Blackout scenarios, risks and possible protective measures

This study for the Austrian Parliament asks how Austria would be optimally prepared for regional power failures and nationwide blackouts.

The power grid can be considered the main artery of critical infrastructures. Due to the energy transition, it is currently undergoing a complete transformation. The energy transition also increases the complexity of the energy sector as a whole. New challenges here are, for example, the need for efficient load management and stable supply security despite fluctuations. This ITA-AIT study for Parliament asks how in a crisis security of supply and rapid restoration can be ensured –even after the switch to renewable energies.

This study, conducted by the Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology will ask critical questions such as: What knowledge gaps exist? What is necessary, what is lacking, what need for action is there to prevent electricity shortages or blackouts from occurring or to ensure a rapid restoration of electricity supply?

Relevant developments in electricity supply in Austria and Europe will be taken into account, interviews with various experts will be conducted to shed light on the problems and associated challenges for Austria. Then it will be examined which technical and organisational measures are implemented in the event of an emergency, how the interaction of central actors in Austria functions at the provincial and the federal level and which emergency concepts, decision-making processes and reporting chains are associated with this. The aim is to create sensible measures to increase resilience.



  • EPTA [Hrsg.],. (2022). Disruption in Society - TA to the rescue! EPTA Report 2022 (p. 88). Brussels. Retrieved from
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2022). Secure power supply in the energy transition. ITA Dossier No 64en (August 2022, Author: Stefan Strauß, Doris Allhutter, Michael Ornetzeder). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-064en
  • Riedlinger, D. (2022). ITA-Dossier: Blackout vermeiden, aber wie?. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2022). Sichere Stromversorgung in der Energiewende. ITA-Dossier Nr. 64 (Juni 2022; Autor*innen: Stefan Strauß, Doris Allhutter, Michael Ornetzeder). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-064
  • Bayer, T., & Allhutter, D. (2022). Sichere Stromversorgung und Blackout-Vorsorge in Österreich (Infografik), Wien. doi:10.1553/ITA-pb-AIT-17
  • Allhutter, D., Bettin, S., Brunner, H., Kleinferchner, J., Krieger-Lamina, J., Ornetzeder, M., et al. (2022). Sichere Stromversorgung und Blackout-Vorsorge in Österreich. Entwicklungen, Risiken und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen (Endbericht) (p. 130). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-AIT-17
  • Riedlinger, D. (2021). Blackout und Cybersecurity: Parlamentsberatung wird fortgesetzt. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from
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Conference Papers/Speeches

Conference Papers/Speeches

  • 28/06/2023 , Salzburg
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina: 
    Versorgungssicherheit im österreichischen Stromnetz
    BBG zu Gast in Salzburg: Einfach vorbereitet sein: Krisen, Katastrophen, Blackout
  • 23/03/2023 , Wien
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina: 
    Blackout: Vermeidung und Folgen in Österreich
    Young Science Botschafter
    Other Invited Lecture
  • 01/02/2023 , Wien
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina: 
    Stromausfall und Internetausfall
    Young Science Botschafter
    Other Invited Lecture
  • 17/10/2022 , Berlin
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina: 
    Bericht über TA-Projekte „Blackout Vermeidung in Österreich“ und „Folgen eines Internetausfalls in Österreich“ (Statement am Podium)
    Disruption in society – TA to the rescue?, EPTA-Konferenz 2022
    Other Invited Lecture
  • 06/09/2022 , Wien
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina,  Steffen Bettin: 
    Präsentation der Studie Blackout und Versorgungssicherheit
    Symposium Blackout und Versorgungssicherheit
  • 29/04/2022 , Wien
    Stefan Strauß,  Steffen Bettin: 
    Sichere Stromversorgung und Blackout-Vorsorge in Österreich: Entwicklungen, Risiken und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen. Studienpräsentation
    Österreichisches Parlament (online)
    Other Lecture
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