Artificial Intelligence and the Shaping of Democracy
Stefan Strauß is a social and computer scientist researching at the nexus between IT and society, particularly on governance of socio-technical systems, privacy, security and surveillance, digital identity and privacy impact assessment. Current research focus on big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Further research interests include information- and computer ethics.
Born and raised in Upper Austria, Strauß received his diploma in business informatics/information systems specialising in information engineering and management at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz in 2007; his thesis dealt with e-government and its perspectives on electronic democracy. Strauß earned his PhD at the Technical University of Vienna (2018) in social and economic sciences. In his doctoral thesis, he analysed the interplay of privacy and socio-technical identification practices and developed a framework for privacy impact assessment based on a typology of identifiable information.
After a stay abroad in Berlin, Strauß worked in the field of e-participation between 2006 and 2007 and was involved in organizing and planning ICT-supported participation processes. Until 2008, he worked as web- and software systems engineer in a variety of software development projects. Since 2008 Stefan Strauß has been a researcher at the ITA in the field of information society, with a focus on e-democracy and the politics of information technologies. His scope of research includes a number of European research projects, e.g., on identity management, cloud computing and social networks, ICT-supported participation processes and e-democracy in Europe; security and vulnerability of critical infrastructures, the nexus between privacy, security and surveillance from the perspective of European citizens.
TA Projects
Selected Publications
His publication record involves a number of peer-reviewed articles and book chapters; main foci include, e.g., methods of citizen and public participation, identity management in the information society, privacy impact assessment, the tensions relationship between privacy and security, or the societal controversies of big data technology.
Refereed Contributions
Refereed Contributions
- (2023). The body as permanent digital identity? Societal and ethical implications of biometrics as mainstream technology. Tecnoscienza – Italian Journal Of Science &Amp; Technology Studies, 14, 59-76. doi:10.6092/issn.2038-3460/17611.
- (2021). “Don’t let me be misunderstood” - Critical AI literacy for the constructive use of AI technology. Tatup - Zeitschrift Für Technikfolgenabschätzung In Theorie Und Praxis, 30, 44-49. doi:10.14512/tatup.30.3.44.
- (2021). Deep Automation Bias: How to Tackle a Wicked Problem of AI?. Big Data And Cognitive Computing (Bdcc), 2021, 1-14. doi:10.3390/bdcc5020018.
- (2020). Vom "Global Village" zur "Blackbox Society"? Digitale Identitäten und politische Kommunikation in Zeiten des Überwachungskapitalismus. Momentum Quarterly - Zeitschrift Für Sozialen Fortschritt, 9, 85-102. doi:10.15203/momentumquarterly.vol9.no2.p85-102.
- (2018). Identifizierbarkeit in soziotechnischen Systemen – Eine Typologie von Identitätsinformation für systematisches Privacy Impact Assessment. Datenschutz Und Datensicherheit – Dud, 42, 497-501. doi:10.1007/s11623-018-0987-0.
- (2018). From Big Data to Deep Learning: A Leap Towards Strong AI or 'Intelligentia Obscura'?. Big Data And Cognitive Computing – Bdcc, 2, online only – doi:10.3390/bdcc2030016.
- (2017). A game of hide and seek? Unscrambling the trade-off between privacy and security. In M. Friedewald, Burgess, J. P., Čas, J., Bellanova, R., & Peissl, W. (Eds.), Surveillance, Privacy and Security. Citizens´ Perspectives (pp. 255-272). Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge..
- (2015). Datafication and the Seductive Power of Uncertainty - A Critical Exploration of Big Data Enthusiasm. Information, 2015, 836-847. doi:10.3390/info6040836.
- (2015). Towards a taxonomy of social and economic costs. In D. Wright & R. Kreissl, (Eds.), Surveillance in Europe (pp. 212-218). London/New York: Routledge..
- (2013). Social network sites, privacy and the blurring boundary between public and private spaces. Science And Public Policy, 40, 724-732 (online first: 5/10/13). doi:10.1093/scipol/sct072.DOIRISENWBIB Abstract
With social network sites (SNS) becoming a pervasive phenomenon, already existing conflicts with privacy are further intensified. As shown in this paper, online and (once) offline contexts increasingly conflate, thereby posing new challenges to the protection of the private sphere. SNS quickly evolve their features and challenge privacy preferences, often without user consent; “social graphs” make social relations extensively transparent; social plugins interconnect user traces from inside and outside the SNS. As large amounts of personal information available in SNS are processed with rich context information, the individual’s informational self-determination is heavily strained. These data attract potential and real observers for behavioural advertising and profiling by security authorities alike. We argue that emerging SNS usage (social plugins, increasing role of biometrics, mobile computing) multiplies privacy challenges as all privacy types become affected. This raises additional demand for public policy to foster privacy-by-design combined with awareness-raising mechanisms to improve informational self-determination.
