research focus on big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Further research interests include information- and computer ethics.


Born and raised in Upper Austria, Strauß received his diploma in business informatics/information systems specialising in information engineering and management at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz in 2007; his thesis dealt with e-government and its perspectives on electronic democracy. Strauß earned his PhD at the Technical University of Vienna (2018) in social and economic sciences. In his doctoral thesis, he analysed the interplay of privacy and socio-technical identification practices and developed a framework for privacy impact assessment based on a typology of identifiable information.


After a stay abroad in Berlin, Strauß worked in the field of e-participation between 2006 and 2007 and was involved in organizing and planning ICT-supported participation processes. Until 2008, he worked as web- and software systems engineer in a variety of software development projects. Since 2008 Stefan Strauß has been a researcher at the ITA in the field of information society, with a focus on e-democracy and the politics of information technologies. His scope of research includes a number of European research projects, e.g., on identity management, cloud computing and social networks, ICT-supported participation processes and e-democracy in Europe; security and vulnerability of critical infrastructures, the nexus between privacy, security and surveillance from the perspective of European citizens.


Selected Publications

His publication record involves a number of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters; main foci include, e.g., methods of citizen and public participation, identity management in the information society, privacy impact assessment, the tensions relationship between privacy and security, or the societal controversies of big data technology.


Tel.: (+43-1-) 51581-6599
Fax: (+43-1-) 51581-6570
Bäckerstraße 13, 1010 Vienna