- (2012). Using online carbon calculators for participation in local climate initiatives. (E. Tambouris, Macintosh, A., & Sæbø, Ø., Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 7444. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer..RISENWBIB Abstract
The paper reviews various eco-feedback systems including carbon calculators and discusses how different disciplinary approaches conceptualise and explain anticipated impacts of these systems. The European collaborative research project e2democracy investigates how citizen participation combined with long-term CO2 monitoring and feedback can contribute to achieve local climate targets. Empirical results from local climate initiatives in Austria, Germany and Spain show positive effects in terms of learning about CO2 impacts, increased awareness, enhanced efforts and guidance as well as individual empowerment leading to slightly reduced CO2 emissions. The findings highlight that a combined approach integrating eco-feedback and (e‑)participation is promising to foster sustainability.
- (2011). The Limits of Control – (Governmental) Identity Management from a Privacy Perspective. (S. Fischer-Hübner, Duquenoy, P., Hansen, M., Leenes, R., & Zhang, G., Eds.), Privacy and Identity Management for Life – Revised Selected Papers. Retrieved from Abstract
The emergence of identity management indicates that the process of identification has reached a stage where analog and digital environments converge. This is also reflected in the increased efforts of governments to introduce electronic ID systems, aiming at security improvements of public services and unifying identification procedures to contribute to administrative efficiency. Though privacy is an obvious core issue, its role is rather implicit compared to security. Based on this premise, this paper discusses a control dilemma: the general aim of identity management to compensate for a loss of control over personal data to fight increasing security and privacy threats could ironically induce a further loss of control. Potential countermeasures demand user-controlled anonymity and pseudonymity as integral system components and imply further concepts which are in their early beginnings, e.g., limiting durability of personal data and transparency enhancements with regard to freedom of information to foster user control.
- (2010). National Electronic Identity Management: The Challenge of a citizen-centric Approach beyond Technical Design. International Journal On Advances In Intelligent Systems, 12-23. Retrieved from
- (2010). Electronic Identity Management in e-Government 2.0: Exploring a System Innovation exemplified by Austria. Information Polity - An International Journal Of Government And Democracy In The Information Age, 139-152..
- (2010). The Austrian case: multi-card concept and the relationship between citizen ID and social security cards. Identity In The Information Society, 65-85. doi:10.1007/s12394-010-0048-9.
- (2010). Datenschutzimplikationen staatlicher Identitätsmanagement-Systeme – Fallbeispiel Österreich. Dud – Datenschutz Und Datensicherheit, 99-103..
- (2009). The Citizen´s Role in National Electronic Identity Management. A Case-study on Austria. (O. Dini, Hoffmann, M., Klyuev, V., Noll, J., & Su, W., Eds.), The Second International Conference on Advances in Human-Oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services (CENTRIC 2009)Second International Conference on Advances in Human-Oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services - CENTRIC 2009. Porto: IEEE Computer Society..
- (2009). Understanding a complex innovation process: identity management in Austrian e-government. Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Social Networks: Making Connections between Citizens, Data and Government. Digital Government Society of North America. Retrieved from
Articles/Book contributions
Articles/Book contributions
- (2022). Vom demokratischen Ethos zum digitalen Pathos? Politischer Diskurs in der digitalen Transformation. In A. Bogner, Decker, M., Nentwich, M., & Scherz, C. (Eds.), Digitalisierung und die Zukunft der Demokratie (pp. 219-232). Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:10.5771/9783748928928.
- (2021). Biometrie für Konsument/innen: Bequeme Schlüsseltechnologie oder Überwachungstool?. In M. Reiffenstein & Blaschek, B. (Eds.), Konsumentenpolitisches Jahrbuch 2021 : Trends, Rechtsentwicklung und Judikatur der letzten zwei Jahre (pp. 233-261). Wien: Verlag Österreich. doi:10.33196/9783704688804.
- (2020). Demokratische Herausforderungen im Zeitalter des digitalen Wandels. In M. Hengstschläger & Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung, (Eds.), Digitaler Wandel und Ethik (pp. 22-37). Salzburg: ecowin. Retrieved from
- (2020). Die normative Wende in der TA – Eine Prozess-Perspektive auf Normativität in der Technikfolgenabschätzung. In Linda Nierling & Helge Torgersen, (Eds.), Die neutrale Normativität der Technikfolgenabschätzung: Konzeptionelle Auseinandersetzung und praktischer Umgang (pp. 77-96). Baden-Baden: Nomos/edition sigma. Retrieved from
- (2020). Farewell "Global Village"? Political (mass-)communication, digital identification and information asymmetries in the age of surveillance capitalism. Retrieved from
- (2019). Mission Control?. Tatup - Technikfolgenabschätzung In Theorie Und Praxis, 79-80. Retrieved from
- (2019). Digital vernetzte Identität. Privatsphäre ade. Tatup - Technikfolgenabschätzung In Theorie Und Praxis, 79-80. Retrieved from
- (2018). Wachsende Identitätsschatten – wo endet Privatsphäre? Zum Grundproblem sozio-technischer Identifizierbarkeit beim Datenschutz. Fiff-Kommunikation – Zeitschrift Für Informatik Und Gesellschaft, 35, 11-15. doi:10.1553/ita-pa-STR-18-1.
- (2018). Big data – within the tides of securitisation?. In A. R. Saetnan, Schneider, I., & Green, N. C. (Eds.), The Politics of Big Data: Big Data, Big Brother? (pp. 46-67). Oxon: Routledge..
- (2017). TA17 – Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt. Tatup – Technikfolgenabschätzung In Theorie Und Praxis, 26, 78-80. Retrieved from
- (2017). Privacy Analysis – Privacy Impact Assessment. In S. O. Hansson (Ed.), The Ethics of Technology – Methods and Approaches (pp. 143-156). London and New York: Rowman and Littlefield International..
- (2016). 'If I Only Knew Now What I Know Then..' – Big Data or Towards Automated Uncertainty?. (C. Scherz, Michalek, T., Hennen, L., Hebáková, L., Hahn, J., & Seitz, S., Eds.), The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment. Proceedings from the PACITA 2015 Conference in Berlin. Prague: Technology Centre ASCR. Retrieved from
- (2016). Electronic Participation in Europe. In R. Lindner, Aichholzer, G., & Hennen, L. (Eds.), Electronic Democracy in Europe. Prospects and Challenges of E-Publics, E-Participation and E-Voting (pp. 55-132). Cham/Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London: Springer..
- (2016). Outlook: The Way Forward for European E-Democracy. In R. Lindner, Aichholzer, G., & Hennen, L. (Eds.), Electronic Democracy in Europe. Prospects and Challenges of E-Publics, E-Participation and E-Voting (pp. 185-195). Cham/Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London: Springer..
- (2016). Collaborative Forms of Citizen (e-)Participation. In G. Aichholzer, Kubicek, H., & Torres, L. (Eds.), Evaluating e-Participation. Frameworks, Practice, Evidence (pp. 109-122). Cham/Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London: Springer. Retrieved from
- (2016). Evaluating Collaborative (e‑)Participation in Climate Protection: Approach and Field Study. In G. Aichholzer, Kubicek, H., & Torres, L. (Eds.), Evaluating e-Participation. Frameworks, Practice, Evidence (pp. 123-143). Cham/Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London: Springer. Retrieved from
- (2016). Comparing Output and Outcome of Citizen–Government Collaboration on Local Climate Targets. In G. Aichholzer, Kubicek, H., & Torres, L. (Eds.), Evaluating e-Participation. Frameworks, Practice, Evidence (pp. 167-193). Cham/Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London: Springer. Retrieved from
- (2015). Big Data - Towards a New Techno-Determinism? In: Proceedings of the ISIS Summit Vienna 2015, 3–7 June 2015; Vienna, Austria, T3.3008; doi:10.3390/isis-summit-vienna-2015-T3.3008. Retrieved from
- (2014). Responsible Research und TA – Innovationen neu gestalten. Bericht von der 6. Konferenz des Netzwerks TA und der 14. Jahreskonferenz des ITA Wien (NTA6-TA14). Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie Und Praxis (Tatup), 23, 106-110. Retrieved from
- (2014). Cloud Computing and Social Network Sites: US Leads, Europe Loses. Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie Und Praxis, 23, 71-75. Retrieved from Abstract
Cloud Computing and Social Network Sites (SNS) are some of the most controversially discussed IT developments in recent years. Huge expectations exist for Cloud Computing, providing lower costs of computing while increasing employment. However, Cloud Computing as well as the use of SNS may come with a substantial risk of losing data privacy. The project conducted on Cloud Computing Services and Social Network Sites addressed the potential and impacts of these technologies. The project report showed that (1) adequate data security and privacy are critical but difficult to achieve, that (2) more consumer protection is needed and that (3) the market for Cloud Computing is not growing as fast as initially forecast, resulting in a lower than expected increase of employment and lower contribution to GDP growth.
- (2019). Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society: Refining Privacy Impact Assessment. Privacy and Identity in a Networked Society: Refining Privacy Impact Assessment (p. 292). London/New York: Routledge. Retrieved from
- Sind soziale Medien eine Gefahr für unsere Demokratie?. Wien: Akademie im Dialog: Forschung und Gesellschaft. Retrieved from
Research Reports
Research Reports
- (2024). Sind soziale Medien eine Gefahr für unsere Demokratie? Stellungnahme der Ad-Hoc Arbeitsgruppe der ÖAW (p. 47). Retrieved from
- (2023). Digitalisierung, Vulnerabilität und (kritische) gesellschaftliche Infrastrukturen. Entwicklungsstand, Trends und zentrale Herausforderungen (Endbericht) (p. 130). Wien. Retrieved from
- (2022). Sichere Stromversorgung und Blackout-Vorsorge in Österreich. Entwicklungen, Risiken und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen (Endbericht) (p. 130). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-AIT-17.
- (2021). Der Körper als Schlüssel? Biometrische Methoden für Konsument*innen (p. 96). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-2020-03.
- (2019). Normativität in der Technikfolgen-Abschätzung – Abschlussbericht Arbeitspaket 2. Wien..
- (2018). Nutzung von Verkehrsdaten durch Mobilfunkbetreiber – Endbericht (p. 35). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-2018-03.
- (2017). Digitaler Stillstand: Die Verletzlichkeit der digital vernetzten Gesellschaft – Kritische Infrastrukturen und Systemperspektiven. Projekt-Endbericht (p. 86). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-2017-01.DOIWebsiteDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
Studie im Auftrag des Präsidiums der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Wien, März 2017 (überarb. Fassung v. Juni 2016)
Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung
der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Projektleitung: Walter Peissl
Autoren: Stefan Strauß, Jaro Krieger-Lamina - (2016). Studying smart energy solutions for small to medium consumers (Ko-AutorInnen des ITA: Michael Ornetzeder, Tanja Sinozic, Stefan Strauß) (p. 34). doi:/10.1553/ita-pb.
- (2015). Citizen Summits on Privacy, Security and Surveillance: Synthesis Report. Deliverable 6.10 of the SurPRISE project. Retrieved from
- (2014). Citizen Summits on Privacy, Security and Surveillance: Country report Austria. Deliverable 6.1 of the SurPRISE project. Retrieved from
- (2014). Potential and Impacts of Cloud Computing Services and Social Network Websites – Annex Social Network Sites (p. 52). Brussels. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-a65-8.DOIWebsiteDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
Cloud computing and social network websites (SNS) are part of the same societal transformation prominently exemplifying a paradigm shift stating that “the network is the computer”1. While cloud computing includes a variety of technical concepts, SNS represent a broad scope of services and applications addressing mostly end-users. Interrelations are particularly given as regards privacy and security challenges. This is also a core part of this report as privacy is among the heavily debated concepts of our contemporary societies – highlighted in particular by SNS.
The report is structured in four main parts: The first part (Sections 1-3) gives a broad overview on the evolution of SNS describing the main stages in the development process, the major factors determining the current state-of-the-art including insights into user motivations. Section 3 presents the main driving factors determining the current SNS, their main characteristics as well as core functionality of SNS. Based on these elaborations the second part (Section 4) gives an overview on the spectrum of identified societal impacts, discusses the role of SNS as a form of a (digital) semi-public space, as well as their potential for political participation and knowledge production. Section 5 analyses in more depth the privacy implications of SNS including some technical aspects and privacy-by-design concepts. The final Section 6 summarizes the key findings and draws conclusions referring to possible options to address the challenges identified. - (2014). Potential and Impacts of Cloud Computing Services and Social Network Websites – Options Brief (p. 4). Brussels. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-a65-7.
- (2014). Potential and Impacts of Cloud Computing Services and Social Network Websites – Study (p. 152). Brussels. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-a65-6.DOIWebsiteDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
Cloud Computing and Social Network Sites (SNS) are among the most controversially discussed developments in recent years. The opportunities of using powerful computing resources on demand via the web are considered as a possible driver for the growth of the European economy. However, there are also critics arguing that economic, social and technical risks prevail or even dismiss the potentials of Cloud Computing and SNS. This project sheds light on these aspects and analysed more specifically, the latest technological and economic developments, driving factors and barriers in Europe, the main actors and their respective interests, the impacts on citizens, business and public administrations and, a broad range of technical, economic, cultural, legal, regulatory issues and their impacts. It showed that at the moment, there is a chance to achieve multiple Cloud Computing and SNS related goals simultaneously. There are no contradictions between assuring European citizens, secure, privacy aware, legally certain and fair use of Cloud Computing and SNS and in increasing the competitiveness of European ICT industries. Moreover it is possible to exploit the potential of Cloud Computing and SNS to the benefit of both the European economy and society at large. Based on this a set of options for European policy makers grouped into four themes with in total 16 options was derived.
Make security a commodity
1. Support the development of open and secure software and hardware and encryption methods.
2. Encourage the use of checklists and security certifications.
3. Assess the economic viability of large hardware security modules.
4. Initiate a dialogue on the structure and governance of the Future Internet.
Establish privacy as a location advantage
5. Proceed with the modernization of data protection.
6. Establish the principles of security and privacy by design.
7. Support the creation of a European Data Protection Board.
8. Ensure the extrate - (2013). Potential and Impacts of Cloud Computing Services and Social Network Sites (p. 174). doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-a65-5.DOIWebsiteDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
Cloud Computing and Social Network Sites (SNS) are among the most controversially discussed developments in recent years. They are both part of the same societal transformation referring to a paradigm shift stating that “the network is the computer”. The opportunities of using powerful computing resources on demand via the web are considered as a possible driver for the growth of the European economy. Especially cost savings as well as increased productivity and mobility are seen as key elements by many experts. However, there are also critics arguing that economic, social and technical risks prevail or even dismiss the potentials of Cloud Computing and SNS. This project sheds light on these aspects and analyses the potentials and impacts of these developments. This includes a review of the technological and economic developments Cloud Computing is based on, an identification of driving factors and barriers for Cloud Computing in Europe as well as of main actors and their interests; and an analysis of impacts on citizens, business (including the IT industry itself) and public administration including a broad range of technical, economic, cultural, legal, regulatory issues and the impacts on society and economy as a whole. Cloud Computing not least includes a variety of technical concepts that alter computing infrastructures. SNS represent a prominent phenomenon grounding on Cloud Computing with a wide array of services and applications mainly focussed on end-users. Particular interrelations are given in terms of privacy and security challenges which are main issues addressed by the analysis of SNS related impacts.
- (2013). Social Network Sites: Potentials, Impacts and Major Privacy Challenges (p. 53). doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-a65-4.DOIWebsiteDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
This document represents the report for Phase 5 of the STOA project “Potential and Impacts of Cloud Computing and Social Network Sites”, presenting the key findings of this phase. Cloud computing and social network sites (SNS) are part of the same societal transformation prominently exemplifying a paradigm shift stating that “the network is the computer”1. While cloud computing includes a variety of technical concepts, SNS represent a broad scope of services and applications addressing mostly end-users. Interrelations are particularly given as regards privacy and security challenges. This is also a core part of this report as privacy is among the heavily debated concepts of our contemporary societies – highlighted in particular by SNS.
The report is structured in four main parts: The first part (Sections 1-3) gives a broad overview on the evolution of SNS describing the main stages in the development process, the major factors determining the current state-of-the-art including insights into user motivations. Section 3 presents the main driving factors determining the current SNS, their main characteristics as well as core functionality of SNS. Based on these elaborations the second part (Section 4) gives an overview on the spectrum of identified societal impacts, discusses the role of SNS as a form of a (digital) semi-public space, as well as their potential for political participation and knowledge production. Section 5 analyses in more depth the privacy implications of SNS including some technical aspects and privacy-by- design concepts. The final Section 6 summarizes the key findings and draws conclusions referring to possible options to address the challenges identified. - (2013). Impacts of Cloud Computing (p. 140). doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-a65-3.DOIWebsiteDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
This report focuses on the impacts of Cloud Computing and the resulting challenges. It is based on an evaluation of the available scientific and industry literature, as well as on expert interviews. It should be mentioned that statements regarding Cloud Computing in reports and media on this are often contradictory. One reason for this is that various definitions are used. Some authors apply “cloud washing” and rename traditional outsourcing or web services. Based on the previous deliverable we focus on common used definitions such as the one from NIST. A second issue is that statements often are based on experts estimation due to lack of reliable time series of data. This explains the great bandwidth of results, which have to be taken with care.
- (2013). Major security challenges, responses and their impact on privacy – selected security-oriented surveillance technologies. Deliverable 2.3 of the SurPRISE project. Retrieved from
- (2013). Plan for involving users and stakeholders. Deliverable 1.2 of the SurPRISE project..
- (2012). Surveillance, fighting crime and violence – IRISS Deliverable D1.1 (December 2012) (p. 415). doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-a62-a.DOIWebsiteDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
Deliverable No. D1.1 of the (FP7-) Project "IRISS – Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies". Objective: To investigate societal effects of different surveillance practices from a multi-disciplinary social science and legal perspective.
A report addressing and analysing the factors underpinning the development and use of surveillance systems and technologies by both public authorities and private actors, and their implications in fighting crime and terrorism, social and economic costs, protection or infringement of civil liberties, fundamental rights and ethical aspects. - (2012). Foundations of Cloud Computing – European Perspectives on impacts and potentials of Cloud Computing and Social Network Sites (Interim Report – Phase II) (p. 102). doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-a65-2.DOIWebsiteDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
The take-up of Cloud Computing is one of the most controversial developments within the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the last years. While its proponents argue with cost, security and technological advances that will result in more innovation and growth, its opponents argue the opposite way. Therefore the aim of this report is to lay the foundations for the overall project examing the challenges, impacts and benefits of Cloud Computing. This includes: analyse the basic concepts (incl. definitions, characteristics etc.) as well as the evolution of the concept (incl. predecessors and related concepts) and the underlying technologies; to review the market situation (incl. on overview of offered services and existing providers) and to analyse the adoption and usage patterns of Cloud Computing; identify driving factors and barriers based on existing literature as well as an initial assessment of indentified factors.
Conference Papers/Speeches
Conference Papers/Speeches
Stefan Strauß
Diskussionsrunde: "Taktik für TikTok – Gefahren der Radikalisierung für Kinder und Jugendliche" (Statement und Diskussion)
Parlamentarischer Roundtable, Palais Epstein, Wien
Other Invited Lecture -
, Wien
Stefan Strauß
CAIL - Critical AI Literacy: Fallstricke KI-automatisierter Wissensarbeit und Perspektiven sozialer Nachhaltigkeit
Fachtagung Beirat für Arbeit und Technik 2024: "Nachhaltigkeit und Künstliche Intelligenz", ÖAW Campus
Other Invited Lecture -
, Wien
Strauß, Stefan
CAIL - Critical AI Literacy: Kritische Technikkompetenz für konstruktiven Umgang mit KI-basierter Technologie in Betrieben - Vorläufige Zwischenergebnisse
Other Lecture -
, Wien
Strauß, Stefan
Soziale Medien, neue Teilöffentlichkeiten und verzerrte Diskurse. Keynote II
Dialogforum "Soziale Medien als Gefahr für die Demokratie"
Keynote -
, Feldkirch
Strauß, Stefan
Menschzentrierte KI Automatisierung: Zwischen Automation Bias und Critical AI Literacy
Schafferei Konferenz 2023: Technikfolgenabschätzung aus Arbeitnehmer:innen Perspektive
Other Lecture -
, Wien
Stefan Strauß
Podiumsdiskussion: Künstliche Intelligenz? Worauf vertrauen wir noch? (Statement und Diskussion)
APA Science Talk, Aula der Wissenschaften
Other Invited Lecture -
, Linz
Strauß, Stefan
TV-Diskussion: Künstliche Intelligenz im Vormarsch – wer behält Kontrolle über die Zukunft? (Statement und Diskussion)
DORFTV Sendung Der Stachel im Fleisch CXLV, Kunstuniversität Linz
Other Invited Lecture -
, Wien
Strauß, Stefan
Digitalisierte Infrastrukturen: Vom Hype zur (kritischen) Hyper-Konnektivität?
TA23 Konferenz: Infrastrukturen der Zukunft
Other Lecture -
, Graz
Strauß, Stefan
Automated for the people? a problem-oriented assessment framework to stimulate critical AI literacy
STS Graz Conference: Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies
Other Lecture -
, Wien
Strauß, Stefan Udrea, Titus
CAIL: Kritische Technikkompetenz für konstruktiven Umgang mit KI-basierter Technologie in Betrieben
Other Invited Lecture -
, Wien, Impact Hub Vienna
Stefan Strauß
Digitaler Humanismus in der Praxis: sind komplexe Systeme vereinbar mit demokratischen Prozessen? (Statement und Diskussion)
Vienna Digital Days 2022
Other Lecture -
, Wien
Strauß, Stefan Vogeler, Georg
Digitalisierung im demokratischen Diskurs: wandelnder Widerspruch oder Wegbereiter neuer Wissenskultur? (Moderation und Diskussion)
Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen des Colloquium Digitale: Digitalisierung, Mensch und Gesellschaft
Other Invited Lecture -
, Karlsruhe
Strauß, Stefan
"Something wicked this way comes" – the role of deep automation bias for critical AI literacy
5th European Technology Assessment Conference (ETAC5) July 25-27
Other Lecture -
, Wien
Strauß, Stefan Bettin, Steffen
Sichere Stromversorgung und Blackout-Vorsorge in Österreich: Entwicklungen, Risiken und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen. Studienpräsentation
Österreichisches Parlament (online)
Other Lecture -
, online (Brussels)
Peissl, Walter Strauß, Stefan Schaber, Felix
The body as key?
How safe is biometric data and what impact does it have on AI regulation? (BEUC-Webinar)
Other Invited Lecture -
, Wien
Bogner, Alexander
Vom demokratischen Ethos zum digitalen Pathos? Zur Transformation des Politischen im Kontext der Digitalisierung
Digital, direkt, demokratisch? Technikfolgenabschätzung und die Zukunft der Demokratie (NTA9-TA21)
Other Lecture -
Strauß, Stefan
Deep automation bias: how to tackle a wicked problem of AI and automated decision-making?
EASST/4S Conference: Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds, VirtualPrague, August 18-21
Other Lecture -
, Bratislava
Strauß, Stefan
Privacy impact assessment as prerequisite for responsible data-driven innovation
4th European Technology Assessment Conference: Value-driven Technologies: Methods, Limits, and Prospects for Governing Innovations. 4.-6. Nov.
Other Lecture -
, Bratislava
Strauß, Stefan
Dual-use by design? How ungoverned digital identification practices affect individual agency
4th European Technology Assessment Conference: Value-driven Technologies: Methods, Limits, and Prospects for Governing Innovations. 4.-6. Nov.
Other Lecture -
, Hallstatt
Strauß, Stefan
Vom "Global Village" zur "Blackbox Society"? Digitale Identitäten und politische Kommunikation in Zeiten des Überwachungskapitalismus.
Momentum Kongress 2019: Widerspruch, 10.-13. Oktober
Other Invited Lecture
Short Articles
Short Articles
- (2022). Secure power supply in the energy transition. ITA Dossier No 64en (August 2022, Author: Stefan Strauß, Doris Allhutter, Michael Ornetzeder). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-064en.
- (2022). Sichere Stromversorgung in der Energiewende. ITA-Dossier Nr. 64 (Juni 2022; Autor*innen: Stefan Strauß, Doris Allhutter, Michael Ornetzeder). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-064.
- (2021). Biometrics: The body as universal ID? ITA-Dossier no. 55en (April 2021; Authors: Stefan Strauss, Felix Schaber, Walter Peissl). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-055en.
- (2021). Biometrie: Körper als Universal-Ausweis? ITA-Dossier Nr. 55 (April 2021; AutorInnen: Stefan Strauss, Felix Schaber, Walter Peissl). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-055.
- (2020). Wegschauen ist keine Lösung – Gesichtserkennung braucht klare Spielregeln. Wiener Zeitung, Digitale Republik. Retrieved from
- (2019). Privatsphäre und Identität im digitalen Wandel. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from
- (2018). Digitalisierung und Gesellschaft: Digitalisierung des sozialen Zusammenlebens, Demokratie & Gesellschaft, Veränderung der Kommunikation. Kurzinformation für Veranstaltungsreihe „Wissenschaft und Politik im Gespräch“, initiiert von Präsident des österreichischen Nationalrats und ÖAW-Präsidium. Wien..
- (2018). How vulnerable are critical infrastructures? ITA-Dossier no. 33en (March 2018; Authors: Stefan Strauß, Jaro Krieger-Lamina, Walter Peissl). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-033en.DOIDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
-> Today, social and economic processes are highly dependent on different technologies and their interaction.
-> Critical infrastructures are therefore the "main artery" of the digitally networked society and their functionality is essential for the provision of services of general interest.
-> System failures due to external risk factors, errors inherent to the system or unknown weak points can seriously impair the stability of societal processes.
-> The creation of effective security measures requires above all a greater awareness of the previously underestimated problem of system dependencies. - (2018). Wie verwundbar sind kritische Infrastrukturen? ITA-Dossier Nr. 33 (März 2018; Autoren: Stefan Strauß, Jaro Krieger-Lamina, Walter Peissl). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-033.DOIDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
-> Gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Prozesse sind heute hochgradig von verschiedenen Technologien und deren Zusammenspiel abhängig.
-> Kritische Infrastrukturen sind damit die „Hauptschlagader“ der digital vernetzten Gesellschaft, deren Funktionsfähigkeit wesentlich für Daseinsvorsorge und Grundversorgung ist.
-> Systemausfälle durch externe Risikofaktoren, systemimmanente Fehler oder unbekannte Schwachstellen können diese Funktionsfähigkeit gravierend beeinträchtigen.
-> Die Schaffung wirksamer Sicherheitsmaßnahmen erfordert vor allem mehr Bewusstsein für die bislang unterschätzte Problematik von System-Abhängigkeiten. - (2016). Big data – Risks and side effects. ITA-Dossier no. 22en (May 2016; Author: Stefan Strauß). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-022en.DOIDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
-> Big Data steht für die Auswertung großer Datenmengen mittels digitaler Technologien und verspricht neue Einsichten und verbesserte Entscheidungsfindung in vielen Bereichen.
-> Potenzielle Anwendungen reichen von Trend- Prognosen bis zu medizinischer Forschung. Um das Potenzial auszuschöpfen braucht es ein tieferes Verständnis über Funktionen und Risiken.
-> Big Data kann Komplexität deutlich erhöhen und gepaart mit Automatisierung unerwartete gesellschaftliche Folgen mit sich bringen. Zentrale Anforderungen zur Risikobegrenzung sind Transparenz und Überprüfbarkeit von Big-Data-Analysen.
Autor: Stefan Strauß - (2016). Big Data – Risiken und Nebenwirkungen. ITA-Dossier Nr. 22 (Mai 2016; Autor: Stefan Strauß). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-022.DOIDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
-> Big Data steht für die Auswertung großer Datenmengen mittels digitaler Technologien und verspricht neue Einsichten und verbesserte Entscheidungsfindung in vielen Bereichen.
-> Potenzielle Anwendungen reichen von Trend- Prognosen bis zu medizinischer Forschung. Um das Potenzial auszuschöpfen braucht es ein tieferes Verständnis über Funktionen und Risiken.
-> Big Data kann Komplexität deutlich erhöhen und gepaart mit Automatisierung unerwartete gesellschaftliche Folgen mit sich bringen. Zentrale Anforderungen zur Risikobegrenzung sind Transparenz und Überprüfbarkeit von Big-Data-Analysen.
Autor: Stefan Strauß - (2015). Less privacy for more security? ITA-Dossier no. 17en (November 2015; Authors: Johann Čas, Walter Peissl, Jaro Krieger-Lamina, Stefan Strauß). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-017en.DOIDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
-> New surveillance technologies allow ever deeper observation of the lives of each individual.
-> Security measures are increasingly reliant upon surveillance technologies, based on the claim that more security requires infringements of fundamentalrights.
-> Citizens have more nuanced views: although the use of surveillance technologies is not rejected as such, it remains a contested issue. Therefore their utilisation should be limited categorically and strictly regulated and controlled.
-> The protection of personal data needs to be improved and ensured, also the case of security technologies. In addition, security should remain a public sector responsibility and social root causes of insecurity need to be addressed and solved.
Authors: Johann Čas, Walter Peissl, Jaro Krieger-Lamina, Stefan Strauß - (2015). Mehr Sicherheit durch weniger Privatsphäre? ITA-Dossier Nr. 17 (November 2015; Autoren: Johann Čas, Walter Peissl, Jaro Krieger-Lamina, Stefan Strauß). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-017.DOIDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
-> Neue Überwachungstechnologien ermöglichen immer tiefere Einblicke in das Leben eines jeden Einzelnen von uns.
-> Sicherheitsmaßnahmen greifen mehr und mehr auf Überwachung zurück, mit dem Argument, dass ein Mehr an Sicherheit eben Eingriffe in Grundrechte erfordere.
-> BürgerInnen sehen dies differenzierter: Der Einsatz von Überwachungstechnologien wird nicht per se abgelehnt, aber kritisch gesehen und sollte daher prinzipiell begrenzt, strikt reguliert und kontrolliert werden.
-> Der Datenschutz sollte verbessert werden, auch bei Sicherheitstechnologien. Außerdem sollte Sicherheit eine öffentliche Aufgabe bleiben und die sozialen Wurzeln von Unsicherheit müssten bekämpft werden.
Autoren: Johann Čas, Walter Peissl, Jaro Krieger-Lamina, Stefan Strauß - (2014). Big Data - vom Mythos zur Methode?. Apa Science. Retrieved from
- (2013). Privacy in Social Media. ITA-Dossier no. 5en (Dezember 2013; Autoren: Michael Nentwich, Stefan Strauß). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-005en.DOIDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
-> Nowadays, social network sites (SNS) such as Facebook or Twitter are ubiquitous. They increasingly develop into platforms combining many services.
-> SNS endanger privacy to a large extent as the relationships, contents and interactions displayed there can be matched to individuals.
-> The right of informational self-determination – that is the right to decide oneself about the disclosure and usage of one’s personal data – can hardly be exercised in a world characterised by SNS. In addition, this is aggravated by providers’ terms of use and business models, which favour large-scale linking-up.
-> Not least the recently discovered surveillance scandals underline the pressing need to design SNS in a privacy-enhancing manner. Privacy-by-design is essential when it comes to re-establishing the trust of the users. - (2013). Privatsphäre in Sozialen Medien? ITA-Dossier Nr. 5 (November 2013; Autoren: Michael Nentwich, Stefan Strauß). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-005.DOIDownloadRISENWBIB Abstract
-> Soziale Netzwerkseiten (SNS) wie z.B. Facebook oder Twitter sind heute allgegenwärtig. Sie entwickeln sich zunehmend zu Plattformen, die viele Dienste miteinander verknüpfen.
-> SNS berühren in hohem Maße die Privatsphäre, da die darin abgebildeten Beziehungen, Inhalte und Interaktionen Individuen zugeordnet werden können.
-> Das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung – also das Recht, selbst über die Preisgabe und Verwendung seiner personenbezogenen Daten zu bestimmen – ist in einer durch SNS geprägten Welt schwer durchsetzbar. Zusätzlich erschweren das die auf breite Vernetzung ausgelegten Nutzungsbedingungen und Geschäftsmodelle der Anbieter.
-> Dies, sowie die jüngst bekannt gewordenen Überwachungsskandale, machen den dringenden Bedarf nach einer die Privatsphäre fördernden Gestaltung von SNS („Privacy-by-Design“) deutlich. Privacy-by-Design ist entscheidend, um das Vertrauen der NutzerInnen wiederherzustellen. - (2013). Digital identities and the upcoming EU privacy reform – a future-proof approach?. LSE Media Policy Project Blog, London School of Economics and Political Science ( Retrieved from
- (2012). Kann Bürger/innen-Beteiligung zum Klimaschutz beitragen? Mitmachen beim Klimaschutz. Lange Nacht der Forschung 2012, Posterbeitrag am 27.04.2012, ÖAW – Aula der Wissenschaften, Wien. Wien..
- (2011). Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch BürgerInnenbeteiligung?. Ita-Newsletter, 5 f.Retrieved from
- (2011). UNESCO-Auszeichnung für Forschungsprojekt e2democracy. Ita-Newsletter, 2. Retrieved from
- (2024). Interview in ÖAW Wissenschaftspodcast Makro Mikro: Sind soziale Medien eine Gefahr für die Demokratie?. Retrieved from
- (2014). Overview of the joint results of SurPRISE citizen summits, Working Paper for the Stakeholder Workshop, SurPRISE Project..
- (2014). Overview of the joint results of SurPRISE citizen summits. Discussion paper for the SurPRISE Stakeholder Workshop - October 15, Florence, Italy..
- (2013). Social network sites, privacy, and the blurring boundary between public and private spaces. In: Book of Abstracts: Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions (1st PACITA project conference, March 13-15, 2013, Prague/CZ). pp. 145-146..
- (2013). E-participation in local climate initiatives: participants’ assessments of impacts. In: Book of Abstracts: Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions (1st PACITA project conference, March 13-15, 2013, Prague/CZ). Retrieved from
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